
Harry Potter: Wanted

Lucas Everglade died a tragic death while on the run. Lucas lived for the adrenaline of running away from the law. He awoke in Azkaban prison as Harry Potter, framed for a crime he didn't commit. *ding* [Criminal system activated.] A large grin spread upon Lucas’s face, ‘running away from wizards as the boy who lived? Sounds fun.’ “Huh is that iron man?” Shield can't catch him The FBI can't see his shadow Wizards curse his name He is Harry Potter ------------------------- The system will mainly be there for Convenience so for stats and new spells he won't be a slave to it. I will try and merge both worlds perfectly but there will be some mistakes I am human. *All credits go to the authors of Marvel and Harry Potter I don't own anything but my OCS*

Booggie · Livres et littérature
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87 Chs

The third and finale task

(a/n: update schedule will be bad for right now.)

I watched as the contestants and viewers left the stadium. The viewers were happily talking about the second task, I could hear people saying they could do the challenge easily. It brought a smile to my face seeing them happy and content.

Like I said the last challenge is in three days, it is going to be something the magical world won't forget.

I appeared back at my house with the help of my portkey, I sat in my recliner and poured myself a glass of watermelon blast blood. Taking the now full glass I took a sip. The sweet but sour taste of watermelon hit my taste buds, the flavor exploded in my mouth.

I began to look at the Criminal empire manager I bought from the shop. It was cool it showed my employees and the situation of my land. Right before I was about to turn it off I noticed a figure walk into the Red Lotus, a spy marker was on them and their name was Remus Lupin.

Grabbing an orb next to me I sent a message to Charles who is working right now to watch out for the guy that just walked in. Because he wouldn't know what lupin looked like.

-Remus pov-

"Unspeakable Moon out," I said to the mirror and walked off toward the red lotus

The Red Lotus is a bar owned by the blood merchant, he is a high-profile dealer of dark objects and substances. We know Red Lotus is connected to him so it was my duty to find any leads.

As soon as I walked in the atmosphere was weird, it was too friendly. They used charms to mask their scents and codenames as well. I can't find a thing on this blood merchant guy. The Boss is going to be pissed.

-Harry Pov -

I was working on everything for after the last task and the task to come. I am just having trouble on deciding if I was Albus Dumbledores' death public or private.

[the night before the third task]

It was the night before the third task and I was adding some finishing touches to the stadium floor for tomorrow. I want this task to be talked about forever and ever.

Just as I added the last bit Dobby came in and yelled at me, "Bad master! You supposed to sleep!" Dobby screeched shooting me a dirty glare

The little guy still can't comprehend that I don't need to sleep, but it's alright I like to sleep and I am almost done here.

Turning my head to Dobby I replied, "I'm almost done, just a tad bit more and I will sleep."

Dobby just nodded back and popped back home, I was changing the stadium with Runes to make the stadium able to shift terrain. It will be super cool to watch and even cooler to fight in.

Checking everything over once more I made sure everything was perfect then left.

Once I got back home I went to the yard and turned into my basilisk form, laying down in my snake form I started to drift to sleep.

In my dreams, I thought about making a ritual to stop my rooster problem and using a Phoenix to make my voice and hums like a Phoenix song.

I woke up at six in the morning and began my daily training. After two hours I ate breakfast and then left for the tournament stadium.

Once at the stadium I began to relax and wait for people to start to fill in. I looked up from the book I was reading and saw Yao just staring at me, she nodded at me then sat down and took a sip of her tea.

Is she trying to be mysterious or something? It's actually funny. Maybe I messed up her timeline and she wants to see what I'm all about.

Anyway, the stands started filling in, and the live broadcast got turned on. It was time for the finale showdown.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the third task. This is the last task and the task to decide the ultimate champion! It will be a battle royale free for all, every contestant against each other. May the best man win!" I announced and the crowd went crazy








People were cheering and goading the contestants as they walked into the stadium.

