
New York, USA, Miðgarðr

- FRIDAY, run simulations now.

- 70% efficiency, Boss.

- Yeah, that's what I thought.

Tony hit a wall in his work on Nanotech Iron Man suite. Cells are loosing integrity after reaching 70% of estimated power capacity.

- Boss, Bifrost activation has been detected in New York again. Central Park.

- Do we have visual?

- Negative.

- Include nearby streets. How long, until we can have satellite there?

- satellite repositioning is in progress, 5 minutes eta.

It is second Bifrost activation in last week. Thor disappeared after Ultron fiasco and it was 2 years since. Double activation of Bifrost in less than one week may or may not mean another emergency and Tony need to be prepared.

After , so called, Civil War and nightmare of Accords - Avengers ceased to exists. What ever Rogers and his band of misfits were doing, they had little at anything to be prepared for another global emergency. So Tony was alone against his own nightmares of future invasion, and had to plan accordingly.

- Boss, you have call on reserved emergency line for Dr. Banners.

- Patch it through.

- Tony? Are you there?

- Bruce! Where are you? Are you in danger? I am preparing your evacuation as we speak.

- Um, I am near Central Park actually.

- Oh, okay. Keep head down. I got your location just now. FRIDAY has visual on you from satellite. FRIDAY, protocol BLACKOUT. Keep Bruce out of any digital footprint.

- Tony, what is going on?

Tony was already on the move to garage. He needs to be quick and he needs to be there now.

- There are many things that changed since you disappeared. I assume you arrived by Bifrost 10 minutes ago and you are out of loop. Right?

- Yes, I was, um, out in a space since Sokovia.

- okay, any baggage?

- I have a sport bag?

- Perfect! Now move North, I have visual and pick you up in 15 minutes.

- Um, okay Tony. See you soon.

Tony moved to the side of garage where he kept motorcycles. With a New York traffic, that's the best option here - if he wants to get to Bruce as soon as possible.

- FRIDAY, BLACKOUT protocol on me as well. Get control on traffic lights and Do adjust it to the route. I want to see green light only.

- Sure, Boss. Projecting route on HUD now.

Tony was already in his custom made motorcycle helmet with HUD and many other features, that he tried maybe only few times. He attached spare one to the passenger sit and turned engine on.

With a powerful brumbrumbrum he was out of garage already and waived into traffic with few horns from startled, or more like pissed off, drivers on the road.


Bruce was worried. Tony reaction was strange. Cross that, it was weird even for Tony. Something had to happen since Soskovia and he doesn't like it at all. He had a very similar feeling to what he felt years ago by hiding from General Ross and his hunting parties. With a little effort, he applied that experience of being on the run and moved North. New York was the same and different at the same time. It took him few moments to figured it out, but then he got it. There is no more signs of praising Avengers or Iron Man. Back in a days after invasion- it was everywhere. Now he can see some, but they are old and worn out. What really happen there?

Just then he noticed approaching motorcycle on incoming and opposite side of the road. With a loud sound of engine and horns from other drivers, it actually did a full 180 with a drift and smoke from rear wheel and stoped next to him.

- Bruce, get in.

Oh, it's Tony! He got a spare helmet and put it on. There was a HUD that powered up immediately and Tony voice duplicated via built in headphones:

- I will get us to safe house now. Just hold on and keep Hulk in check, would you?

- Sure Tony. I, um, don't think that Other guy will come out any time soon.

Tony merged into traffic and started to waive between cars with really unsafe speed. For any one else, not for Tony.

In less than 15 minutes, they arrived to what ever Tony called safe house. For some reason it looked like lab.

- Anything to drink?

- water is fine.

Tony lead him to lounge area and passed glass of water from dispenser.

- Tony what is going on?

Tony just sign, and dropped on a sofa. Just then Bruce noticed how tired and stressed Tony looked like.

- FRIDAY, can you objectively summarize it, please?

- Sure things Boss! After Sokovia, there were talks in UN about a need for accountability for Enhanced individuals actions. When Avengers, under the lead of Capitan America, had a bad run with collateral damage in property and human life's in Lagos, Nigeria - talks turned to actual Law - called Sokovia Accords. Ex General Ross, in a position of United States Secretary of State, were enforcing accords on Avengers and other Enhanced individuals up to putting them into prison. Avengers were divided over Accords and Capitan America with other individuals went Rogue. That lead to the fight between enhanced individuals in Leipzig airport with more collateral damage, when Iron Man under orders of UN tried to bring Capitan America and his associates to accountability. After that Tony Stark quit Avengers and Iron Man was put out of commission. Currently War Machine is in charge of a group called New Avengers, that operate under Sokovia Accords. Capitan America with Hwakey, Black Widow and other enhanced individuals announced as criminals and wanted. Location unknown. Any enhanced individual required to sign Sokovia Accords. Failing to do so is criminal offence with immediate imprisonment.

