
The Fall

It was afternoon at the SouthRed prefecture, specifically the Azure Thunder Mountain ranges. At these mountain ranges there were a few groups of people that were out hunting or gathering resources.


"The sky of these mountain ranges are famed for unceasing thunderous roars but..." One group in particular was out hunting. They were a group of five, three females and two male.

"But today there are more louder and stronger. Look sharp, i have a bad feeling..." A stout man looked up the sky and tightly gripped his sword. One of their female companion grabbed the hand of her friend. "Don't scare us like that captain."

The captain looked at his timid female companions and lightly sighed, he nodded at his friend to guard their backs. his friend nodded and he looked ahead. "Let us move on, we still need to complete our mission. Hunting 2 more Thunder Lizard should be easy."

All the others composed themselves, nodding and they continued to tread forward.

Carefully scouring the surroundings, looking for prey, the captain kept watch. Under his vigilant eyes he was preparing for anything that might happen. He wouldn't allow anything to happen to his companions. After walking for a while they saw a group of green reptiles, it was two to three meter long and about half a meter in thickness. It was as tall as a lion but the green reptilian skin distinguishes it from other creature. This was their target, the Thunder Lizard, famed for their speed and powerful lightning attacks.

"Shh..." The leader gave a hand signal commanding them to slowly sneak around the group to get a better position. After knowing each others for the last few months, they knew enough what to do in these situation and thus it was not hard for them to coordinate with each other.

The leader would act as the vanguard and distraction, becoming the shield and break their target's defenses for the killing blow from his friend, the other male in their group. Two of the female would act as support by using field-type spells or seals, anything that could restrict the movement of the other Thunder Lizards so that their leader wouldn't deal with too many at a time. While the last female member acts as a long-ranged support, shooting arrows to slowly deal damaged.

They have hunted numerous Archaic beast with these tactics and they have grown familiar with each other.

"Into positions...COME AT ME!" The leader commanded before brandishing his sword as he taunted one of the beast.

Quickly enough the group of thunder lizard took notice and turned hostile, they immediately charged to kill these foreign enemies. The leader smiled as he saw this, his comrades were in their position waiting for their prey to enter their field of combat.


The thunder roared louder and even more unceasing. The group of thunder lizards soon got close, the leader gave the signal and the two girls began to cast their spells restricting the other thunder lizards, only allowing 3 to get close to their leader, the third girl pulled the bow and unleashed a flurry of arrows towards those lizards in the back.

A quick battle ensued between the two men and the three thunder lizards but even with their superior elemental advantage, experience and knowledge won. The leader and his friend killed all three, stashing away their corpses inside their storage ring.

Suddenly the skies grew darker...the thunder lizards that were beginning to surround their group looked up in fear before scurrying away just as lightning bolts started dancing in the skies.

"...I don't like this. Quickly to the forest, take shelter!" The leader commanded.

They ran as fast as they could but on their way to safety, something incredible happened.

They paused in their tracks as they stared at the skies...Within the thick dark clouds and rolling thunders, holes started opening. Parting the sky of the Azure Thunder Mountain range. The group marveled at the sight but then they saw something fall as it burned.

The leader felt the incoming danger and was shook awake from the trance. He slapped himself and told his comrades. "Quickly! Run!"

He kept his eyes on that falling thing, he knew whatever it was once it fell the shock wave from it falling would still reach them. He just hopes that they can get as far as they can to lessen the impact.

"Shields up! Put up your greatest defensive spells! Brace yourselves!" The leader shouted, and multicolored barriers were erected around them as they ready themselves for the impact.

It didn't take long for whatever that thing was to land, it landed on a small mountain near them. The sheer force from the fall pierced the hard mountain and created a shockwave that spanned a few hundred meters away, completely reaching the youth's group.

They stood there with their eyes closed but they could feel and hear the massive force that struck their barrier. It held on for a few moments but they heard a crack soon after, then it got bigger and bigger till it finally broke and blasted them all away.

"Ughh..." The leader slowly woke up, lightly shaking his head. He looks around, searching for his companions.

"Are you okay? Here drink some of this medicine..." When he found them, he quickly had them recover, after all, you might not know what other dangers might occur.

It took them a while to get back to fighting condition and what greeted them was a scene of destruction. Few patches of the ground was raised from the impact, a lot of trees were uprooted and there were a lot of large stone embedded on the ground near them. it was familiar to them, because it was parts of the mountain that that thing hit.

