
Heartstrings of Love: Law of Affections

In the hallowed halls of America Law School, Valentino Tucker stood out like a beacon of charisma and allure. He was the embodiment of a Lover Boy, a magnetic force that drew the attention of every girl in ALS. Despite a lack of stable relationships, Valentino possessed the uncanny ability to have every girl wrapped around his fingers, earning him the endearing moniker of the Love Doctor. His appeal extended far beyond mere looks; Valentino was a package of charm, intelligence, flirtation, and undeniable sexiness. In the corridors of ALS, he was adored by every single girl, creating an atmosphere where his presence alone could set hearts aflutter. Among his numerous admirers, Vanessa Clark, stands out as the exception. Vanessa detested Valentino with a passion that surpassed any other disdain in her world. However, beneath the surface, an unspoken mutual understanding lingered between them, an enigmatic connection that defied explanation. Vanessa, akin to Valentino, was the epitome of beauty with brains. Her allure wasn't just physical; she wielded a savage wit when necessary, exuded sassiest, and possessed a captivating, curvaceous body that left guys mesmerized at her feet. Yet, Vanessa was no lover girl; she found the antics of playboys irritating, with a particular aversion to Valentino that concealed a mysterious origin. The dynamic between Valentino and Vanessa was reminiscent of Fire and Ice—two contrasting forces, parallel lines destined never to meet. Their interactions were charged with tension, creating an electrifying atmosphere in the corridors of ALS. As the enigma of their connection deepened, the question lingered: What did fate have in store for these two individuals, seemingly bound by an unseen thread that defied their divergent paths? Only time would unveil the intricate dance between Valentino Tucker and Vanessa Clark, a narrative written in the complex script of destiny.

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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17 Chs




Giovanni and Valentino maintained the hard glares on each other and Vanessa finally had enough

"Hey Valentino!" She half yelled and Valentino turned to her

"Can you just leave??" She said icily


"Go" She cut him off

Valentino turned to Giovanni and Giovanni smirked at him before gesturing to the door

Valentino held his fist tightly before walking out

Vanessa faced Giovanni

"I'm sorry about that,it's just time for us to meet and...." Before she could complete her statement,Giovanni wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her. 

Vanessa smiled,he broke the hug after a while and kissed her head

"Do you enjoy doing this a lot?" Vanessa asked

"Only when I'm with you" Giovanni replied and Vanessa bite her bottom lip

"I should get going" She said and Giovanni nodded

"I will see you later" he muttered

Vanessa walked out of the class and had to chew her candy off before getting to the lounge. She met Valentino busy with something on the laptop,she walked closer and took the seat opposite him but he didn't even look up,he only focused on the laptop. Vanessa sighed out

"So...have you started....."

"What if I have??" Valentino snapped at her and she frowned

"It's almost 5:30pm,I came to call you out of that bastard's grip and all I could get was a glare and a voice telling me to leave...."

"What were you expecting?" Vanessa snapped and he stopped

"You banged into the class without getting invited...."

"He would have kissed you" Valentino snapped

"So what if he did! You don't f**king own me okay??!" Vanessa yelled

"And what do you expect me to do? Should I have kept quiet and allow you two fight meaninglessly? If you're not gonna talk to me because I did that then I better take my leave" She hissed and tried getting up

"Nessa wait" Valentino grabbed her hand and she shot him a glare

"Get off" She snapped his hand away and then sat down grumpily

"I'm sorry' Valentino muttered and she scoffed. 

"Let's just do what we are here for" She rolled her eyes. 

Vanessa suddenly gasped

"What is it?" Valentino asked

"My....Laptop,I think I left it" She groaned and rough her hair

"We can go and take it right?" Valentino said

"Are you serious right now? We will rather stay there and do all these" Vanessa replied

"Really? You want us to go to your mansion and study there?" Valentino smirked

"Stop smiling or I'm going to change my mind" She scoffed and Valentino chuckled

They both left the lounge together



Giovanni entered and met Ace and Pierce both laughing while watching something on Ace's phone

"What's so funny?" Giovanni asked and they looked up

"You shouldn't worry about this right now" Ace said and Giovanni raised a brow


"Paige is inside" Pierce replied

"What?!" Giovanni frowned

"Your room" Ace said

"Why the f**k did you let her in!" Giovanni yelled

"Well she insisted that she was going to wait and she just went straight..."

