
Heartstrings of Love: Law of Affections

In the hallowed halls of America Law School, Valentino Tucker stood out like a beacon of charisma and allure. He was the embodiment of a Lover Boy, a magnetic force that drew the attention of every girl in ALS. Despite a lack of stable relationships, Valentino possessed the uncanny ability to have every girl wrapped around his fingers, earning him the endearing moniker of the Love Doctor. His appeal extended far beyond mere looks; Valentino was a package of charm, intelligence, flirtation, and undeniable sexiness. In the corridors of ALS, he was adored by every single girl, creating an atmosphere where his presence alone could set hearts aflutter. Among his numerous admirers, Vanessa Clark, stands out as the exception. Vanessa detested Valentino with a passion that surpassed any other disdain in her world. However, beneath the surface, an unspoken mutual understanding lingered between them, an enigmatic connection that defied explanation. Vanessa, akin to Valentino, was the epitome of beauty with brains. Her allure wasn't just physical; she wielded a savage wit when necessary, exuded sassiest, and possessed a captivating, curvaceous body that left guys mesmerized at her feet. Yet, Vanessa was no lover girl; she found the antics of playboys irritating, with a particular aversion to Valentino that concealed a mysterious origin. The dynamic between Valentino and Vanessa was reminiscent of Fire and Ice—two contrasting forces, parallel lines destined never to meet. Their interactions were charged with tension, creating an electrifying atmosphere in the corridors of ALS. As the enigma of their connection deepened, the question lingered: What did fate have in store for these two individuals, seemingly bound by an unseen thread that defied their divergent paths? Only time would unveil the intricate dance between Valentino Tucker and Vanessa Clark, a narrative written in the complex script of destiny.

Daoistl476bw · Urbain
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17 Chs




Vanessa opened her eyes slowly and shut them back then she opened again

"Pumpkin!" Gigi called immediately and Vanessa looked at her

"You're awake!" Gigi said excitedly and grabbed Vanessa's hand

"I was so worried about you! I'm so happy you're awake pumpkin,I was really worried!" She said and kissed her hand

"How did I get here?" Vanessa asked in a low voice

"Oh...Valentino brought you here" Gigi replied and Vanessa sighed

"I know you're not happy about that,but you should at least say thank you to him..."

"Stop" Vanessa muttered and Gigi took her bottom lip in

"Actually,I was just about calling your mom" Gigi said and Vanessa's eyes widened

"What?! Why!" She asked

"Coz you're taking forever to wake up already pumpkin,it's past 4pm already" Gigi said

"Don't call her,don't" Vanessa said and Gigi nodded

"I guess I shouldn't,since you're awake" She muttered

"You said it's past 4? That means I missed every lectures?" Vanessa asked

"I can't believe you're still worried about that,you were so f**king hot that I was scared!" Gigi snapped and Vanessa smiled

"Thank you" She pouted and Gigi kissed her cheek.

The door opened and Giovanni entered

"Vanessa" he called and Vanessa waved with a smile

"Gosh,thank goodness you're awake. I couldn't even concentrate in class" Giovanni said and kissed her head

"I'm sorry for making you all worried,I'm fine now" Vanessa said as Giovanni kept on holding her hand

"I didn't know you guys got more closer" Gigi grinned

Vanessa tried getting up and Giovanni immediately helped her 

"Let's go,I hate the smell of this room" Vanessa said with a disgusting look

"But I don't think you can leave now" Giovanni said

"I will just call the nurse" Gigi got up and left the ward

Giovanni kissed Vanessa's cheek

"Are you really okay now?" He asked 

"Yes I am" Vanessa muttered

The door opened again and Gigi came in with the nurse

"Vanessa,are you good?" The nurse asked and Vanessa nodded

The nurse checked her temperature and nodded

"Great" She said and then handed the little packed nylon in her hand to Gigi

"Make sure she use all the drugs" The nurse said

"Definitely not me,I'm gonna puke" Vanessa said

"Don't worry nurse,I'm gonna add it in her drink" Gigi winked at the nurse

"Then I will rather get thirsty" Vanessa scoffed and Giovanni chuckled

"Come on Vane,you have to use them so you can get more better" The nurse said and Vanessa rolled her eyes