First thought that Bruce had, after hearing all of this, was about how he is glad that Hulk ditched Earth and ended up on Sakaar. Harlem and Johannesburg were heavy weight on his soul and he is really relieved to be absent for whatever happen in Lagos and everything else.

- Tony, are you okay?

- Yeah, sure. You know, I got back with Pepper. We are dating now. I focus more on R&D for SI and help there and here with tech for New Avengers… So I am fine, really..

- You are not fine, aren't you?

- No, I am not. Better tell me What happen to you?


NOTE: there will be changes to first talk between Bruce and Hela. Originally Bruce did not remember what happen in Sokovia and on Sakaar, while he was in a form of Hulk, so I have to replay that part.


- Well, almost 4 days ago I woke up on spacecraft in a company of two asgardian women with no memories since Ultron.

- Wow, Hulk the beast now have a new meaning to me!

- Tony! That's not so funny! Specially after I learned that one is Hela, Goddess of Death and actually Thor and Loki older sister! And another is last of the Valkyries!

- So, you woke up naked in company of two hot chicks…

- That's not what I meant!

- Sure, so you woke up and?

- Well, apparently Other Guy decided that we had enough, specially when Cap got that Witch under his wing, somehow got quinjet and went to space. Somehow we ended up on planet Sakaar, where he signed up as a champion/gladiator and for year and a half he was smashing and bathing in crowd attention. Then Princess Hela showed up, adopted Other Guy and I woke up an a way to another planet, Xandar, where she had a meeting with local high ups. And here it got weird really. There is a guy, Thanos. And apparently he was behind Loki invasion and Loki was unwilling participant the same way as a Barton!

- I knew it!

- What?!

- Yeah, I had my suspicions but nobody listen. Everyone just rolled their eyes or just completely ignored me, when I was trying to tell about what I saw on another side. Anyway, so this Thanos was actually in charge, right?

- Right Thanos. So we got into meeting and it got crashed by invasion. I was sent with high ups to organize civilian evacuation.

- Really?

- Yeah, I am actually still feel like Other Guy don't wanna wake up. So there was no action for him this time. Anyway, he was actually not needed. Brunnhilde, the other girl, she used their spacecraft to actually shred invasion, so called, dropships with troops. I was watching action on tactical hologram. What ever managed to land, Princess Hela , just killed by herself. What ever we had in New York is just not the same scale. There were dozens dropships, with thousands troops on each. I was terrified. I am still terrified. There was red and blue mist from the blood in air. Dead bodies everywhere. Parts of the bodies everywhere. Blood was covering everything in middle of the city. It was literal bloodbath. Tony, she is most terrifying person that I ever met. There was huge spacecraft, they called it battlecruiser, on orbit. Brunnhilde ramped it on sub-light speed and left a cut on it. Cutting another spacecraft in half that was evacuating some Thanos officers from the planet.

- Shit.

- Yeah. So basically two of them ended up invasion that locals had no mean to fight back.

They were sitting in silence for some time, u too Tony asked next question:

- So, what happen next?

- Another high ups meeting, then one day on the beach. And that was weird too. Somehow Princess Hela aware about our culture, if wearing bikini is any sign of that. And it's weird, because Brunnhilde is not. She asked for my help to print it out. Can you imagine clothes printer as a common service on resort? And I was dumbfounded to find out that they have earth selection programmed and ready to print it out. Then we went to Asgard and , well, I found out that Loki is alive and Óðinn is not and all three (Thor, Loki and Hela) of them are playing "hot potato" with throne. So, yeah, Loki is not locked up and cleaned from all charges. Thor is looking for way out from being next King as well as Pricess Hela. Loki is just terrified as well. Princess Hela sent me back here, so I would not increase her chances on throne. I am kinda under her protection? She said something about having a claim on me or something like that. So yeah, there is also weird stuff about me being God of Anger.

- the hell?

- no idea, and here is a thing. Princess Hela and probably Brunnhilde are coming to visit and help me to deal with all that God stuff. I am terrified? Tony, I don't know what to do actually. As much as I concern, two weeks ago I was doing stuff in your lab and now I have Goddess of Death that is watching after me. And Hulk is like puppy about that.


