
Hazbinverse: Impish Tendencies

Aiden was a bad guy. He killed a lot of people. He stole a lot of things. He was a scammer. He was a certified war criminal. He was a scum, a villain. So it wasn't surprising that he ended up in hell. But why the hell was he a baby? and what's up with these goofy horns?

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9 Chs

Imp In Trouble

Chapter 6 - Imp In Trouble

Written By Curiostyx

<Aiden's Pov>

'Surprisingly really good' I thought as I slurped on the spaghetti.

I had decided to check out the local culinary menu and it certainly didn't disappoint. Though it was as if I was in Turkey since the food here had way too many oils.

Nevertheless, the food was still hellishly delicious and even managed to wake up my long-lost slumbering culinary interest.

I had stopped by a few dozen restaurants to try out the various foods of MetroSin, the latest one being the 'Made In Hell' restaurant.

This restaurant specializes in various pasta dishes, with the burning hot spaghetti being the absolute specialty of the restaurant.

The food here was also quite affordable, and combining this with the apparent cooking expertise the chefs here have, It really wasn't surprising that this restaurant was quite popular.

I then felt a cold metallic hand holding my right shoulder tightly.

"Stop right there, criminal scum!"


A couple of minutes earlier...

<Narrator's Pov>

A Goat-headed demon with a pair of purple-striped horns on his head, a candle-like appendage jutted out of his forehead, and a pair of leathery bat-like wings attached to his back sat in the middle of a restaurant, seemingly quite enraged.

It was a Baphomet, a rather pissed-off one at that.

Vathan was angry-No, he was furious! Someone had actually 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙙 to rob him blind! He was just calmly eating some pasta when he suddenly noticed that his wallet had disappeared!

Who 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙨!?

He then noticed a peculiar object right beside his leg, it was an ID card that every citizen of MetroSin had, Vathan included, but this wasn't just a regular card. It was a visitor card!

Visitor cards were ID cards given to foreigners who entered MetroSin for a specific temporary reason. Immigrants had their own Immigrant ID cards.

He picked the card up and took a closer look.


Name: Aiden Gregory

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Race: Imp

Nationality: Wildlands, Wrath Ring

ID Code: 69696969694206969

Reason for Visitation: Vacation


"Hmm..." He then pulled out a flip phone from his pocket and started typing the number 01234567 and started calling the number.

"This is the Justice for MS hotline, who's calling?" A gruff voice called out from the phone.

"I would like to report a crime..." Vathan stated.

"As if we didn't have enough of those already... alright, shoot your report" The voice responded.

"Someone robbed me! I was just peacefully eating some pasta whilst watching some oily old men making out and then I realized that my wallet had disappeared!" Vathan stated.

"Okey... Look bud, We can't really help if you can't give us-"

"I know who did it!" Vathan suddenly said.

"I have his ID!" He revealed

"Shoot dang... Guess, I'll send a couple of droids to help then" The voice replied before he hung up.

"Tch... And they say this is the most lawful city in Wrath..." Vathan muttered as he saw 3 Police-type Sindroids enter the establishment.

"Greetings Special-priority Citizen, please direct us to the offender..." One of them said to Vathan.

He then gave the Sindroid the VS ID card, which was then quickly scanned by the robots.

"Identity Confirmed... Searching for Offender's Location" The Sindroid said as its facial screen formed a loading spiral.

"Location Confirmed, Initiating Protocol 'Capture The Criminal'" The Sindroid uttered before suddenly becoming animated and a 'life'.

A bizarre tune started playing out of the droid's voicebox. The Sindroid then immediately rushed to another part of the restaurant, followed by its robotic lackeys.

"Where? Where? Where? Where?" The two lackeys sang.

"There! There! There! There!" The leading droid answered.

"Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Don't let them escape!"

"Stay! Stay! Stay! Don't you run run away!"

They were singing in a tune not too dissimilar from those modern nursery rhymes.

"Stay put, scum of the Hell! Hell!"

"We will catch the feistyyy felon!"

"Boys, who are we?"

"The Good Lads!"

"Oh, The Baddies... Why are they so 𝘣𝘢𝘥?"

"No one truly knows..."

The singing was then abruptly stopped as they had finally reached the offender.

"Stop right there, criminal scum!" 3x

They all said at the exact same time.

"Huh!?" The Imp said, surprised.

"For committing the act of robbery against a Special-priority Citizen, you are hereby sentenced to 69 years in solitary confinement," The Droid said.

"But... I'm a minor!" The Imp shouted back.

"Irrelevant information, all are treated equally under the justice system" The leading droid answered.

"Then what's with the Special-priority Citizen? isn't that unequal?" From what he'd observed from the general vibe of MetroSin, this city was 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 far from the word 'equal' so the droid's words were pretty baseless.

"Irrelevant information, Special-priority Citizens are treated like so because they provide a lot of worth to society, they are also still treated the same if persecuted" Fair enough, I guess.

"Wait... But I never robbed anyone!" The Imp argued as the droid held me tightly.

"We have evidence. Now surrender at once, Criminal" The Droid said.

The Little Imp tried to resist but the three Police-type Sindroids easily overpowered my impish body. He was then roughly stuffed inside of what resembled a pet carrier.

"W-WAIT! I'M INNOCENT! I DIDN'T DO NOTHING!" He frantically shouted.

Sadly however, his shouts were completely ignored as one of the Droids pulled out a needle gun and 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 him with it.

"WHAT THE HELL, WHAT DID YOU JUST-... I don't feel so good" He said as everything became woozy and blurry in his perspective

"Have a good night's rest, Offender" Were the last words The Imp heard before falling into torpor.


<Grandpa Gregory's Pov>

"This ought to do," I said as I looked at the nice clothes I bought for my So- Grandson.

"Now, where's that little flame wandered off to..." I muttered as I looked around the streets.

There were no Aidens.

"Dang, I should have probably told him not to just leave..." In hindsight, leaving an 8-year-old child who had just recently undergone his Flame Awakening in the streets was probably not the best of ideas.

But I wasn't called the dullest tool in the shed by 'Him' for nothing, so I just smiled and decided to search for Hunter instead. The Little Fire would come around eventually... Right?


I feel like the quality of this chapter is a little meh... I hope the next chapter ought to be better.

Inspirational Quote of The Day: Exercise is like oatmeal, if you don't like it, you just hadn't customized it to your liking.

Word Count: 1090

Power Stones are the DNA of the soul.

So Gimme =D

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