
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Cell’s Perfect Form

When 22 finally made it to where 16 and 18 are, he noticed that they were preoccupied with something that wasn't Cell. When 22 got closer to them is when he heard 18 talking to somebody but couldn't quite see them yet.

"I thought you wanted to destroy us? So why smash the controller?" 22 heard 18 say.

"Who are you talking to? Wait, Krillin?! What are you doing here?" 22 gasped a little once he noticed the smashed device underneath his feet. It looked way too familiar even if was smashed up and she could only guess that it was the shutdown device for them.

"Wait! Never mind! 18!

We're in big trouble! That idiot Vegeta! He's letting Cell absorb you!"

"What!? That can't be!" Krillin said.

"W-What!? We have to go-!" 18 said but was interrupted.

"Hey! You've been spotted! Run for it!" Trunks shouted.

Everyone gasped when they looked up at the sky to see Cell flying as fast as he could to try and capture 18. But it didn't work since Trunk was able to easily fend him off so they can escape. Cell was hit with a barrage of Ki blasts and he dodged the big one before it could hit him, but was quickly intercepted. He was repeatedly punched in the gut before being smacked into the ground, and they all watched as Cell was buried by rubble.

"Watch out! Cell is masking his energy and moving underground!" He warned them.

"Hey! Come on! We need to go!" Krillin said.

"Yeah, right! Come on, 16! 16, get up!" 18 said.

"Leave me. Go, save yourself. I can do nothing for you but slow you down! Go on, run!" 16 said. 18 stared at him for a few seconds thinking about whether or not to leave him behind but decided to heed his words and ran for it with Krillin.

"16… I'm staying I refused to leave you my brother behind! " 22 said.

"You must go too. Protect 18 at all costs. I know you can do it. Your potential is incredibly vast."

"I staying, and that's final. I will hold him off to give her more time to escape." 22 says.

An explosion from behind him. He looked back to see Cell slowly rising out of the ground. Cell started laughing manically because of how close he was to attaining his perfect form. 22 noticed that Trunks was rushing to help them, but Vegeta stupidly stopped him by kicking him into a hill.

"Nice to see you again, 18." Cell said.

16 tried to get up to stop Cell but 22 stopped him as he stood up and stared at Cell.

"16, keep her safe. I'm going to try and buy some time." 22 said before flying over towards Cell.

Cell stared in amusement when he noticed 22 flying after him, and he just stood there letting him attack. Even though none of her attacks did anything to Cell, 22 desperately tried to do something to help, but it didn't look like anything was working. Cell chuckled a little before punching 22 in the gut, and he brought his hand up to his face, and Ki blast formed. 22 stared in shock before being launched into the nearby hill and exploded on contact. Both Krillin and 16 tried to stop him, but they were also easily defeated by Cell. 18 also tried to resist, but all Cell able to easily dodge every one of her attacks before firing a Ki blast at her, which forced her into a rocky wall. Cell walked towards her while 18 just stared in horror as Cell stood right in front of her. 18 grit her teeth and with one last ditch effort she fired the strongest energy attack she could muster. Cell's feet dragged along the ground from 18's energy blast, but her attack faded away, and 18 fired another energy blast, and just like last time, it just faded away again. Cell chuckled manically while he walked towards 18 finally so close to his goal of obtaining his perfect form. Cell's tail lifted up and opened up just like with 17, and 18 closed her eyes bracing for what is to come, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see that Trunks flew right in front of her, knocking Cell away.

"Go now! Get as far away as you can! Hurry!" Trunks said before flying after Cell.

Deciding to follow what he had said 18 ran over to 16 who was severely damaged from trying to stop Cell. Once she arrived, 18 lifted up 16 by his arm to get him to safety, but one question was on her mind. "16? Where's 22?"

"Over there..." 16 said as he pointed at a pile of rubble which 22 dug his way out. "But never mind that. You need to leave now!"

"I won't go without you or 22!" 18 said.

"Damn! That hurt so much!" 22 said after finally recovering from Cell's Ki blast. He looked up to see 18 carrying 16 out of here along with Krillin's help. "We just need to leave."

"You really think you can get away from me? There's no escape this time!" Cell said as he flew into the sky with the sun right behind him, so the light from the sun prevented them from seeing what he was up to. Suddenly, the light intensified to the point everyone who was watching Cell was temporarily blinded. 22 tried to open his eyes, but the suddenly intense light made it impossible at the moment.

"Dammit! He's going to get 18 at this rate!" 22 lifted his arms up, ready to fire an energy wave, and turned towards where he thought 18 was.

A green ball of energy appeared in his hands, and he fired his most powerful attack in the direction where 18 was hoping to hit Cell. But, unfortunately, the energy wave missed him entirely as it flew off into the distance before eventually hitting land. Suddenly, 22 could feel an immense pressure wash over him, and he feared what it could be, and when his vision finally returned, he watched in horror at what he just saw. Cell had completely absorbed 18 and achieved his Perfect form, which looked more human than the last form, and it looked like his tail shrunk into his back, leaving the stinger.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why couldn't I have followed through on the original plan and prevented this mess." 22 yells in frustration.

22 POV

I was about to attack Cell but decided to hold back and assess the situation at hand and see if I can find a flaw. Everyone looks at Cell as he looks himself over and tests his movements, clearly pleased. I sensed Vegeta and watched as he was looking at Cell with a smug look.

'Hmmm, It seems Vegeta has already underestimated his opponent. What else is new

"Krillin! No!" Trunks call out suddenly.

Krillin darts forward towards the new and improved Cell. He throws a fist and a kick, but Cell doesn't flinch. In fact, he looks like he didn't even notice. Krillin starts to shake at the realization of how strong this Cell must be. But determination sets in, and he tries his hand at a barrage. Cell still shows no sign of recognition as he seems lost in thought, a small smile of satisfaction playing on his lips as he gazes at his hands.

Trunks glare up at his father angrily, upset at him for causing this before joining Krillin. Cell only seems amused at the effort, though. Krillin throws a Destructo disk at Cell, and Trunks jumps back, hitting Cell right in the neck. For a moment, he's glad at the direct hit, but it dissolves instead, leaving a light itch. Finally, he turns to Krillin.

"So you want to play, huh? Very well. It's my turn." Cell states. "Are you ready?"

He suddenly disappears, and before Krillin knows it, Cell swings an easy kick at him. When Krillin touches the ground, he looks to be entirely out of it. Cell's movements were too fast. I wanted to go there to help but I decided to stand by. He had seemed dead than alive for a moment. But somehow, he snaps out of it and struggles to his feet, coughing harshly.

Trunks rush up to Krillin, taking out a senzu bean and making Krillin take it. I glanced towards Trunks, locking eyes with him for a moment. He looks as stumped as I feel.

'What are we going to do? What can we do?'

Have some idea about my story in future chapters? Comment on it and let me know.

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