"Don't worry,she's definitely going to use them all" Giovanni said

"Good,you can go. Take care of your self pretty" The nurse touched Vanessa's hair before going out

"I should start running from you two" Vanessa got down from the bed

"Why? Coz of medicine?" Giovanni asked

"I hate the smell,I can't use them. They get all stuck in my throat and sometimes they make me puke,it's more like a death threat" Vanessa explained and they laughed

"You're such a drama queen" Giovanni said

"No I'm not" Vanessa scoffed

"Can you walk? Or senior Giovanni should help?" Gigi asked

"Stop" Vanessa glared at her and she chuckled

"I can help if....."

"I have legs,I can walk" Vanessa cut in and Giovanni nodded

They all walked out of the ward,Giovanni's phone suddenly rang out and he answered immediately.

"Girls,I need to go" he faced them

"Huh? Right now?" Vanessa asked and Giovanni nodded

"I will see you later" He said and Vanessa nodded

"Bye" Gigi smiled and waved at Giovanni as he walked away

"Stop being extra Gigi" Vanessa groaned

"I'm sure he likes you...no,he's in love with you...."

"I don't think so" Vanessa said

"Come on,you're so f**king slow-witted pumpkin" Gigi groaned

"We are just friends...."

"Fine,just tell me. Do you like him or not" Gigi asked as she opened the car door for Vanessa

Vanessa entered without saying a word

Gigi got into the driver's seat and started the car

"I asked a question babe" she said

"Of course I do like him,we are friends....."

"You know what I'm talking about" Gigi snapped

"I don't have anything to say on that,I can't deal with a one sided love and you know that,so it's better not to fall in love" Vanessa scoffed and grabbed the can of pringles in Gigi's bag

"Hey that's mine" Gigi said

"You said you love taking care of patients" Vanessa winked

"But I don't joke with my Pringles" Gigi said 

"I'm starving! Pity me at least!" Vanessa groaned

"Fine you can have it" Gigi said and Vanessa hissed

"You're annoying" She said

Gigi finally stopped the car in front of their mansion,they both came down from the car

"Babes!" They heard the familia voice and they turned

Quinn walked over to them with Angelique and Erica.

"Vanessa,are you okay?" Angelique asked

Quinn hugged Vanessa

"I was so worried,I'm so glad you look more better" Quinn said

"Thank you girls,I'm fine" Vanessa said 

"It's obvious in your eyes" Erica said and Vanessa smiled

"I guess I'm invisible" Gigi scoffed as she opened the door

"Of course not,but you're fine" Erica chuckled

"Oh please,I need it too" Gigi said

"Oh great,Gigi are you okay?" Quinn asked

"I don't need it anymore" Gigi snapped and they laughed

They all entered and fell on the couch

"Looking at your faces,I guess the lectures are interesting" Vanessa said

"Surprise!" Angelique suddenly said 

"What is it?" Vanessa asked curiously

"An Attorney General will be coming over tomorrow for a seminar" Erica said and Vanessa gasped with wide eyes

"What?! Under what course?" She asked

"Criminology,I swear I'm in love with prof Anna,she's so sweet" Gigi said

"Oh mine,I can't wait" Vanessa said dreamily

"Me too" Erica said 



"What?!!" The golden boys screamed out after Valentino told them what Vanessa said

"So you mean that girl was Vanessa's friend?" Reed asked and Valentino nodded

"And she actually committed suicide?" Virgil asked and Valentino nodded again

"What the F,that's messed up. So she hates you coz of that?" Terence asked

"Obviously,I won't blame her,I wouldn't wanna spare anyone who messes with my best friends too" Reed said 

Valentino sighed out and rough his hair

"I would definitely kill Valentino if I was her" Virgil said 

"So,what are you gonna do now?" Reed asked

"What do you mean? You expect him to go to that girl's grave and ask for forgiveness? She committed suicide on her own,not V's fault" Terence scoffed

