
Heaven Academy: Class Principality

Torment. A perfect word to describe my life that suddenly dragged into a world I never dreamed of. I entered with a dream that turned into nothing. I have my university. It was heavenly outside but inside it was like a hell. We have different classes. Your section based on your ability, perfection, intelligence and superiority. Who would dare to enter if your life might lead to unbearable tortures. You'll enter but bare the consequences. A school full of bullies. A school full of demons and angels that was rare to be seen. Heaven University is knocking at your door to invite you to enter and experienced its prestigious and stunning content. Will you accept it? Or ignore it? Welcome to Heaven Academy! ******* Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Plagiarism is a crime. Read at your own risk.

MarqueWin · Teen
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11 Chs

Caught. Part2

He's madly joking, right? He's a concern?

After I heard what he said, I let a second digest what he meant. After I realized I faced him. "Oh come on, how come that a Seraphim student cares for a Principality student?" I sarcastically asked. His face turned to something disappointment.

He let his hand off from me and immediately turn his mood to serious. "Then what are you trying to do?" He asked.

What he said leads me to a realization. What am I doing here? "What are you doing in times like this? Principality?" He straightly said.

I did not make an answer again I just scanning his face. 'If he was here all the time? Then who was the one I am following a while back?' My mind suddenly speaks out. I just let it slide and forget what it is.

"Aren't You aware?" He asked again. That way, I am finally escaped from my unconsciousness. I draw my eyes towards him and trying to predict what he will go to say.

"I do," I answered. He stop for a bit as I immediately responded.

"You're a Principality student, and still have the gut to violate a rule." He amazingly stated as he still on his sharp words.

"You're seraphim and violating a rule? Magnificent!" I also said while my hands clapping as I lent back what he said to me.

He stop and shokt from what he heard. "You don't know the reason. Shut up." He gently drawing his body towards me. He's now closed and only a measure of ruler parts us.

Again, I am praising his beauty for the second time. He has red cheeks. Pointy nose. Bearded eyebrows and no pores can be seen. How perfect he was. Intelligent, handsome, and rich. A perfect man for girls. But it has nothing to do with me.

"Then, what are you doing here?" I turned the table. I inverted the topic and now he's being asked. He wrinkled as I let those words out from my lips.

"Privacy means a lot to our conversation, in short, it has nothing to do with you." He answered and I find it senseless.

"Okay, I'll change my question." I stopped a bit as I playfully think a question that a Seraphim can't answer. "What does a Seraphim doing here during classes? Aren't you afraid that I might report it to the co--."

He interfered. "Then what are you trying to do? I'm higher than you. They won't believe you and they will be on my side. Whatever you do they will never put their trust in a principality student. Now speak." He arrogantly said but in a calm tone where I find it soothing to my ears but the words themselves, disrespectful to ms. It seems like a feather touched my heart as I heard what he said.

I never thought that having this kind of face, he can be brutal in his own words. He seems more devil than his angelic face and evil from inside than outside.

My tears started to form. "You are higher than me?" I repeat what he said. "It should be like this." I felt the liquid forming from my eyes. I am on the dark side of this room and I am thankful for that because he won't be able to see my eyes.

"You are rich because I'm poor. What's the true color of this school isn't something that I saw outside but inside. It was covered by money, not intelligence. You pay, you'll be in a prestigious abode. Am I right?" My eyes can't hold my tears anymore and they fell as I frankly said those words to his face. He's been so full of himself and yes, what I have said was true.

He was shokt. I just let out my anger but did not expect to be brutal as what I have said. Maybe it's because of his not so humble thing. I let myself calm first before I decided to leave the room.

When I took my way towards the door, I heard footsteps from nowhere but it is too late now because I already opened the door. A guy stood up in front of me. He was a confusing expression that was drawn to his face.

How lucky am I, another Seraphim student and guess who? The top 2 of Heaven Academy. What's on this day, Seraphim is everywhere and suddenly appeared from nowhere.

He stares at my face, but I suddenly lift down my head for him to not see what I have been through. I just took my way out of the room leaving them both dumbfounded. The top 1 Seraphim still shokt from what I have stated.


[End of Flashback]

"Fucc. He just treated you that way?" Daryll bursts from his seat after I told him what happened a while back.

"Just let it slide. Let him be." I just stop him from overreacting again. What happened is not a big deal to me tho. I got used to it.

Looking at Daryll's reaction, he can kill anyone because of that thing. Yes, he's that kind of friend who can take risks for the sake of others.

We have been friends since we enter here. Our class is Principality until now. Once you got admitted to a class, it will never change unless you have money. Our school is composed of the nine ranks of angels and every rank there has its institute inside the campus. Every class has it is own junior and senior. Once you are admitted to a class when you are still junior you'll be placed at the same class when you reached your senior year. It is unfair.

I came here to study not to be degraded. I came with a dream not to recreate a new dream. I stumble to a world a dream isn't something we must achieve.

"What do you mean?" He asked and here we go again.

"You don't understand?" I cussed. "I said, just let him be. He's a seraph after all. We don't fight him." I elaborated on what I mean.

He nodded in relief but he suddenly changed his mood again. "Still, that's foul. We accept who we are but I don't think that mocking us is also included in the student manual of this institution. Isn't it?" He defended. He's eager based on his expression.

This is Daryll, from his Filipino-Korean breed, you can not distinguish what exactly his point is where it leads you to the realization that all of it was senseless. He's kinda crazy and naive but because of him, I am still here and I am thankful for that.

He still looks angry while he silently cussing from behind."Look, you are bursting from your seat. You aren't aware do you?" I wrinkled as I asked owing to his expression where I can not still examine his P.O.V.

"Me? Angry? No. I'm just defending your side." He suddenly stopped. He also gently wrinkled while realizing. "Wait, am I acting so weird? Why am I the only one whose--?" He stopped as he realized what he's been into. I just let out a smirk and not letting myself burst out from laugh until an eraser fled to us.

We turned our attention in front and we saw our teacher glaring at us. "You two! Get out." She commanded in fierce. I linger around and there I was shokt, everyone looking at us. There is someone who is laughing and some are expressionless.

We stood up in succession as we straightly looking at her. We forgot that we are in class, how stupid are we? And worst, she was the terror teacher of this institution were no rules in her vocabulary.

"I said, get out!"

"M-ma'am, we may violate a rule." Daryll pleaded but she refused to listen.

"I don't care!" She shouted again but this time as louder as a bass drum that bassed my ear. In this case, I decided to get myself out of the room without looking back to Daryll but I felt that he followed me.

[To be continued]

Thank you For Reading. CHEERS!!!!

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