
Have fun writing

Altrees Zest was a last stage cancer patient . So to leave something behind after his death , he started writing webnovels . 'A Hero Never Dies' was the first novel he wrote and his first hit . And he died before finishing the novel. Wait a Minute.... Altrees who died was suddenly in a middle of a very fancy restaurant with two unknown people . And memories of another person started flooding in his mind. He was in his own novel . As a student x of the Lord's Academy , the most famous hunter academy . Follow Altrees on his new life and new adventures.... --------------------------------- Author's note : Hello all, this is my first work . Hope you all enjoy and please let me know any pointers or mistakes in the comments.

7th_Reader · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

6. Have fun writing

" Bastards ! "

" They waited 4 years just to say a simple 'YES' . "

A skinny man was shouting in his ward. He was wearing a patients uniform. He had a deathly pale skin , long dull brown hair and deep black eyes.

His name was Altrees Zest. A former Hero Candidate. And now a last stage cancer patient.

" Your temple has finally given us the permission to proceed with the Operation and the date is set to be 4 weeks later ....

It's been 4 years now since you entered the last stage , If it was not for your divinity you wouldn't have survived. So please don't hope anything from the Operation. "

" I know ... and thank you doctor for taking care of me for the last 4 years. "

" Do you want to do anything in the time you have left , like meeting people or going to some important places , do you have to do something like that ?"

" Well apart from you , no one even visits me anymore. And since the temple has given permission for Operation after 4 years I am good as dead for them . So , no I have nothing to do "

Altrees said sarcastically.

" I have a suggestion . " the doctor said .

" Why don't you write something like a novel , you have been writing in your dairy since the day you came to the hospital "

" You like writing don't you ?"

The doctor looked at Altrees with a look you cannot say no to .

" I guess I do. "... " I will try "

The doctor was really happy with the response and said something as he went out of the ward.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked around my room. I was not in my ward anymore nor was I the old me.

' It's been a while since I had a dream from my world '

' Ahh , it had to be of him '

The doctor was a mysterious person. He was the only one who visited me in my ward even when he was not assigned to me. Some how I don't even remember his name but he was the most important person for me.

After that day I never saw him again.

But even now the last words he spoke to me were crystal clear in my mind.

" Have fun writing! "

That is what he said. My mind began connecting two different things and a sudden flash came to me.

' No , it cannot be him ...'

I dropped that thought instantly. And I stared at the info of the new skill I got yesterday.


" Have fun writing " " Rating - Epic "

" Type - Item (Active) "

[ A book which let's the user write about certain events happening or going to happen in someone else's life and if the probability of that certain events happening in target's future is more than 50 % than the events will flow exactly as written in the book.]

[ The future can be written upto 5 days ]

[ Can only write one event per page and only two pages a month ]

[ At level 1 can only choose 1 target ]

[ Only 100 pages are available ]

[ Once target is selected, he will receive a complimentary skill ' Have fun reading ' which will let him read the events written by user with a delay of 24 hours ]

[ Target cannot be someone of a higher rank than the user. ]

[ To select a target, have a conversation of more than 2 minutes and say 'target' ]


To be honest, I did not expected this. This is too much.

In simpler terms , if you are planning something against the target and it has a probability of working more than 50 % than it will happen.

It's already too much of a powerful skill for some nobody but for me it's like a cheat. As the author there is atleast one person whose future I am certain of .

The choice for target wasn't difficult. My target was going to be William.

The place for the conversation would be the special test next week.

After finalizing my plans for my new skill , I wore my uniform and went straight to the training facility given to each of LAC's students.

When I entered the training room , it was quite spacious and had a variety of weapons and 5 practice dummy robots.

I changed my clothes to the training wear and picked up a double edged sword.

After practicing the 3rd technique of Heaths art for 2 hours and gaining a good rhythm, I went to the dummy section and practiced for another 4 hours.

Drenched in sweat and after having a good training session, I got into a shower , had a light lunch and then straight to another session.

This continued for 2 more days and today was the day I promised to meet up with Hilda.

Since I had her number I took the first straw and texted her ....

Altrees _

{ hey , you wanted to go for a spar right ? .... how about 4 pm ??}



Altrees _

{ So you wanna go or not..}


{ Alright Alright geez , Let's meet at the entrance of the coffee shop }

{ OH and can I bring a friend to tag along }

' Damn .. it's only been 4 days and the Academy isn't even started yet she has friends '

' Is this the difference between a leading character and a not so important or is it just me being the loner I am '


Altrees _

{ it's fine .... who is it ?}


{ OH , you know the Rank 1 from class B. His name is William and he is my neighbor. He was looking out of place so I wanted to help him. See you at coffee shop}

And there it goes . She went offline right after her last message.

But I realized a mistake on my part and a big time .

According to the novel Hilda and William were neighbors . She was the first friend and backing William got when he entered the Academy.

But something happened between Altrees and Hilda which made Hilda quite sad. And that was the reason why William eliminated Altrees from Class A.

The original Altrees never accepted Hilda's request but I did. I somehow eliminated my chance of going away from the most danger prone class.

' I need to fix it in today's meet .' , thinking this I began to make plans accordingly .