
Hell Of A Time

A new demon has arrived!

Starr_Dakota · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Heaven and Hell

"What do you want Michael?" Lucifer asked as he allowed Michael into Hell, "If it's about Damian then I can't help you. He disappeared weeks ago."

"I think he's harboring Death's soul and I need to tell you the truth about him." Michael explained with a sad look, "He isn't my only child. I also have a daughter who is Damian's twin sister. I had to separate them when they young because they were simply too strong for their age and being children they also got into fights that even I could barely stop back then."

"That certainly explains the other power I noticed appear on Earth but knowing how Death was before her own death I doubt she has anything to do with the strength those two hold." Lucofer said as he sat in the large chair in his office, "Do you think they could be a risk to everything?"

"Not at all.. Damian has always been a neutral force when it comes to the Living World and ours. I know Grace has been as well or they would have met long ago." Michael explained, "My worry is that War and Famine have began to make their move after Pestilence's death by Damian's hands. I'm sure they didn't care about him but without his strength their plans have been forced to speed up and with Father's refusal to leave the highest realm Heaven doesn't have the power to stop them one."

"So you want to team up with Hell so you can have a better chance?" Lucifer asked with an annoyed tone at his proposal, "What makes you think I would be willing to help you?"

"Those two won't stop with the Living World. They hate all forms of life so it would make sense that they will attack Heaven and Hell regardless of our standpoints," Michael told him with an equally annoyed tone, "and with Damian and Grace being neutral I doubt they'll help us. It's more likely that they simply want to stay out of it but I'm sure they will only get involved if they're forced to."

"I've seen how Damian is. Despite what he says he isn't going to allow them to destroy everything. I've seen him protect demons he has no real connection with." Lucifer told him with a smug grin, "If your daughter is anything like him then we should let them handle this however they like. I doubt they'll listen to us anyways and we both know we can't make enemies of them as well without a large amount of casualties."

"We'll just hope that we don't become the targets of their aggression. I'll be letting Heaven know to leave those two be." Michael told him with a sigh, "Please consider my offer and let me know."

"I won't promise anything." Lucifer told him calmly, "Even if I agree you have to remember that Heaven has been slaughtering demons every year for a very long time."

"I know." Michael said before returning to Heaven. Lucifer looked at his ceiling and pulled his phone out to call Charlie's hotel.

"I need to speak with my daughter Charlie." Lucifer said as he covered his eyes with his hand.

~The Living World~

"It's been a week and there's been no sign of anything but humans in the city. Do you think they've given up for now?" Grave asked as she looked out of the window at the humans, "It's strange."

"I doubt it. I'm sure they are terrifying another city nearby." Damian said as he stood up and wiped the dirt off of his pants, "For now we should move out before they realized we're still here."

"Where would we even go?" Grace asked him as she leaned her back against a wall, "Heaven and Hell aren't going to allow us in and the human world is a hot zone."

"They've never considered me an ally so nothing has changed there but you're right. For now I doubt either of them are willing to fight us and the human world has plenty of places we would be able to hide out better than here." Damian explained, "I'm sure you could think of somewhere after laying low for so long."

"There's an old cabin in an forest about 100 miles from here." Grace said as she began to walk out of the building, "I stayed there for a long time and never seen anyone there."

"Better than nothing." Damian said before he phone started to ring and he looked to see who it was, "It's Lucifer's daughter."

"I don't think it's a good idea to answer that." Grace told him and he nodded as he crushed his phone. They manifested their wings and flew as fast as they could before someone could notice them. Damian pulled his sword out and slashed the air in front of Grace, making a rift that she flew through before she could react. The last thing she saw was Damian blocking the sword of an unknown man.

"Grace?!" Michael asked as she tumbled along the floor of his office and taking him by surprise, "How'd you get here?!"

"I have to get back to Earth!" She yelled in a panic, "Damian is fighting someone and he sent me here before I could realize what was going on!"

"It'll take some time but we will get there!" Michael said as he ran to the control room.