
Hell hound reincarnation

I was just your average teen Well... Average as in I don't talk to anybody Some will call me a loner But that doesn't matter To put it short I died. How I died is just average. Some fat kid jumped on top of me while swimming. I was knocked out by him landing on my head. Some parents should teach their kids better. I died cause some fat ass jumped on me Now here I am. Not quite human. Not am I a beast. My best word to describe what I am is a human-like monster. Let's hope nobody kills me... Right?

ShoninRonin · Autres
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24 Chs

Near death

I looked at the demon in front of me. Behind him, Shiva was down on the ground, unconscious.

Then, the demon lunged at me. I rolled to the side.

Without giving me a break, he jumped at me again. I blast him with my flames.

"̶̠̦̏͗ ̷̢̱̎̀̈́T̵̰̒̐̾ḧ̸̞́a̵̛͖t̵̙̎̒͘͜ ̵̧̫̄d̵̝̈́̊͠o̸͎̙̩̽͋e̵̩̫̖̕s̷̜̟̦̍̈́͊n̶͉̊̕'̴̡̛̰̈́͘ṫ̷̡͔̜̌ ̸̖͆̕w̴̢̰͗̿͋o̸̠͌ṙ̷͓̫k̴̨̂ ̶̫͋ͅo̴͇͙͉͐͆̚n̶̩̎̈́̿ ̶̗͓̭̅m̶̠̠͒̈́̿e̶̯̪̜͆̂!̵͔̇"̷̲͓̑̇͘ The demon said.

Pushing through the flames, it grabbed me by the neck.


I struggle to get out of its grasp. The demon laughs at me, while slowly squeezing harder.

With what little oxygen I had, I used all my strength to kick him away.

Falling on the ground I struggle to breathe.

While I was recovering, I got hit on the side. Bouncing off the wall, the demon grabbed my face.

Smashing me back into the wall, repeatedly.

When he was done, I was thrown up in the air.

Trying to recover, from the pain, I put my arms in front of me. Shortly after, I was sent into another wall.

Shaking off the dizziness, I duck under the incoming arm. Jumping up, I smash my fist into the demon's gut.


The demon stumbled back. Without giving it a break, I launch myself towards the demon. Hitting kicks and punches, I don't stop my onslaught.

While attacking, the demon grabbed me by my ankle.

" Oh shit."

"̴̣̊ ̶̜̒D̵̋͜ö̵͔́n̴̹̽'̴̮̌t̸̛̤ ̷̞̃w̷̺̕o̷̱͋r̷͓̈́r̸̯̈́ẙ̷̝,̵̯̔ ̶̨͝t̴̨͝h̷̗̀i̸̺̊s̷̪͌ ̸̘̇i̴̒ͅs̴̡̀ ̸̡̃ŏ̷̳n̷͕͑l̵̺͘ỷ̴̮ ̸̺̌g̸̭̿o̷̟̽n̷̢̄ṅ̵̨a̶̟͘ ̸̞͑ḧ̸̟u̸̳͝r̷̖̾t̸͍̐ ̸̟̀a̷͓̿ ̴̘̍l̴̹̚o̸͖̐t̵̿͜.̷͕͘"̶̮̈́

Lifting me in the air, I was then slammed down.

Repeatedly this happened.

Eventually, I was thrown against the wall... I'm starting to hate walls. Jokes aside, blood was dripping down my head. And I had small cuts and bruises all over me.

My head was lifted, by my hair.

The demon stared into my eyes. I couldn't see his mouth, but I'm sure he had a shit-eating grin.

"̴͊ͅ ̷̟̊Y̷̳͗õ̴̪u̸̢͐ ̷͔̑l̵̡̄ö̴͔s̷̩̏ē̷ͅ.̵͕͊ ̵͝ͅD̴̥̑o̵͕̕n̴̝̓'̴̙̚t̴̫̏ ̶̺̄w̵̦̕o̸̜͑r̷͓̈́r̷̢͠y̴̪͂.̴̗͊ ̸̼̿Y̶̛͕ơ̸̠u̴̙͝'̴̱̽l̵͇͐l̶̗̀ ̴̛̪b̷̹̿e̵̿ͅ ̶̰̎ř̷͍e̵̺͐v̴̞͑i̵͇͌v̸̹͘e̷̾ͅď̸̖ ̵̼̔a̵͖̒s̸̪̀ ̶̢̆o̵̗̎ṋ̶͊e̴̩͠ ̶̤̒ö̸͉f̶̝͝ ̷̞͑u̶̳͠s̵̟͝.̷͚̈́"̷̤͝

The demon lifted its clawed hand in the air.

Before it could, finish me off, a sword pierces it from behind.

"̴̞́ ̴͉̃Ẁ̶̮h̷͈̏a̵̖͠t̶̰̍ ̷̫͋t̶͎̒ḩ̷̂e̷̹͛?̸̛̹!̵̼̀"̴̻͒

The demon let go of my hair. Kissing the ground again, I looked up to see who saved me.

It was Shiva. She had a trail of blood, flowing down her face.

" Hey, don't pass out yet, stay awake!" She said.

Barely staying awake, I watched as she did basic, first aid.

She helps me get up.

When I try to walk, I fall. Expecting to kids the ground did not happen.

I was caught by Shiva.

"Just lean on me." She said.

She took out the device and pushed a button on it. She then threw it under the orb.

Let's get out of here. We then limped our way out of the dungeon. Evading all the monsters we saw.

Eventually, we made it to a little town. We stayed the for the night, and recover from our injuries.


Hello everyone! Hope y'all had a good weekend like I did!

I started a YouTube channel but I wasn't able to record anything

I've been waiting to be home alone, and still haven't gotten a chance

Hope y'all liked this chapter and see y'all next time