"Shut up" Giovanni snapped and rushed upstairs immediately

He opened the door to his room and there was Paige sitting comfortably on his bed

"Oh,you're back" She smiled

"What are you doing here?" Giovanni asked 

"So,you didn't tell mom about our break up?" Paige grinned and stood up

Giovanni roughed his hair and sighed

"I didn't have the time to tell her but now I guess I should" He said

"It's because you still love me right?" Paige smiled,walking over to him

"Don't be dumb Paige,I don't love you anymore,get out" Giovanni said

Paige immediately hugged him

"I already said I am sorry,I want us back together. Why are you making everything so hard,I still love you" She said

Giovanni pushed her off and grabbed her shoulder roughly

"You're hurting me" Paige winced as she stared into Giovanni's angry eyes

"The next time you come here,I'm going to forget about you being a girl,I swear" He said and pushed her out

"Giovanni!!" Paige called but he closed the door and locked it right away

"What the h*ll?" He scoffed

Just then his phone rang,it's a call from his mom. 

"Yes mom?" He muttered

"I forgot to tell you earlier,can you come over by weekend for dinner? With your girlfriend" Mrs Noel said

"What girlfriend are you talking about?" Giovanni scoffed

"Paige of course....."

"Mom Paige and I broke up okay? I should have told you,so please stop talking about her. I'm going to come alone" Giovanni said


"Bye mom" he hanged up and threw the phone on the bed. 



One of the guards opened the car door for Selena and she stepped out beautifully,they bowed for her and she let out a short smile before walking into the company building,the guards followed her.

 Miss Selena

Welcome Back Miss Selena

 Aww,she's looking more beautiful

She's totally amazing

She kept waving at everyone greeting her till they got to the elevator

"I will go alone from here" She said to the guards and they immediately bowed before turning back

The elevator closed and in few minutes it stopped again. The door opened and she went out

She walked straight into Mrs Tucker's office

"Mom" Selena called and Mrs Tucker looked up 

"Oh,you're here" She said bluntly and Selena smiled before sitting down

"I wonder why you're just coming now,you returned two days ago...."

"I told you I had to attend to some stuffs" Selena cut in and Mrs Tucker rolled her eyes

"I don't have to talk much,we have a lot of things coming like I said,that's why I asked you to come home right away,and that useless brother of yours doesn't even know anything...."

"Mom!" Selena snapped

"He's in school mom,please" She said

"I've been calling him but he choose to ignore my calls" Mrs Tucker said

"Maybe because he knows you are only gonna talk about business and nothing else" Selena said

"So what else can we talk about?" Mrs Tucker asked

"He needs you,as a mom not...."

"He's twenty one,not a kid. He can take care of himself,he's a man" Mrs Tucker snapped and Selena sighed 

"Find a way to bring him home by tomorrow,I have some works for him" She added

"Okay mom" Selena muttered



"Uhmmmm" Gigi moaned as she chewed the spicy chicken

"Making sounds like that turns me on" Terence said and Gigi gave him a knock on his head

"Stop saying shits while I'm eating" She said and Terence chuckled

"But honestly,you do have a nice taste" He said

"Bet this is the first time a girl takes you out" Gigi grinned

"You got me" Terence said and they both laughed

"Do you hate sauce?" Gigi asked

"It's spicy" Terence said and Gigi laughed

"Wow,are you even a guy at all?" She said in a mocking tone

"What do you mean??"

"All guys love spice..."

