
Hello Kasiyahan

Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

Vie_Mnd · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Raine's discovery

When jazz let me out, I didn't hesitate to go to the coffee shop just across the street. I just went out for fresh air to clear my mind about the incident.

I was already busy with my academics, the last thing i need is this. Gosh, i wish jazz could just take care of herself.

I'm so tired, but i just keep on a smile on my face. I'm literally the glass child of my family, and i can't take it anymore.

I went inside and straight to the counter and i was greeted by a woman who worked there. 

"Welcome ma'am! What would you like to order?" said the woman from the counter. My eyes searched the menu.

  "Umm just give me a coffee" I answered scratching my forehead.

"Coming right up!" She said happily and turned around to make the coffee.After a few minutes she was done.

"Here's you're order ma'am" she said as she reached for the coffee. I gave the payment

  "thank you ma'am!" and waved at me.

I was looking for a place to sit and lucky me I found an unoccupied table.

  I sat and had coffee for a while before i go back to jazz later

I stop to think that i should also get something for jazz. Damn that girl, it was obvious from the start that marc was just forced and  didn't  actually like her. I've told her a million times, but that girl is just delusional.

  I should have just brought jazz to the province to make his life better. My parent's divorce and her recent break-up is really getting to her.

When I finished my coffee, I ordered take out ice coffee and cheesecake at the counter.

"Alright, take a seat ma'am it'll take 20mins" the barista said.

Shit, i should've ordered earlier, their serving time takes forever to serve! I glared.

Without complaining i sat down but i was obvious that i was irritated which made the barista work faster.

After ten years. "Ahh ma'am here's your order please" the barista said nervously but with a smile. I almost felt bad for glaring at her earlier. 


The people who work here are kind. This is the only place I can always relax and clear my head.

I looked at her name tag to find out the name. Summer? What a nice name. She smiled at me, i was frozen for a moment i don't know why but she just looked so pretty. I haven't noticed that before because i was so stressed out think about jazz.

"Ahh, okay thank you s-summer" she reminded me of someone. Someone i knew before..

Then the memories flew back and i felt an ache in my chest.

"You're welcome ma'am, come again" She said without losing the smile on her face. I quickly got back to my senses and looked away.

Memories of this particular girl kept circulating in my mind. There was something off about this girl, but I didn't think much of that. I quickly remember jazz and that she was probably waiting for me.

I packed my bag to leave when marc suddenly entered the coffee shop. I quickly hid and covered my face with a newspaper to avoid contact with him. Honestly i can't deal with him anymore.

Honestly, I want to slap him right her but i'm too afraid to make a scene in front of so many people. Summer came out to greet him... and hugged him? Wait, what's going on?

I was surprised when marc suddenly kissed summer. Wait, are these two together!? I do not know! I stood up to go out. 

The audacity of that man to make out with another girl after nearly destroying my sister's life?

So he was playing two girls. He doesn't deserve them.

How could he do this to jazz!? 

Jazz even introduced him to our mother. Now i know why he looked nervous when my mom asked him if he was serious.

Ugh, Men.


I really need to bring jazz back to the province i don't want her to see marc with another girl after their break-up. That would literally crush her even more.


Her illness might get worse.

I walked back to jazz's hospital room and  was surprised when I saw the nurse who looked like she was about to cry. Before I entering the jazz room I asked the nurse.

"Is there something wrong?" She looked at me with a terrified face. She was hesitant to answer.

I shouted at her. Her whole body was shaking, she was even more scared.

I entered the room and was surprised when i saw that there was no sign of jazz. She's gone "Where's jazz!?" I screamed.

The nurse was shaking and couldn't even spit out a single word.

"S-she was crying hysterically and wanted to leave so i-" The nurse was a stuttering mess. I got even more nervous.

"Leave !? Why would you let her leave !?" I shouted, filling the whole room with my loud voice.

"You literally had one fucking job!" i yelled even more.

"We didn't let her out she just escaped" One nurse nervously said.

Escaped!? HAHA! The nurses here are so worthless, gosh! The guards didn't even saw her? Unbelievable.

This is bullshit!

"You guys are worthless!" Simultaneously rolled my eyes at the female nurse. I took our belongings to the room and left.

I have no time to argue with them, i need to find where jazz went.


I dialed alex's our younger brother's phone. Maybe he knows where she is.

(Hello sissy) alex jokingly greeted.

"Alex is jazz at home with you?!" I asked with a shaky voice.

(HAHAHA! Quit messing around, how could she be here when she's at the hospital with you?) he asked with a laugh.

"Do you know where she is?! Goddamnit just answer!" Out of anger, i didn't even notice that i was already screaming at him.

(Huh? No .. b-why—) I didn't let him finish because I was in a hurry to find jazz. I don't know how to tell this new to our mother.