
Chapter 136: Phone Call

As Xinya puttered around the kitchen, making a cabbage stir fry with pork belly for them to dine on, Wei took her phone and went to her room. Connecting her pod USB to her cell, she downloaded the app that would allow her to be able to talk to any of her friends on her friend list, when she isn't in the pod.

Once the app was fully installed, she disconnected her cell from her pod and moved to sit on her bed, that she hasn't used in what seemed like forever. Making herself comfortable against the headboard, she opened the app up and scrolled down until she found Wandering Sound's name.

She stared at his name for a while, debating to herself on whether she should call him or not. Being able to talk to him out of the game felt very real to her, it was like she was taking an unknown step in their relationship.