All five of them walked forward...taken in by the scene. It was then that they heard a voice...a voice filled with hatred as it echoed throughout the skies.




The leader shuddered, he tensed up, sweat pouring down his entire body, and his feet almost gave way. That voice was so filled with hatred...filled with resentment. It carried a sense of command that it felt like it came from the mouth of a Emperor pressuring everything. One of his female companion even fainted from not being able to take the pressure.

"Carry her. I-I'm going to take a look." The leader said.

"Are you insane?! Whatever or whoever is the owner of that voice must be extremely powerful and you just want to go there and investigate?" Upon hearing his friend's suggestion, the other male in the group flared up.

The leader was shaken by his friend's word and it was as if he was woken up. "Forgive me, I don't know why i wanted to go there...Let's get the hell out of here first."

One of the girls carried the one who was unconscious and they fled from the scene. Soon after, countless figures floated above the crash site and they examined the surrounding. These were the experts of this world.

"A dimensional rift was torn open but we don't know what actually crossed to this side from the other side..." An old man solemnly stroked his beard.


Meanwhile, the forest near the Azure Thunder Mountain range.


A figure darted through the leaves and branches, it was a young man, he seemed to be flying as every step he took propelled him two or three meters forward. Quickly reaching the outskirts of the forest, arriving at a local road.

"Ha...Ha..." He breathed raggedly.

Eyes gleaming red as he obsessively searched for something.


It was then that he heard a commotion west from his location, he dashed towards it and saw a group of soldiers wearing silver armor. They were fighting a large bear, around five meters in height. They swung their swords but the monster's skin seemed to be tougher than steel. With a single sweep of it's paws, it already killed 12 men. The few remaining men, stood in front of a luxurious carriage prepared to lay down their life to protect whatever or whoever was inside.

The beast saw this was slowly walked towards them, menacingly. Then...


Suddenly the beast was flung to the side, the soldiers saw a figure flying by but all they saw was a dot. That's how fast that figure was moving, it just showed up and the next thing they knew, that terrifying beast was flung away.

The beast lay on the ground stunned after being attacked. A creature this size, to be attacked and flung away, one needs an extreme amount of force to do so. Whatever attacked him clearly was leagues above this creature. Before it could get up, the black dot darted towards it and landed hard on the chest.

The beast roared but before it could do anything, it felt intense pain. When it looked down it saw that a human, A HUMAN, was on its chest, his hands pierced him. Next came an even more painful experience as it howled in agony as the human on its chest tore open his flesh, broke his ribs, and gouged out its Beast core.

The soldiers stood witness to the bizarre scene and they only got to clearly make out the black dot once, it stopped attacking the beast. Then the door of the carriage opened and a violet cloth danced with every step as a beautiful young woman stepped out of the carriage.

She stood outside and saw the gory scene, some of the guards tried to block the wretched scene in front of her but to no avail. She stared at the flesh and blood but more importantly...at that man...that man who killed that fierce Archaic Beast.

It was a man, a young man...Black, long hair that flutters as the wind blows, a handsome, sharp face that could charm countless women. When she stared into his crimson red eyes, she was entranced by their beauty but she soon shuddered in fear as she felt that she was about to be devoured.

"Princess!" A couple of guards hurriedly tried to help her as she almost stumbled backwards from fear.

After firmly standing out and calming herself, she turned her gaze at that young man once again and blushed. Earlier she got lost in admiring his handsomeness and the beauty of his eyes that she didn't even notice that the man she was looking at was actually naked!


But before she could react of say anything, she slowly saw the young man fall. "Quickly, help him!" she commanded her guards. Soon enough they brought her that mysterious young man, of course they covered up his body before presenting it to the princess.

"Let's take him back home." She said.

"But princess..." Her remaining protectors wanted to discourage her from doing that as it might affect her image as a Princess.

"Do you question this princess?" She coldly asked.

Her aides shook their heads in trepidation "No, we don't dare."

"Good now, put him in the carriage and let us hurry back home."

Her aides trembled when they heard that the princess wanted to place the unconscious man inside her carriage. They were against it for it was unbecoming of a princess. But before they could even voice their opinion they heard the princess say.

"Unless you all want to carry him until we get back..." With that, they closed their mouths and carefully placed the young man inside the Princess's carriage.

Their horses neighed and galloped, feeling the shaking of the carriage the Princess stared at the unconscious young man and thought to herself "I feel that things are going to be lively once we return to the Capital." She mischievously smiled.

And with that, they rode off to the capital along with our new mysterious person...