
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A Royal Spanking

22 checked on sixteen to make sure he was still functioning. 22 then went to where Krillin and Trunks were to check on them. We watch Vegeta decide it was his turn to have a round with Cell. They both stand facing each other, looking smug.

"You two don't let the energy you detect from Cell fool you," Krillin warns his two friends. "It's a front. His real power is a whole lot bigger. He's hiding it, like you." Krillin states, looking at Trunks, who in turn looks back at him surprised.

"You mean you know?" Trunks ask in wonder, to which Krillin nods.

"So you're telling me you held back your?" 22 asks Trunks. "You held back to avoid hurting your dad's ego." he continues, to which Trunks looks back at Vegeta guiltily.

"You're stronger than him." 22 finishes in realization.

They all turn back to look at Cell and Vegeta for a moment as Vegeta springs into action first. Cell easily defends as Vegeta tests the waters before jumping back.

"Well, it's nice to you you've become a little stronger. Maybe this time, I will actually break a sweat." Vegeta spoke.

Cell smirks before Vegeta jumps in again, sending a barrage of attacks toward him. Cell looks to be unimpressed, and though Vegeta tries not to let it show, it vexes him greatly.

"Trunks. I know I have no right to tell you this but you have to stop caring too much about what your dad thinks of you." 22 tells him, continuing the conversation.

He doesn't want to say it, but he could have ended Cell before, but he didn't. Trunks frown.

"I know. I want him to accept me. I want to wait for the right time to show my power. But I just had hope that he would take care of Cell before he transformed. I'm an idiot for letting my father hold me back, and he's an idiot for letting it come to this." Trunks say through gritted teeth, feeling guilty.

Meanwhile, Cell seems to be playing around with Vegeta. Vegeta is too annoyed and still underestimating Cell to fight him properly. This goes on for a while until Vegeta's anger reaches a breaking point. He sends out a barrage of blasts toward his opponent until it leaves him momentarily out of breath. They all wait for the result as the explosions die down.

As soon as Vegeta realizes that Cell has come out unscathed, he rushes back at him. Cell, however, has become too fast and dodges his blows with ease. Especially now that Vegeta hasn't got his head on straight. Angered, he dissipates the dust cloud with a burst of power, but when he's done, Cell is gone.

He doesn't realize that Cell is watching him with amusement from a distance while Vegeta looks around frantically for him. When he finally spots him, he wastes no time in going in for another attack, but there is no real result. It's like a game of cat and mouse.

To make matters worse, Cell tells Vegeta he is only just warming up. That can only piss off Vegeta further, and he dares Cell to finally fight back, and Cell seems only happy to oblige. The first kick to hit Vegeta is effective enough to send him flying way back, through air and rock. He manages to stop himself from going too far before falling into the waters just off the shore. He painfully manages to drag himself back to dry land before collapsing, trying to catch his breath.

Cell pretended to mock disappointment in Vegeta's powers, amused to have crushed the man's pride so easily. Trunks strains to hold himself back for as long as he can. He wanted to cut in and fight so badly, but not before his father lost consciousness.

"I don't think you realize how much honor means to my father. It's the only thing that keeps him going. It's what makes him a warrior." Trunks stated after Krillin urges him to go.

"Oh, sure. Some might see it as arrogance, but I think, down at the core, it's much more noble than that. I believe that's what my mother saw in him, and I see it too." he explains, effectively shutting Krillin up.

I could understand that might be Vegeta's angle. Also, I'm glad Trunks was able to learn something nobody else seems to know about his father.

I look over to see that Vegeta has returned to his feet again and, though looking a little worse for wear, rises to the sky before gathering all this energy. It makes the atmosphere around them do freaky things. It's like a storm is brewing.

Finally, he puts his hands together, pointing them at Cell as he shakes with power. He gathers a ball of ki so strong that lightning sparks from his hands. They all, but except for Cell, have to brace themselves against the harsh winds. Vegeta seems to be gathering every last bit of his energy for one final attack. We all started to fear for the safety of the planet.

Krillin and I were ready to move. I activated my Android barrier and placed them over Trunks, Krillin, and 16. As we watch in horror as Vegeta releases the attack. "Final Flash!"

Cell seems caught off guard for a moment before he is engulfed in the blast. It's so enormous that it skims the earth's crust before blowing out into space to cause further damage there. Everyone put their arms up in case the force field broke.

Once it diminishes, I release the energy barrier, and we begin to survey the damage. We realize that Vegeta nearly blew up the planet. He would have if it weren't for the shallow angle. Trunks is relieved to know that his father has put some thought into it.

As the dust clears, they can see that it has severely damaged Cell. His right arm is completely gone, along with some of his torso. He looks horrified momentarily, leaving the tired Saiyan prince to revel in it.

Cell gets a grip on himself. "You're a fool," he smirks, effectively stopping Vegeta from laughing. "Have you already forgotten that Piccolo's regenerative cells are a part of me?" he chuckles before Vegeta watches, stunned, as Cell reforms himself, looking as good as new.

"Well, shall we continue from where we left off?" he smirks before approaching Vegeta. The man throws a blast at him, and then more as Cell just keeps walking like he's taking a leisurely stroll. Vegeta gives it his all, but Cell reaches him, punching him right in the face. Vegeta is sent skidding across the dirt.

Cell follows up with more blows, the others and I can only watch as he gets it handed to him.

"Listen Onyx." Trunks start, ready to fight. He can barely contain himself at the sight of his father and what Cell reduced him to. "I want you to go."

I looked at him like he must have gone fooled.

"What?! And let you face Cell alone?!" she argues.

"Please do it for me." Trunks asked with a caring tone. "I don't want to risk losing you too."

" I can't do that. The last time I followed that request, your master and my friend died. No more I will stand by you even if it is the end." 22 said with a serious look on his face.

"I'll stand right here and stay for you and my brother." 22 said firmly.

We all watch as Cell kicks Vegeta into the air and moves above him. He then elbows Vegeta right in the back, and the sound of a loud crack is heard. We all watch as Vegeta is sent to the ground and reverts back to his based form.

I then begin feeling a strong power build up beside me. It was Trunks. His hair grew spikier, and his pupils were white. The sounds coming from him made it sound like he was going feral. I looked around to see that Everyone was shocked by the power coming from Trunks.

'So Trunks relly did go mad on me?'