
Meeting a Princess already?


"Hurry! Run away!"

"My son, save my son!"

Screams of helplessness, pain and terror echoed everywhere. Fires burned every tree, every patch of grass and every house in the vicinity. People ran in different directions with their family, some carrying their children as they ran away from danger.

Flesh and blood littered the stone pavements of the street where countless corpses lay and breathed their final breath. Sounds of swords clashing with swords resounded coming from multiple direction as the experts protecting the people did their best to fend back the enemy.

But they were just too strong...One after another our numbers dwindles and we no longer could fend them off. We were caught by surprise

We were betrayed...

"Samael, Samael...Listen to me my dear..." I watched as the carnage ensued till a goddess-like woman called me and turned my head to face her. She was my mother...

"Listen to me... You have to escape, run as far away as you can. Only by living could you avenge all of us."

"No! I won't abandon you and father." I adamantly rejected the idea of leaving them to die.

"You have to go...Leave!" She said, tears poured down her cheeks as she kissed my forehead.

"No! No! MOTHER!!!" I screamed as everything around turns to black and the image of my mother slowly fades.

"NO!" I screamed, opening my eyes but what greeted me was not the scene of carnage, instead it was an unfamiliar room.

I touched my face as I felt tears. I must've cried while I was asleep.

"Mother...Father...I will avenge you."

I wiped away the tears from my face and it was then that I felt that someone else was with me. I turned and then I saw a young girl dressed as a maid. She trembled at the side of a table where a tray of food and water was placed. You could see from her eyes that she was scared and didn't know what to do.


"Call your master, tell him or her that I am awake..." I lightly said. The maid lightly shuddered before she gathered the strength to run away from the room but not before tripping once. Seems like I really scared her when I abruptly woke up.

An unfamiliar room, a maid which I do not recognize...What happened after I killed that beast?

Soon enough, a group of people entered through the doors. Leading them was a young woman dressed in white, her long beautiful black hair flowing with every movement and her violet eyes, together with that sexy body could easily ensnare the hearts of countless men. There were four guards to her sides, each wearing a silver set of armor. Behind the beautiful woman was the maid who was with him earlier. She timidly hid and gripped the hems of that beautiful woman's dress

"I heard that you have woken up, did you sleep well?" The young woman asked.

"Thank you but why save me?"

"You saved me first, it was the least I could do."

"I didn't ask to be saved."

Hearing his words, one of the guards couldn't take it anymore and lash out. "Insolent! If it wasn't for the princess, you would've died back on that road, and now-" But before he could say anything more, one of his comrades pulled him back and pointed at the princess.

She was glaring at him, displeased by his conduct.

"So you're a princess, huh? Now... what would a princess need with me?"

The princess was now extremely displeased. She had hoped to keep everything about her a mystery while she learns about the identity of this man in front of her. But her plans were shattered when one of her guards spoke. She made a gesture and that guard was taken away.

She lightly sighed. "You wanted that to happen, didn't you?"

"Well, I needed to know what kind of person saved me didn't I?"

The princess sighed once more as she walked towards the table near the bed and she poured water into one of the cups. "Would you like some?" she asked but her question was met with silence.

"You can put down your guard...I won't do anything to you. Please, let us start over, I am Princess Lina of Crimson Sky city. When you fell unconscious after slaying that fierce beast, I brought here in the capital. We are now in the imperial castle."

"You still haven't answered my question..."

"Why I save you? Would you believe that it was all due to curiosity? That and I feel like you will be someone amazing in the future."

"Curiosity? What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, you're handsome, yes, but I already have a fiancee and I love him so my curiosity for you is not in a romantic way."

"Glad to hear that."

"Anyway...I still haven't learned your name yet." The princess now asked one of her most important questions.

"Samael...Samael Bloodfallen..."

At the time, the princess didn't know that this name alone would shake the heavens. That the person bearing this name would change countless lives and she would experience numerous things with this person. But that is a story for a later date.

"Okay then Samael, where did you come from?" The princess asked.

Samael looked down and acted as if he was trying to remember but nothing came to mind. "I don't remember the name...but it's far from here. Far, far away."

She asked a few more questions pertaining to Samael's origin, and while some he answered, there was a lot in which he answered either "I don't know" or "I don't remember"

The princess pouted, unsatisfied with his answers, then she asked another question. "Okay then, why were there in the forest? Were you near the vicinity when that massive explosion happened?"

He remembered a burning sensation all over his body, especially in his stomach. He remembered crashing down and screaming his oath of revenge. He knew that his origins were something that he could not reveal so the answered the Princess "I don't know myself why I was there. All I remember was waking up in that forest, naked..."

To the Princess, it seems that there were gaps within his memories.

The Princess, although unsatisfied, couldn't help but sigh. Since he can't remember and it doesn't seem that he's faking it, she reluctantly accepted. A case of memory loss was rare in their time. She got up and poured tea into another cup and gave it to Samael.

"Since you have nowhere else to go, why not stay here? Be my servant, even if it's just in name, we can be friends too. "

Samael paused when he heard this, he didn't like the idea of being someone's servant. It was like something inside him vehemently rejects the idea but he also wanted to repay her favor for saving him.

He also needed somewhere to stay until he can grow stronger and become capable enough to survive on his own. Plus, he would only be a servant in the name.

"Alright, I accept." He lightly smiled.

The princess was taken by surprise by this smile and she said "Careful where you flash that smile, who knows how many girls would throw themselves to you upon seeing it."

"And now you're teasing me, princess." Samael laughed.

Soon after a knock on the door was heard. The Princess stood up, saying "Enter."

The door was opened and two guards stood there, holding a letter and they said. "Your majesty, the king, wants to see you, princess, and the person you've brought in."

"Alright, we'll be there shortly." She said and the guards walked away. The princess turned to her maid "Bring me some clothes for him."

With that, the maid quickly went and got a pair of clean grey clothes for Samael. The princess and the maid stepped outside for a while as Samael got changed. The door opened and they soon saw a handsome figure walk out, they stared as he stopped before them.

"Aren't we going?" Samael said.

The princess chuckled and they walked together and arrived at the Palace hall where the King awaits.