Tony was multitasking. This Princess Hela is nothing to joke about and Bruce was compromised or enchanted. But not like Barton. While Romanoff had some control over Bruce or Hulk, she would never reach the same level of effect that Hela left on Bruce and Hulk. He need to finish his nanotech armour ASAP. Just to have some chances against her. He needs to be prepared just in case if Hela is hostile.

- Bruce, We need to be careful here. Nobody has to find out that you are back. At least until we make sure that Ross will not come after you and try to lock you up? I don't wanna to find out what happen if he actually try. Or maybe I do but collateral damage will be to much? I do have one question. Is Princess Hela a threat to us?

- No, I don't think so. unless provoked, Tony. And I am afraid that what ever you told me about Accords, Ross will be stupid enough to provoke. I don't think anything can stop her, short from the Nuke. And I doubt that even Nuke can do that. And she is Princes of Asgard with a right to the throne.

- Hm. That's actually something that we can work with. We need Pepper on it.


Virginia Potts, also known as Pepper, was running SI for a long time and she had time to get used to walking disaster Tony Stark. They got back together and started to date again. Tony gave up Ironman after so called "civil war". Yes, he still helps "new avengers" or more precisely, his friend Rhodes, who was in charge of "new avengers" group, but he was not listed as active and opted out of "hero" business. This action alone, helped her to overcome her own fears. Oh no, they just did not get back together, but Tony asked her to find good professional help for his PTSD and all accumulated trauma. That shifted her resolve to stay away. They started to talk more and she had a glimpses of all that Avenger disasters that he kept away before. So yeah, step by step and they got together.

And when new disasters appeared, he actually contacted her first and ask her for help. Old Tony Stark would not ask for help and would not gave her a feeling to be a partner or equal. It's really sad that it took him to be betrayed by Steve fucking Rogers, to start to understand that.

"Okay Tony. Yes, we need to spin it from political angle. Bruce, this is actually good. If you are under the banner of Asgard, you get diplomatic immunity. We just have to have a means to prove it."

Bruce flicked his wrist and she noticed unusual device on it. It produced a hologram with Runes? writings on it. Just in a moment, it flicked to English. The text was in perfect legal terms, and stated that Bruce Banner of Miðgarðr, part of Princess Hela court and so under Ásgarðr rule.

"Is it some galactic ID? Can I get one?" - quipped Tony.

"Um, Brunnhilde gave it to me, before I left. It's like a communication and identification device."

Just on a clue, he got incoming call.

"Speaking of devil, sorry I need to take it"

With that Bruce went to another room and they heard a beginning of conversation in strange language.


"Sorry, I just… okay. He got me here by surprise. Galactic communication device? I feel like a village chick on a date with a city guy!"

"So, do you think there is something between him and Brunnhilde?"

"Have no clue. But he is more relaxed, that's for sure. Before he disappeared after Sokovia, he was more tense. Way more tense, he just hide it well. Do you have a general idea how we are going to spin it?"

"I will need to pull some strings in President Office. I still have some favours left"

"Yeah, I am sure, they will try to capitalize it. So far, there was only Thor, and he did not play a ball into politics"

At that moment, Bruce came back.

"Sorry guys. I got news from Ásgarðr and they can complicate things."

At that Tony started to chuckle with a bit of hysterical edge.

She looked at Tony, then sheepish expression on Bruce face and it was not hard to guess:

"No way"

"Yeah, King Loki is so fucking going to be accepted well" - quipped Tony

"Oh, God"


Next week was busy for her. She had to pull some favours and got a meeting with President.

"Mr President"

"Ms Potts, it's nice to see you again. It was a while."

"Yes, Once more, thank you for coming to Maria Stark Fundraising gala last year. Your presence was welcome and helpful."

"Don't mention it. You helped me a lot on last election. Accord debacle with Rogers was a bad business. With your and Mr. Stark support, I was able to wind a public storm."

After greetings and handshakes she sit to visitor chair.

"I have to say, you made me a bit curious and anxious with your request for urgent meeting. Specially when you asked for the favour to be cashed."

"Unfortunately, it's not something as a good news and can have long term political effects on global scene. I need to ask you to make sure that our meeting as secure as possible for that reasons."

She got worry look from President, and with no extra word, he pressed a button on intercom:

"Protocol "Waterfall". Countdown 15."

"countdown 15, waterfall confirmed."


With a little buzz in a air, there was a shift sound on door and windows and light got a bit dimmed.

"I am listening Ms. Potts. You have 15 minutes."