"He's part of the reason dude,stop being stupid" Reed snapped

"But it's in the past,we don't have to discuss about the dead again. We should focus more on how to get queen V to stop acting so harsh,it's crazy sometimes" Terence said

"Exactly what I meant by what is he gonna do before you brought up a silly talk" Reed said

"Guys that's enough" Virgil groaned and Terence scoffed

"Stop looking dead as if you killed her with your hands" Terence kicked Valentino 

"She hates me" Valentino muttered and the boys exchanged glances

"What is he saying?" Reed asked in a whisper

"Are you talking about Vanessa?" Virgil asked

"I actually thought....she just get angry with me unnecessarily,and I just annoy her even more coz I thought she was just being rude and silly. But now I know....she really detest me so much and it hurts" Valentino muttered

"Oh wow,I thought you don't care" Reed chuckled

"Don't tell me you like her" Terence muttered

"That's impossible,of course not" Virgil scoffed

"You're not him dude" Reed said and they all faced Valentino

"So,did you....by any chance fell for her?" Reed asked 

"Of course not,you all know it's gonna be a waste of time" Valentino scoffed and they all sighed

"Better,coz I'm scared she might just kill you" Reed muttered

"Well,I'm hungry,can we go out?" Terence stood up

"Cafeteria" Valentino immediately said

"Why? Because of Vanessa?" Virgil asked

"Shut up and let's go" Valentino snapped and they all laughed



The golden boys entered the cafeteria and the students screamed out. 

"Oh my Virgil" Julia muttered as she stared at Virgil

Delphine's eyes were on Valentino also as he looked around the Cafeteria as if he was searching for something

"Don't tell me he's looking for Vanessa" She said 

"Oh,she's not here" Julia said.

Soon,Gigi,Erica,Angelique and Quinn came into the cafeteria without Vanessa and Valentino became even more restless

"Hey dude,are you okay?" Terence asked

"I will be back" Valentino said and stood up

"Where are you going?" Reed asked but Valentino ignored them and walked out of the cafeteria. 

"He suggested that we come here and now he's leaving us?" Virgil scoffed

The boys were served and they began eating,Terence and Gigi's eyes met and she rolled eyes at him which made him chuckle

"What's funny?" Reed asked

"Nothing" Terence replied

Virgil's phone suddenly buzzed and he dropped his cutlery to check,his eyes almost popped out when he saw the message,it's from Lotus. 

Are You Busy? Will you come pick me up today too?? It's quite boring with the driver. 

'Seriously?' Virgil said to himself before replying

I'm really busy right now

 Oh no(sad emoji) 

Virgil chuckled

Just follow your driver home

 Are you worried he might tell mom or my brother? We can just escape without him seeing us

"Are you kidding me?" Virgil muttered

"What?" Reed faced him and he looked up

"Oh....it's nothing" Virgil immediately said and dropped his phone but then another message came in so he checked

Please uncle Virgil!!

'I guess I'm in deep trouble' Virgil said inwardly

 Fine,I will be there.

He sent and stood up

"Are you leaving too?" Terence asked

"Yeah,something really important came up" Virgil said and Reed raised his brows

"See you later" Virgil said and walked away. 

"Annoying" Terence muttered



Lotus walked out of the class with her friends but her face was stuck on her phone

"What are you doing?" Love asked

"You've been staring at your phone" Ella said but Lotus said no word

Suddenly they began hearing the students screaming

 OMG! Who's he?!!

 He's so hot!!

 You think he have a sister here??

 So handsome!!

"Oh my gosh,Lotus look up!!" Ella tapped her immediately and Lotus looked up

"Is he a demi god?" Love asked 

Lotus smiled the moment she saw Virgil,he was out of the car holding his phone in his hand but then he saw her and waved at her

Whoa!!! My heart

"Wait,did he just waved at you?" Love asked in surprise

"Till tomorrow guys" Lotus said and immediately ran to Virgil. 