"Not all" Terence scoffed

"Whatever" Gigi rolled her eyes and Terence smiled


Terence stretched his hand toward her face and wiped the sauce beside her lips

"Thanks" She winked

"You're crazy" Terence chuckled and they continue eating

"Am I the first guy you're bringing here?" Terence asked

"My boyfriend and I come here often" Gigi replied and Terence dropped his cutleries which made Gigi laugh

"What" she said

"Skip talking about that boyfriend of yours" Terence said,pointing a finger at her

"Why?" Gigi grinned

"Coz everytime you talk about him,I always feel like strangling him" Terence said and Gigi chuckled

"Hey,watch your mouth okay?" She frowned

"Okay boss" Terence said and she laughed

Becky,Channel and Jessica walked into the restaurant. 

"Oh wow,what's going on?" Jessica muttered when they saw Terence and Gigi 

Channel glared at them angrily

"They look like couples" Becky said

"No they don't" Channel snapped

"Oh sorry" Jessica chuckled,walking to a table with Becky

Channel kept on glaring at Gigi and she walked over to them,Gigi took a glass of wine and was about sipping when Channel bumped into her and the wine poured all over her

"Ouch!" Gigi sprang up

"Oh sorry" Channel immediately said,trying to help her wipe it off

"Move back!" Gigi snapped

Terence got up

"Are you okay?" He asked

"No I'm not,I'm gonna use the restroom" Gigi glared at Channel and walked away

Terence tried following her but Channel pulled him back

"Wait" She said and Terence gave her a questioning look

"Can we just.....eat together....."

"Was that the reason why you made her pour her drink on herself?" He snapped and Channel bite her lips

"I hate low girls like you" Terence said and threw her hand off before going after Gigi

Channel almost blinked out tears,she rushed out of the restaurant immediately

"Channel!" Becky and Jessica ran after her. 


Gigi came out of the restroom and met Terence waiting for her

"You don't have to come" She muttered

"Did you get rid of the stain?" Terence asked and looked down at her chest,the red color was still there and her light dress was wet which made it look transparent,he could see her bra just by staring at it. 

"I think we should leave" Gigi muttered

"Yeah" Terence replied and took off his jacket

"Here" He put it on her and she smiled

"Thank you" She said

"You're welcome" Terence said and grabbed her hand

They paid their bills and left the restaurant,Gigi's phone rang the moment they got in the car,she checked and it's Nelson. Her eyes met with Terence and he looked away before starting the car

"Hey babe" Nelson called as Gigi answered the call

"Hey" Gigi muttered

"You sound somehow,did something happened??" Nelson asked

"Of course " Gigi chuckled

"I was thinking....do you wanna hang out later tonight?" He asked

"You want me to come over?" Gigi smiled

"I will pick you home by seven" Nelson said 

"Can't wait" She chuckled and Terence scoffed

"I love you too" Gigi said and hanged up 

"So you're going out with him tonight?" Terence asked 

"Yeah" Gigi smiled and Terence stopped the car and he faced her

"What's wrong?" Gigi asked

"Why don't you just move to his place?" Terence asked 

"What are you saying?" Gigi asked and Terence groaned

"You've not been spending the night in the hostel,it's f**king annoying. How can you leave your friend all by herself in the night?" Terence asked 

"Vanessa isn't complaining...."

"But I am complaining,it's not really nice for you to keep on spending the night with him....."

"He's my boyfriend,what are you talking about?" Gigi snapped and Terence sighed

"Fine" He muttered and started the car again. 

"If you're really waiting for us to break up,stop waiting" Gigi said and Terence looked at her

"I'm saying....he will be transferring to ALS soon" Gigi muttered

"Wh.....what?!" Terence's eyes widened

"Because he love me and because,we can't keep the distance any longer" Gigi said 

"Stop talking about it" Terence said and Gigi laughed

"Just kidding...but stop talking as if you're jealous,everyone knows you guys can get any girl you want,so stop teasing me,it's not nice" She said and looked out of the window

Terence stared at her for a while before looking away,he stepped on the speed at once. 