"Thank you Mr. President. Week ago I got unofficial contact with representatives from Ásgarðr. King Óðinn died approximately 10 days ago. This event was followed by returning his firstborn dotter Princess Hela and coming from dead Prince Loki."

"Oh God. Sorry, please continue"

" I can share you sentiments. That was my reaction as well. It did not get better. Princess Hela and Prince Thor yielded in favour to Prince Loki."

She paused after that to let him process that news.

"King Loki was crowned 7 days ago."

"You said political effects. Can I assume that there is no upcoming alien invasion ahead of us?"

"not from Ásgarðr."

"that's not a "no". Please continue."

"You are correct. This is complicated situation. My unofficial contact from Ásgarðr is Bruce Banner, known as a Hulk."

She got a nod of understanding from President, that he know who she is talking about.

"Since Sokovia incident, Mr. Banners spent time outside of Solar system. During his journey he met Princess Hela and became a part of her court. In legal terms, he legit to diplomatic immunity by being under the banners of Ásgarðr. He also has galaxy standards ID that confirm his status. Just a day ago, Mr. Banners informed me of upcoming embassy delegation from Ásgarðr leads by Princess Hela"

After another little break she continue:

"It is connected with possibility of another Alien invasion. Around 9 days ago Princess Hela was visiting a planed named Xandar and helped to defend it against assault of intergalactic Warlord named Mad Thanos. Mr. Banner was present during assault. He said it was nothing to compare to New York incident. It was full scale invasion with dozen so called dropships with ground troops counted in thousands. Xandar was not ready for such assault and invasion was stoped due to help of Princess Hela and her another companion Valkyrie Brunnhilde. Two of them ended invasion by themselves. Mr Banners confirmed that Mad Thanos was behind New York incident and used mind control on Prince Loki to force him to lead invasion. Also he informed us that Mad Thanos is well known intergalactic warlord who responsible for multiple invasions and planetary level of genocide. There is a reason to believe that we will be subjected to repeated invasion."

Silence filled Oval cabinet. That's alot to unpack and just saying all of this information made her shiver. She had a week to process it and still found herself on an edge. Just 10 years ago her biggest worry was Tony schedule and his one night visitors. She feels at least 25 years older now.

"That's not what I expected from your visit Ms. Potts. You are right, it is very complicated situation. If this information get a way to news, it will be political and economical disaster."

"Yes, it's very delicate situation in all aspects. Here, I compiled a written report based on Mr. Banners information."

With that she put USB stick on the table.

"I assume you have a means to communicate with Mr.Banners?"

"Mr President. Do you understand that his status under Sokovia Accords makes me impossible to answer your question?"

"I see. Is there a copy of his galactic ID on USB?"

"Yes, I hoped you will ask for that to make it possible to move forwards"

"Very well, I inform my Office and UN representative of Mr. Banners legal changes and will keep you updated about development in case if Mr. Banners contact you again. And before you ask, I will pass official degree to Secretary of State Mr. Ross to put on hold any search or other actions against Mr. Banners immediately. If mr. Banners contact you, please pass my gratitude."

"Thank you, Mr. President"

"Thank you, Ms. Potts. Again and again I found myself in your debs.


Few days later she got confirmation from President Ellis that Information about diplomatic immunity has been passed to all agencies and Has been acknowledged on UN level. To move forward, specially with upcoming official visit from Ásgarðr, he asked her for a favour to have unofficial public appearances in Mr. Banner company, so they can start to prepare public opinion.

That's why three of them were sitting in "Daniel".

"I miss French cuisine" - said Bruce

"I would not be surprised if there is French restaurant on Xandar. Not after you told me about 3d clothes printers with current faction models available to choose from. " - commented Tony

"So, Brunnhilde, Bruce?" - she added.

"What about her?"

"Well, she called you other day and you are quite chatty with her. Is there anything going on between both of you?"

"Ah, no. We just friends. She is picking my brain after that vacation, when I helped her with beach wear."

"Are you sure? Maybe that's how Asgardians warrior girls express interest?" - added Tony

"She is Princess Hela partner?" - half asked Bruce.

"Wait, wait do you mean like romantic?" - asked Tony with clear surprise in voice.

Bruce shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"Is it something that we should not talk about under asgardians customs?" - she asked Bruce. Better to know that, to avoid political backslash with possibility of violence.

"I actually don't know. They are public with their affection and Princess Hela is quite vocal about their relationship. It's just something private? I don't feel comfortable to talk about it"

"Fair enough. We just thought that you found herself a girlfriend and you talk to her regularly." - commented Tony.

"What do you plan to do now, when you can move more freely around?" - she decided to steer topic away.

