
Have fun writing

Altrees Zest was a last stage cancer patient . So to leave something behind after his death , he started writing webnovels . 'A Hero Never Dies' was the first novel he wrote and his first hit . And he died before finishing the novel. Wait a Minute.... Altrees who died was suddenly in a middle of a very fancy restaurant with two unknown people . And memories of another person started flooding in his mind. He was in his own novel . As a student x of the Lord's Academy , the most famous hunter academy . Follow Altrees on his new life and new adventures.... --------------------------------- Author's note : Hello all, this is my first work . Hope you all enjoy and please let me know any pointers or mistakes in the comments.

7th_Reader · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Sparring can be so difficult

I wore my training wear under a casual wear of shirt and jeans . At 4 pm I was standing in front of the coffee shop as still no one came.

After few minutes they arrived, a total of 3 people.

They were Hilda , William and a girl I don't remember.

" Hey let's go ! "

" Who is she? "

" Tch , straight to the point huh! "

" She is William's friend . They came from the same orphanage. "

' There was someone like her ... I didn't knew that '

I realized that there are things which will come at me unexpectedly if I still consider it as a world from the novel.

This is an independent world and there are many elements which are still unknown to me.

Acting oblivious I asked ,


This time instead of Hilda , William came forward and said ..

" We grew up together in an orphanage from a small city called Lorik . And as you already know from Hilda, My name is William Stones and this is Sarah Stones " he said pointing towards the girl.

Looking at the girl I asked ,

" Are you also going to spar ?"

" y-yes" , She replied in a low voice enough for us to hear .

" Alright, Hilda where's the place ?"

" Finally, follow me lads! "

We walked for nearly 20 minutes in the southern direction and arrived in front of a place with the words ' Dojo ' written on it.

As soon as we entered the Dojo , an old man came towards us and asked ,

" May I check if any one of you has a membership card or we have to make you a new one. "

" Here you go " , Hilda handed a gold card to the old man.

" Please follow me "

" Do you need a room for sparing or for individual practice ?"

" Sparing! " , Hilda shouted almost instantly.

" Which mode would you like to use - physical or virtual "

" Physical! " , It was me this time who answered.

" Alright , please follow me " ,the old man took us to the 3rd floor of Dojo and gave us a big spacious room with two platforms in it.

" Enjoy your time here " , speaking those words the old man left .

" How are we doing this? " I asked.

" let's do it in a tournament style . " William said .

"OK , let's do that . "

" Just start already!"

" hmmmm "

" Alright, Sarah and I will do the first match and Altrees and William do the second. The winners would fight in the final "

I took a chair and sat at the edge of the platform. Both the girls arrived in the platform.

Hilda was carrying a broad sword as her job was that of a Crusader . Whereas Sarah was holding a staff.

' Maybe she is a Magician ' that was my conclusion seeing her weapon.

" I will be the refree for this match " William said standing in the middle of the stage .

" Start "

The first to move was Hilda as she strided forward with a great momentum and was about to reach Sarah , suddenly her body froze for a second and she jumped backwards.

The moment she jumped back , black vines appeared around Sarah. The vines were thick and long . If Hilda was a second late in her retreat she would have been hit by the vines.

The black vines had several pointy spikes on it and to give Hilda no time to think , Sarah ordered the vines to attack Hilda head on.

Hilda came to her senses much sooner and activated the Crusader's Aura . A thick golden light surrounded her body and she clenched her broadsword tightly. The sword also started glowing in golden color.

She met the vines head on and was able to cut through them easily . Sarah commanded more vines to attack forsaking her defense. But the result was clear as 5 minutes later all the vines were cut off.

It was an easy win for Hilda. There were two main reasons for her easy win .

First her rank is higher than Sarah's . And her job is attack type contrasting to support type job of Sarah.

' Witch of the forest ' , that was the job of Sarah. It's a support type job until certain conditions are met. Then it can evolve into a strong attack type job.

Come to think of it I do remember someone with the same job as hers . But that person enters much later in the story.

" It's our turn , shall we start "

William said to me with a little bit of arrogance . Knowing his attitude I knew he had won already in his mind. For him as a former veteran hunter , us students are nothing to him.

' He is not wrong though , but I am an exception '

I took my double edged sword and stood in front of him .

" OK, I will be the refree for this match " Hilda said standing in the middle of the stage.

Just like me , William also brought a double edged sword.

I knew what he was doing . He was looking to hurt my ego and expecting me to become angry.

" Start "

We both charged forward and our swords met with great force behind it .

clank ~ clank

The sound of our swords meeting was heard throughout the room .

For the first few rounds our fight was at standstill . Then I activated sprint and made a surprise move to which he dodged very cleanly.

Making use of the split second he aimed at my back which was wide open.

To defend my back I summoned metal spikes to deflect the attack.

Making use of that time I jumped back and threw metal spikes at him . He dodged all of them with perfection.

I used sprint at the same time and arrived in a position he couldn't dodge my next attack but he was also waiting for this exact moment.

As soon as I attacked him , he threw his sword at my position and took out a gun and fired quick successive shots.

Dodging the sword , my body moved out of instinct and cut the bullets in half in an unbelievable pace and at the same time 5 metal spikes surrounded William.

" I surrender " he said looking at the gun that was now in pieces.

To be honest, he was strong for any student right now because of his vast experience.

Even though we both had a past life in a sense , he was a veteran hunter but I was one of the strongest of my world.

The gap was too big.