"Hey kiddo,I shouldn't be here,get in the car" Virgil said

"I'm not a kid" Lotus scoffed and entered

Virgil also got in and drove out right away

"Where's your driver?" He asked

"Here he comes" Lotus chuckled,her driver just drove into the school

"So now you're escaping? I'm taking you home right away" Virgil said

"No uncle Virgil,buy me ice cream" She smiled cutely and Virgil scoffed

"Why can't you just call Reed instead" He asked

"I want you,not him" Lotus replied and looked out of the car

"The breeze feels so good!" She screamed

Lotus suddenly leaned close to Virgil and her fresh strawberry smell filled his nose

"Are you still taking me home??" She asked and Virgil looked at her,her face was so close to his

"Do you want a bite?" He asked and Lotus immediately moved back

"Are you really gonna bite me? Buy me ice cream" She pouted

"Fine! Stop frustrating me" Virgil groaned

Lotus grinned and turned to the window again


<ALS≈7PM >

Vanessa opened the door and was surprised to see Valentino again,he had came earlier and she didn't bother listening to him


"What are you still doing here?" She frowned

"I'm sorry" Valentino said

Vanessa closed the door,she was actually on her way out with Giovanni,they are going out for dinner together. Gigi also went out with her boyfriend as she said

"You should leave" she said

"Are you going out with Giovanni?" Valentino asked

"None of your business" Vanessa snapped and made to leave

"Nessa please" Valentino grabbed her hand

"I'm not the victim of your body shaming words,stay away from me!" She snapped

"I'm going to wait for you here" Valentino said 

"Then you must be insane" Vanessa said coldly and walked away

Valentino bite his lips hard,staring at her as she walked out of his sight till he couldn't see her any longer. 

And then crazily,he sat down by the doorstep and buried his face into his palms hoping she will just walk back to him. 



"What do you think? This is the best place I know" Giovanni said as they eat together

"I know this place,my mom always love eating here,you've got a nice taste" Vanessa smiled

"Geez,I wanted to take you to somewhere new" Giovanni said and Vanessa chuckled

"I will think about somewhere more expensive next time" Giovanni said

"I can't wait" Vanessa smiled

Giovanni looked out from the glass door

"Oh wow,it's snowing" He said and Vanessa also turned immediately

"I guess even the snow likes us together" Giovanni said,staring at Vanessa who seems to be lost in thought as she stared at the snow

*"I'm going to wait for you here"* Valentino's voice rang in her head again

'What if he's waiting? It's really cold outside....but he's not crazy to wait for me right? He's not that good' she thought and waved it off

"What are you thinking about?" Giovanni asked and she faced him

"It's nothing,I actually love snowy days" She said


<ALS≈9PM >

"You can drop me here" Vanessa said before Giovanni could think of going into the compound

"Goodnight" Giovanni said and kissed her back hand

"Goodnight,thanks for today" She said and got down from the car. The snow was still dropping unstoppably and it already covered up every where

Giovanni drove off and she entered the compound but almost immediately,her eyes caught with a body sitting at the door step

She walked closer and her eyes widened when she saw Valentino,his hair was covered with snow and he was shaking in the cold with his eyes closed

She blinked unbelievably as she stared at him

She touched his head and gasped out

"Hey!!!!! Are you crazy!!!!" She yelled and hit his shoulder

Valentino opened his eyes slowly

"Nessa" He called softly

"What are you doing here? Is your brain blocked?! How can you stay here in the cold? Do you want to die?!" She yelled and Valentino let out a smile

"How dare you smile!" She shouted

"You are back" he muttered but then his eyes went shut again and his head started falling 

Vanessa immediately caught his head before he could fall

"Hey,wake up" she tapped him 

"Hey!!! Valentino!!!" She called but no response. She immediately opened the door and carried him up with all her power

"Why the....hell is he so heavy?" She panted and crossed his arm around her neck

She entered the house and closed the door,She was trying to drop him on the couch but she slipped 

"Ouch!" She screamed as she fell

Valentino also fell on her and their lips connected immediately

Vanessa's eyes grew wide,what just happened?? 

It's her first kiss!!!!

To Be Continued.


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