-Dumbledore pov -

I walked through the corridors to make it to the stadium, I could hear the crowd's cheers and applause.

A free for all, that's what the battle is for the last task, I have to win, or else my magic is gone. I will do anything for my magic.

I turned the corner to get up to the stadium and froze I saw her, "Arian-" she disappeared again

My mind is playing tricks on me, I can't tell if anyone is real or not. Just the other day I saw Minerva and I asked her if she was real, she looked disgusted by me. My carrier and reputation are ruined but, I can't lose my magic I just can't.

Gellert, Tom I don't care who it is I won't let them stop me!

I finally reached the stadium and looked around at my opponents I am ready.

-Ron pov -

I slowly made my way to the stadium, I could barely hold my wand much less fight these powerhouses. Everywhere I go I see spiders, I can feel them on me, I can feel their bites and it's driving me insane.

Every time I hold my wand my hand starts shaking because I think spiders are crawling on me and I have to burn them off.

My life is a nightmare of potters design and I know it, he knows it, the other contestants know it. But we can't stop it.

I walked onto the stadium and glanced around, my opponents look tough I don't think I can even stay alive. I look over and see Albus, his face looks stone-cold his eyes lost the twinkle once present, and instead they were replaced with fury and determination.

-Fudge pov -

I walked down the corridor to the stadium, a free for all huh? Well, no matter I am going to lose anyway might as well try and land a hit on someone.

These last couple of months and days have been the best I have ever had. My personality has flourished, and I have secured my minister position by being who I am not some fake version of myself. The vampires and I have an agreement as well.

I have had so much sex, and some vampires even offered to change me. Ever since the tournament I have been me, myself and I, and no one else.

I hope with all of my heart I can come out alive and with my magic intact, but if I can't then I have had fun.

I stepped onto the stadium and saw my competition. Albus looked determined, Grindelwald looked calm, Tom looked like he was ready to kill people, and Ron looked ready to go hide in a corner.

-Tom pov -

I walked through the corridor that leads to the stadium step by step I approached the end. Today was the last task, the last chance at victory. If I kill everyone there I will be in the first place by default therefore I will get to keep my magic.

Albus is old I can take him, Gellert is old I can end him, Ron is an ant and Fudge is a bug. I have no competition!

I stepped onto the stadium and looked around, I am ready.

-Gellert pov -

A free for all, so simple and brutish but at the same time so elegant. A free for all is where one can showcase their skills versus multiple opponents and I shall showcase my superior abilities to everyone today.

My biggest threats are Albus and Tom. But I will not allow myself to think of Ron and Cornelius as weak. That type of thinking leads to one's downfall.

I stepped onto the stadium and looked around everyone was ready, but I was the calmest of the bunch. Albus my old friend is too angry and eager to start. Tom looks like he will start with the killing curse right away. Cornelius and Ron look ready in their own way.

Let the games begin gentleman.

-Narrator pov -

Everyone watched with batted breath the contestant's staredown each other ready for the final battle. If you showed up live in the stadiums then you could feel the magic wafting off the bodies of Gellert, Tom, and Albus.

"The final task starts NOW!" Harry shouted over the loudspeakers

Boom, the contestants wasted no time and moved.

Tom decided to get rid of the 'bugs' "Bombarda! BOMBARDA!" he yelled casting two explosion spells at Ron and Fudge

Ron couldn't even defend himself he was instantly caught in the explosion. His legs were blown off and his arm was severely damaged.

Fudge managed to dodge the spell and cast a protego to shield himself. Using the smoke from the explosion to his advantage he acted as if he was knocked down. And he was out of the match.

Gellert transfigured spears and banished them flying at Tom, Tom easily dodged them and sent a Bombarda Maxima at Gellert and a killing curse at Abus.

Albus transfigured a shield to block the curse and Gellert used a ineunt sputum shield to rebound the Bimbarsa Maxima back at Tom.

The fight was just getting started.

