
Heaven Academy: Class Principality

Torment. A perfect word to describe my life that suddenly dragged into a world I never dreamed of. I entered with a dream that turned into nothing. I have my university. It was heavenly outside but inside it was like a hell. We have different classes. Your section based on your ability, perfection, intelligence and superiority. Who would dare to enter if your life might lead to unbearable tortures. You'll enter but bare the consequences. A school full of bullies. A school full of demons and angels that was rare to be seen. Heaven University is knocking at your door to invite you to enter and experienced its prestigious and stunning content. Will you accept it? Or ignore it? Welcome to Heaven Academy! ******* Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Plagiarism is a crime. Read at your own risk.

MarqueWin · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs

Caught. Part 1

I am spaced out because of what happened a while ago. I can't find my focus to get my head straight up through the board. I am still thinking about why I drove myself upon following him. I just closed my eyes and felt the atmosphere from behind.

"Are you okay?" Daryll asked from behind.

"Uhmm." I just nodded.

"Almost everyone's attention landed on you right after you suddenly walked out. Why what happened?" He confusingly asked again and gently wrinkled.

I faced him. I recall what I did and why did I do that. I touched the back of my neck as I tried my self tell myself what happened and what I saw.



When I got myself withdraw from what I am doing after I saw something that can be bared of, I make my way out of that place. I regret putting myself into something not so important.

When I found myself walking out from what I have seen, that is when I remember what I am doing right now. I felt a strong palpitate to my heart and a nervous rush strikes down my spine. What am I doing right now is one of the rules that should not be violated.

Rule no. 5. Don't linger around during classes unless it was urgent.

Those words repeatedly striking my eardrums as I remember what punishment could I get. Once you disobey it, there's a possibility that you may transfer to a lower class.

Where am I right now can be a safe place wherein, no one dares to get stumble here because this is where the so-called danger zone of this institution is. This is the place where tortures always took place.

I lingered around but no one can be seen and that's when I let out a sigh. There are no footsteps and no signs of an officer of this institution linger around.

I just continued what I am doing, escaping from this not-so-great place and just trying to hide from CCTV. Our classroom from here has a great distance where it took you minutes to be at your class. I am scared and skeptical at the same time.

I gently walking while my sweats draining down to my neck. Only my footsteps can be heard and the loud beat of my heart. I am still wondering why I dragged myself here and how idiot is I.

"Why did I followed him if I got something useless in return?" I whispered as I stop for a bit and stood in front of a door. This is a storage room that's why no people can be seen and only darkness filled the whole room.

When I decided to leave that room, sudden goosebumps embraced me down to my spine when I heard footsteps from nowhere. They are running and seem like chasing someone that made my heart bursts into nervous.

Once I caught it, I'm dead.

This is how our school showed strictness even if it's not relevant to its content, Dirty and mess.

In the middle of danger, I still decided to run and walked away but suddenly, someone dragged me from behind and immediately pulled me inside of that dark room.

I heard the door shuts as I got myself inside. It wasn't as loud as the door closed but it was gentle and soothing to your ears that no one can hear it except you.

As he pulled me, I sat while his hand covering my mouth. I was chasing my breath because of nervousness and so was he. He was at my back while he was still covering my mouth. I don't know who he is or who she is.

I did not see his face when he pulled me and I don't have the gut to look at my back because of an urge that trying to stop me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a low tone from behind. It was Husky and I find it sexy. He also let his hands off to my mouth and I can breathe now properly.

As I got myself out of his hands, I immediately turned my attention to him but I can't see him properly because of the dark. "I-i don't know?" That's the only words that came out of my mouth because I am still a little bit nervous. I can't even say that I am following him which is not true.

He stop there a little bit before he constructed a sentence "What? Are you kidding me?" He asked in confusion. Every word he was saying was like a beautiful song to my ear because of the melody of his voice.

"Am I that obvious?" I asked from nowhere.

He was gently letting his body towards me and to my surprise, he was just twelve inches away from me. "Don't be sarcastic, I'm serious. Don't you know? You're violating a rule. Principality Student." He immediately said right in front of me. I felt a not-so-great urge that made me feels like I'm low because of the Principality he said.

I felt a little shame inside me. He don't have to say the Principality in front of me because I already knew it and every time I heard it, it made me so useless and degraded.

He still comes to me and is only an inch apart from us. But to my surprise, he was the one who bestowed the Power of Seraphim, He was the one who was always on top. He was Macarius from Seraphim.

