
Hell Of A Time

A new demon has arrived!

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Absolute Power

"Who the hell are you?!" Damian asked as struggled to block the man's sword. The man knocked Damian's sword upwards and quickly stabbed him through the chest with a wicked smile. Before he knew it the man's nose was pouring blood and he was several feet away from Damian. He was in utter shock as Damian pulled the sword out of his chest with ease and tossed it away.

"Pestilence tried the same thing and it didn't kill me then. What makes you think that that excise for a sword has anywhere near the same power as mine?" Damian asked as his black wings appeared and his eyes turned pitch black with gold irises, "Judging from your body you're Famine, right? I know you're stronger than this so why don't we stop playing around?"

"Heh." Famine tried to laugh body seemed to weak to even laugh. Damian covered his eyes from the wind caused by Famine unleashing his power and his body became healthy and more muscular. Damian felt his arm break as Famine twisted it before he could react but to Famine's surprise he didn't react from the pain. He released his grip on Damian's arm when he got a knee to his jaw and watched as Damian's arm healed near instantly.

"I see why that weakling Pestilence died. You are not a person most could handle." Famine said as he placed a hand on Damian's chest without Damian realizing he moved. Damian felt his soul being pulled out of him before Death's took his place.

"Grace what's wrong?!" Michael asked when Grace collapsed to the ground and held her chest while taking ragged breaths. The light faded from Damian's eyes as pain shot through his body and floated in the air without moving as Death's soul was beginning to be torn from his body.

'Take care you two. It was interesting watching you two grow.' Death told the twins before Famine crushed her soul believing it to be Damian's.

"So this is the legendary sword forged by Michael?" Famine said as he reached Damian's sword to take it back to War as proof that he had succeeded. The moment he touched it his chest suddenly sprayed blood and couldn't process what had caused the slice across his body until he looked Damian in the eyes. He looked stoic on the surface but it was clear that he was enraged.

"Grace are you ok?" Michael asked her with a caring voice, "Is it Damian?"

"No, Death's soul has been destroyed. I'm sure it was the man Damian's fighting." Grace told him and to her surprise he didn't look shocked, "That guy is definitely on a whole other league than us."

"This is curious." Famine said as Damian ran his hand through his hair and slicked it back. A portal suddenly opened behind Damian and he looked over to see Grace, Michael and some of Heaven's soldiers coming out of it.

"I'll deal with you later." Damian told Famine with an uncharacteristic tone and Famine chuckled before trying to fly away.

"No you don't!" Michael yelled as his soldiers flew past Damian. The moment they were im front of him they began to fall to the ground with blood spraying around their bodies. Grace and Michael looked at Damian with utter disbelief as he put his sword back into its scabbard.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Grace asked and Damian gave her a cold stare, "They were on our side!"

"No they were on your side." Damian told her with a calm tone as if nothing had happened, "I never sided with Heaven, Hell or the Living World nor have any of them been my enemies in the past but if you try to interfere with my business again then the consequences with be dire."

"You need to calm down." Michael told him with a stern but soft voice, "Your thoughts must be chaotic now that Death has be separated from your soul."

"My thoughts are clearer than ever." Damian told him with an uncaring look, "I don't have anyone trying to lead me around now and I can see what needs to be done."

"You're talking nonsense!" Grace yelled at him as she rushed forward with her sword ready, "I haven't changed and Death was finished off in your fight!"

"You're a fool." Damian scolded as he reflected her sword without removing his from its scabbard, "Death's soul was split in two. My half is gone but yours remains. Now stay out of my way."

"I'm going to stop you whether you want me to or not!" Grace yelled as they disappeared in flashes of blue and red light. Michael watched in sadness as sparks of metal clashing with metal filled the sky and with a new determination flew towards his children. They both kicked him in the chest and sent him rocketing towards the ground.

"Stay out of this!" They yelled in unison before looking at each other in calm anger. Damian sighed and turned away from her. He cut a rift in reality and sighed before throwing her his handguns and shoulder holsters.

"Consider that a gift. I won't be needing those anymore." Damian told her and walked through the rift.