"Why are you all alone here?" Toby asked as he sat down beside Otto

"As you can see" Otto raised the book in his hand

"Then why is it upside down?" Toby asked and Otto's eyes widened

"Upside down?" He immediately checked and it's true

"You think you can fool me?" Toby scoffed and Otto laughed

"Are you thinking about Quinn again?" Toby asked

"Can't help it" Otto muttered

"You think Finn is scared you might break his sister's heart?" Toby asked

"That's insane,I'm not even a play boy" Otto scoffed

"Then why..."

"Not just me okay? He doesn't want any f**king guy close to her,and it's becoming so suspicious that I'm curious like hell" Otto said

"Suspicious? How?" Toby asked

"Honestly I don't know,I don't wanna think about it,but my mind keep telling me shits I don't wanna believe" Otto said and sighed



Virgil looked up from his phone as Terence walked in

"Where are you coming from? You suddenly disappeared" Virgil said 

Terence smiled and sat down

"Why are you smiling?" Virgil asked

"Someone took me out" Terence smiled

"Oh wow seriously? Who?" Virgil smirked

"Gigi" Terence replied

"Gigi? Why?" 

"It's just a payback" Terence chuckled

"I guess it was fun,you look dumb while chuckling" Virgil said and Terence kicked him

"It was really fun,she's cute and crazy" Terence said

Meanwhile Reed was on the staircase,listening to them. He tightened his fist and went back upstairs. 


Quinn entered her room breathing heavily,she actually ran all the way here

Finn dropped the picture he was staring at and stood up

"Hey! You should have just told me earlier,I had to run here!" Quinn snapped

"Why are you blaming me? I didn't ask you to run,you should have walked,I was gonna wait anyway" Finn said and Quinn frowned

"Fine I'm sorry" Finn said and Quinn rolled her eyes before closing the door

"Why are you here?" She asked

"Because I miss you of course,seems we've been too busy these days" Finn muttered

"Yeah" Quinn pouted

"I got you a gift" Finna smiled and her eyes widened

"Where?" She asked

"Close your eyes" Finn said and Quinn immediately shut her eyes

"You don't have to be so curious" Finn teased 

"Be fast!" Quinn snapped and he chuckled

"Open" Finn said and Quinn opened her eyes

"Here" Finn raised a small case and handed over to her

"What's inside?" She asked

"Open it" Finn replied and she immediately opened

"Whoa,is it a leg bracelet?" She grinned and Finn nodded

"You told me you lost the old one" He said and Quinn hugged him

"You're the best" She said and broke the hug

Finn grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed,she sat down and he squatted in front of her

He wore the bracelet on her leg and Quinn raised her leg

"Pretty" She chuckled cutely

Finn stared at her while still squatting then Quinn turned her gaze to him

"What" she said

Finn lean closer and kissed her eyes,Quinn smiled and then he kissed her second eyes. 

"Why my eyes of all....." Before she could finish,Finn's lips landed on hers. 



"I think we got better here,the story is getting more clear. Do you think we have to inform Prof Kelly or....." Valentino stopped when he noticed Vanessa's face,she's been quiet and now she's wincing like she's in pain

"Nessa.....are you okay?" Valentino asked

Vanessa shook her head slowly,she suddenly developed a headache and her head was banging badly

Valentino immediately stood up and moved closer to her

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly

"You don't have to worry about me,can we just end it here? You can leave" Vanessa said

"Fine let's end it here but tell me what's wrong" Valentino said and touched her forehead to feel her temperature

"Stop" Vanessa slap his hand off with a frown and stood up

"Stop acting stubborn and tell me what's wrong" Valentino said 

Vanessa touched her head

"Headache?" Valentino asked and she nodded

"Do you wanna go to the school clinic?" He asked

"No,I will be fine" Vanessa muttered

Valentino suddenly moved closer to her and then he hugged her gently,his hands around her waist. He was waiting for her to push him away but then,Vanessa rest her head on his chest but she didn't hold him

He was surprised as he looked down at her

"Nessa??" He called

"Hold me tight" She mumbled and closed her eyes

Valentino smiled and hugged her more tightly,and for the first time,he could inhale her sweet Vanilla scent,it felt like heaven!. 

To Be Continued.


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