"I actually don't know. I had enough time to read on everything that I miss. All this political nightmare is actually drive me nuts. I would prefer to lock myself in lab right now"

"You and me Bruce. You and me. I don't know how I would survive if not for Peps" - said Tony, giving her grateful look.

They focused on finishing their food for some time. When time to come to deserts, she opened up next topic.

"UN is in turmoil. They still are trying to decide who will represent a meeting party and where it will happen"

"Yeah, Brunnhilde said I have to be there and join ranks as soon as they arrived. She even sent me a dress code and all that where to stand and how to act. I really miss days when I was on a run somewhere in Brazil. Simple days"


This days Natasha was trying to do not think about her choices. It helped before. It helped her to survive Red Room. It helped her to survive as high bids assassin and it helped her to adapt when Clint pulled her to SHIELD. Then New York , so called, Incident happen and her face became public knowledge. She is quick to adapt but that was to much. She played it as it was not a big deal and everyone bought it. Everyone except Clint. He suffered from the same issue and was able to see through her indifference surface. So they talked and tried to find their own equilibrium. Clint found it in his family. Sort of. Then fallout of the SHIELD happen. She was out of her depth and with no backing resources. Dumping information into internet was dumb. She knew it. But she had no other option so she tagged along. Avengers got a wind in their wings fighting HYDRA around the globe. Until Sokovia happen and Bruce disappeared. She cannot blame him at all. She did her best to stay away from Wanda as well. Lagos happened and followed by Sokovia Accords and it just confirmed to her what she already knew: she need someone to fall behind. So she did her best to follow Stark. It was natural to do so: he had resources and he can protect her. Until Leipzig. Fight broke up and she found that she could not fight Clint. His wife and kids were invading her mind, no matter how she tried to distance herself. Then she read about Rhodes spine injury and that made her to stop. It felt like some blanked got ripped out of her mind. She did not show it. She said to Rogers that she is going to search for some information and left wakanda. Away from that scarlet bitch. Now she understood that her choice in Leipzig was forced. Her mind was raped. Now she understood how Clint felt, but there is nothing she can do. She is fugitive by herself and has to move and hide to survive. So she did just that and looked into any HYDRA resource that can help her with mind protection. And to keep herself out of suspicions - she was sending intel on HYDRA based to Rogers. Yes, Rogers, not a Steve anymore. Logically she understood that he is under scarlet bitch influence, if not logical "she just a kid" reference to 25 old woman can be a sign of that. If not, he has some unhealthy sexual fantasies. But not logically she held a grudge. Just to feel better to have a spacegoat for her own failure to detect it on time.

Right now she was back to NY and was standing next to waterfront with a view on exStark Tower - The symbol of their common failure. Her phone buzzed and she opened new message with a link on a file, hosted on file share. As soon as she downloaded it, it has been deleted. It was interagency unofficial chat group. Something in line of word of the mouth but encrypted and with only verified members. She got kicked out of it when SHIELD collapsed.

The more she read the more she had a hard time to keep her reaction hidden.

Bruce was back. Scratch that, Bruce was out of earth and got back. With diplomatic immunity. From Ásgarðr.

Next line she read at least 3 time, until her brain was able to catch up and switched to debriefing mode.

King Loki.

Mind Contoled during NY incident.

Planetary invasion high alert.

Official Embassy delegation from Asgard.

She paused. While her first impulse was to contact Rogers immediately, she still paused herself. That was a part of meditation practice that rumoured to help with mind controls. Always pause and clean mind before commit to decision. She had to practice it a lot. No fucking way she will submit herself to scarlet bitch control.

She has no idea what to do. She felt lost.


Fury was sitting by himself in dark room with a glass of whisky. On a table upfront of him were his worn out pistol, turned down phone and a pager.

While officially he was dead, he still has his contacts and ways to be in touch with everything going underneath. Still, information about changes in Ásgarðr and everything that came with it, arrived only when it hit UN.

He has to make a decision. The problem was that Capitan Marvel was equal to the nuke. He liked that she was out of earth. Otherwise it would be endless headache on Stark level. But Stark was vulnerable to manipulations. Marvel was not. He hates to be out of control. Reports on Hela were really frightening and that's why he was sitting here and drinking. It feels like he gave up if he push a pager button. And he hates it.

Marvel psychological profile was another issue here. There is not zero possibility that she will clash with Hela and it might be the end of earth even before another Alien Invasion. They might not survive confrontation between Hela and Marvel.

He reached a butter of whiskey and put extra two fingers into glass.

He has to make decision and he hates it.