Now I know why he was so full of himself and have the gut to pronounce the Principality word. I don't show any signs of weakness and tried to be with the atmosphere of the room. But then, I realized what he was doing, he was only an inch away from me and that's when I pushed him out of my sense. I don't know what to do that's why I just pushed him hard.

But to my surprise, he grabbed me and we both fell on the ground but the worst part is, I fell on his top.


Out from my consciousness, I let my eyes landed on his eyes. I started to do it and I find loneliness and anger.

When I realized that I was lured by his dark brown eyes, I decided to get myself off from him but when I was about to stand, my skirt got stuck and I got dragged again and suddenly my eyes wide opened, I was sitting and worst, I felt something on my buttock.

I sat on his thigh and I f-felt his t-thing, his b-best friend. What? "Mom!" I suddenly shouted as I felt his thing from my butt and realized what it is. I don't even care if anyone heard me because as far as I know, it decreases my virginity. "Arghhhh--." I was about to shout again be he already covered my mouth again. He was confused why I burst out.

"Shhhh." He hissed. He tightly covered my mouth to the point I can't properly breathe.

'I'm sorry mom, I lost thirty percent of my virginity and only seventy percent left.' Words came out of my mind as I realized what I have done. "Get off me," I said but it was not as clear as water because of his hand covering my mouth. I tried to move but it worsen my state right now because his thing will also move.

"You don't have to shout." He warned while he was checking the door if there is someone there. He let out a deep sigh when nothing was there and fiercely faced me.

"Just get off me," I repeat and was about to move again but I forfeited because it will worsen my state right now. "Please." It was not clear to be heard but I think he get it.

He let his hands off me and I immediately get off from him. As I got myself off, I stand and so as he but to his surprise, I slapped him hard.

It was dark and nothing can recognize each one of us because of the darkness. I guess he was shocked at what I did and so was I. I am the kind of person who will be violent if you did nothing but disgusting to me. I went too violent if it was about my femininity.

"What's that for?" He asked confusingly as he massage his face where my hands landed on.

"For letting me sat on your thigh and for taking away my virginity." I straightly said to him. Anger dominates my nerves that's why I can't control myself doing whatever it wants.

"For what?" He stop for a bit and a sudden laugh came out. "HAHA, Your virginity?" He laughed again. "Do you think, you lost your virginity just sitting my best friend?" He perverted said.

Instead of mocking him up, I decided not to respond because right now, I felt ashamed of what I have been saying. But hell no, he took my thirty percent of virginity. "Pervert." The only word came out from my mouth as I felt my cheeks blushed but thanks to the darkness of the room, he can't see it nor recognized that I am blushing right now.

I turned my back and I am about to leave but he suddenly speak. "Wait, miss." He demanded and I stopped. "You still did not answer my question." He continued while I am facing back to him.

I tried to recall what was being asked a while ago but I remember nothing. I still have this shame and not so well urge that holding me to not remember what he was asking lately.

I did not respond and only means I don't remember what he was asking. "You already forget?" He asked but in a low tone voice. I was about to turn around but he was already in front of me when I turn around.

He immediately grabbed me and pull me in the corner. I am a bit confusèd but then, I realized where his eyes were. He was looking to the door and my surprise, some people are walking and if I am not mistaken, they are officers who patroling around.

"Stay still." He whispered to my ear and I felt his warm breath touching approaches my ear. My body went goosebumps down to my spine. His hands were hugging me and I don't have the gut to remove them.

When they are gone. I immediately stood up and draw myself out of the room. But before I finally get myself out of the room, He held my arms.

He was serious. From that, I recognized him finally because the light refracted from his face. His cheeks are red and so as his lips. He has a bearded eyebrow and dark brown eyes. "What if, we just wait for the bell rings. In that case, we can freely walk outside since it will be a break time." He pleased and suggested. I wrinkled as I tried to examine what he was saying.

He's kinda serious but can also be skeptical. "Why do you have to be like this?" I asked nowhere but from my mind.

"I-I am just concerned." He immediately said.

I got petrified. It was soft but seems like it bassed my eardrums. I felt my body as heavy as a ton of gold to the point where I can't move. What he said is something I don't have to believe and believable. From a Seraphim student, cares for only a Principality student? How lame? This is a bullsh't.

[To be continued]

Another briefing.


Not your-so-called hell but can be the closest one. Wrath still be found but not as bad as the Angels. This class can be both bad and good but more evil than what you think. They are slightly approachable but can be merciless at the same time. DemiDirty Class

MarqueWincreators' thoughts