
Heaven Academy: Class Principality

Torment. A perfect word to describe my life that suddenly dragged into a world I never dreamed of. I entered with a dream that turned into nothing. I have my university. It was heavenly outside but inside it was like a hell. We have different classes. Your section based on your ability, perfection, intelligence and superiority. Who would dare to enter if your life might lead to unbearable tortures. You'll enter but bare the consequences. A school full of bullies. A school full of demons and angels that was rare to be seen. Heaven University is knocking at your door to invite you to enter and experienced its prestigious and stunning content. Will you accept it? Or ignore it? Welcome to Heaven Academy! ******* Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Plagiarism is a crime. Read at your own risk.

MarqueWin · Sports, voyage et activités
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Caught. Part 3

When we finally get ourselves out of the room, the loud sound of the door I shut made a noise inside the class. I just let that slide and took my way heading to the cafeteria. Daryll followed with his cool posture and manly attitude.

As we arrived at the cafeteria, we immediately sat on our favorite spot. It was silent and peaceful since it was still school hours. "Sorry." He mumbled as we sat at our table.

That subject is our last subject for today that's why I don't see any problem with it but what makes me nervous is that we might get caught. And of course, we are graduating, and only means it can affect our grades by any chance.

"It's okay. If I didn't try to spill out what happened, we are not here." I just let out a deep sighed as I said those. I don't intend to blame and not also being an accountable person here.

"But, what if they caught us?" He asked.

"Then make an alibi. Don't act like it was your first time!" A short reply will do.

"Right. We got used to it." He just crossed his arms as he laid his head on his chair.


A week ago...

"That was so intense." Daryll began to talk as we got ourselves from that room. I just fought with Mr. Sadava, our math teacher. He insisted that my answer was wrong even if it is the right one. He's just pathetic trying to be so cool in front of the class pretending to be an intelligent one. Well, I ain't that kind of student who tolerates invalid actions. I am seeking justice.

"Just a normal conversation." I sighed.

"W-what? That conversation between a student and a teacher that went into misunderstanding 'til fighting is just a normal one to you?" He burst into confusion but was amazed at the same time. "That was a wholesome, Idiot!"

"Well, this is just me. Got used to it tho." I arrogantly phrased to him. "I am a runaway kid." I arranged my hair as it was devastated for a while.

"You're insane." He was amazed while nodding his head towards me.

End of flashback

This is not our first time got kicked out of our class And we got used to it. There are also instances that we just make an excuse not to be caught and an excuse why we are outside in the middle of class hours.

No one dared to speak as silence embraces us while sitting. We are waiting for us to get hungry and to eat. But then, Daryll did not bear it and walks towards the counter to order meals. I even watched him 'til he arrived in his seat.

We discuss a lot of things while waiting for the food. And when it arrived, we immediately dig in. And only a few minutes were left before we have our lunch break.

When we finally finished our food, I noticed that the cafeteria gently becoming as crowded as tight. Everyone in the cafeteria is from the class principality.

This cafeteria is exclusively for Principality students only. Yes, every class has its cafeteria where there is no equality on the foods they served. One thing to know is that no one can enter a designated cafeteria unless you are one of that class who belongs to that cafeteria. Once you lost, you'll be convicted of trespassing unless you have the power enough to convey orders.

There are frequently students who got stumbled here from other classes. Like I have said, no one can enter unless you're one of that class and we also used ID pass to get through.

When we were finally done eating, I noticed that everyone was looking behind us. They are surprised to the point they are amazed at where they are looking to. I felt a strange gut as a person appeared behind me but had no idea who he is. From the edge of my eye, I assure you that he is not from our class since he was wearing a red uniform and only means that he is from class Seraphim, the most high class.

You will already know what's been going on if the whole cafeteria is buzzing or make a noise louder than what you thought and only means that something strange will happen. Daryll stopped a bit when he knew why the crowd making noise.

The uniform is Red and only means that this person came from Seraphim Class. Again.

I felt my heart skipped a beat as he held my hand and force me to stand up and dragging me forcibly without any reason. Daryll stood up from his seat as this guy pulled me and he attempts to stop him but he can't since he was from the higher class. The crowd went into noise louder than the latter.

I have no idea what's going on 'til he successfully pulled me from my seat and only to find out that we are already in front of the door.

He again. The guy who I met in the storage room and the guy who messed my day.

When we are at the door, there is another Seraphim who blocked us from getting ourselves out of the cafeteria. Holy Crap. Is it seraphim day today? Why do there is seraphim students everywhere and instantly appear in front of me.

First, this top 1 Seraphim pulled me out of nowhere, and then there is this top 2 who blocked me from getting myself out of the cafeteria. What brings them just to treat me like a toy. Dragging with no permission and blocking unauthorized. Am I that special that became a magnet of seraphim?

The top 2 Seraphim insist to stay away from the door and the noise went louder than a while. I can't do anything and I just let these seraphim dragged me here. I can't even saw Daryll since everyone occupied the cafeteria just to witness this wonderful scenario.

These two just stared at each other that seems like there is war and I was there, starring the both of them one by one and questions started to formulate in my mind.


Hi everyone! I am back and ready to write this story again. I was a lost before but finally I am found. Please keep on supporting my story. Thank you!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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