"Die!" Voldemort snarled sending a dark cutting curse at Dumbeldore

"Protgeo Maxima!" Dumbledore said creating a massive shield

The spell rebounded off the shield and went toward Gellert.

"Pathetic," Gellert said softly

He whisked his wand around beautifully like he was painting an arc in the sky. The cutting curse seemed to disintegrate and then appear before Gellert.

"Go forth," Gellert said flicking his wand at Tom

The cutting curse slashed through the sky ten times faster than Toms did, Tom was about to move to dodge it when the ground beneath him bound his feet, and a spike launched toward his back. It was the work of Dumbledore and Gellert.

"I will not die!" Tom shouted sending raw magical power out of his body

The rock bindings broke and he twirled away from the spike. The slash barely hit him but it clipped his stomach.

"Argh!" Tom heaved in pain

The stadium ground suddenly turned snowy and snowflakes started to descend on the contestants.

"Fiendfyre!" Tom bellowed flicking his wand

The snow around him vaporized as a huge flaming basilisk erupted from Toms's wand.

He controlled it to attack Gellert, Albus seeing that conjured his own fire spell, and sent a blazing Phoenix at Gellert.

"Fiendfyre!" Gellert cast flicking his wand

His fire didn't take shape of an animal but it was burning hotter than ever. Elegantly moving his wand in a triangle pattern Gellert made a shield of Fiendfyre that blocked both attacks.

They kept pushing their fire against his. It was a battle of wills every time Tom increased his fire to snake around the triangle Gellert would make tendrils to block it.

Tom put so much magic into his fire. His face morphed into a grin as he could feel himself winning.

Just as he was about to win Tom heard someone say, "Avada Kedavra!"

He couldn't even turn around in time, he felt the spell hit his back. His whole body felt hollow and cold. This wasn't like the first time he died. Something was wrong his Horcruxes were destroyed.

Tom fell limply onto the ground, dead now and forever.

The Fiendfyre basilisk dissipated, and Gellert easily fought back Albus's flames.

Fudge the one who cast the spell took Ron and ran off the stadium. He killed Tom but there is no way he could kill Gellert or Albus.

"So it's just us," Gellert said softly

"It is down to us old friend," Albus replied

"Shall we?" Gellert said with a grin

"We shall," Albus replied

They both moved simultaneously, Albus transfigured an army of snowy and stone knights.

Gellert made three big knights and then sent them to fight Albus's army.

They fought with transfiguration, knights, golems, wolves, and hounds, they made to fight each other.

The battle shocked the audience by the sheer power they are showing. Both wizards refused to back down. Both wizards were going for the kill.

Albus transfigured the rest of his army into one giant guardian knight. It charged at Gellert destroying anything in its path.

Gellert quickly transfigured chains to hold it down and then made a giant warrior with a hammer.

The chains broke on Albus's giant and both giants met.


Gellert's giant's hammer swung and collided with Albus's giant's shield.

His sword glided through the sky aiming for the hammer giant's side.


The sword embedded itself into the hammer giant.

The hammer giant swung his hammer at the sword giant's arm. The sword giant was too slow and the hammer crushed his arm.


While the two giants were fighting Albus and Gellert were focusing their magic on calling upon the elements.

Fire started to erupt from the ground bathing Albus in a crimson robe of flames.

Lightning coiled around Gellert making him look like the god of lighting.

Right as both giants finished destroying each other, they moved.

Lightning shot out from Gellert and fire from Albus, they battled for supremacy.

Albus kept adding flames shaping a flaming Phoenix. He didn't notice Gellert building lightning storms in the sky right above Albus.

"Goodbye my friend," Gellert said softly but everyone watching could hear him

*KACHAAA BOOOOOOOM!* Lighting rained down from the sky decimating Albus

The fire began to disappear and only Gellert bathed in lightning was standing.

He was the champion.


A/N: some might be questioning why I killed albus there it is because the plan was to ruin albus's image completely and then kill him.