
The second task

-Harry Potter pov -

Soon people started to make their way out of the ball, my Jack Sparrow clone left a little bit ago, and now the contestants started to leave. Albus Dumbledore's true nature got out this evening and I'm sure the papers will have a field day with him.

There was some awkward conversations I had with Aurors and some people from America. They kept asking me to return the Statue of Liberty and I kept explaining to them that it is mine now. Honestly no respect.

I went home that night and started to prepare the ritual that will call all of Toms Horcruxes to me. Once I do that I will get the Resurrection Stone and become the master of death. I tried to find a way to gain knowledge from Toms's soul pieces but since they weren't big pieces I won't get hardly any knowledge so since the soul is connected to magical power I will steal as much magical power as I can from his soul shards.

I also want to keep the items intact, so they could go into the thief's grand hall. And maybe working as well I really want to try Ravenclaws Diadem.

I made a circle on the ritual room floor, the circle had four other circles branching off from it, those were where the Horcruxes will appear. I then put some of Toms's remaining arm in the center and began to chant.

The circle began to glow blood red and hints of green began to shine, I began to chant faster and faster until I saw items begin to appear in the smaller circles, finally, Nagini appeared and tried to pounce at me. Luckily I was done so she didn't interrupt, my hand shot forward and I grabbed the snake's neck.

I used my gauntlet and stunned the snake. I then erased and cleaned up the ritual and put all of the items plus Nagini in a circle.

I began to chant once more, the Horcruxes began to glow brightly. I could see the soul shards of Tom exiting the items. The soul shards joined each other and formed one piece of Toms's soul.

Then I extended my right arm, I could see the magical power draining the soul shards. The process took thirty minutes but eventually I drained them dry and they fizzled out of existence.

Now Tom is a mortal.

I felt so much magical energy coursing through my body. It was intoxicating, I felt full of power, raw power.

I checked my status,


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Race: Vampire/basilisk hybrid (Magical)

Hp: 100%


Strength: peak superhuman

Speed: peak superhuman

Dexterity: peak superhuman

Stamina: peak superhuman

Animagus: basilisk

Wand: thestral hair core, yew wood, silver linings, basilisk venom binding agent, 12 1/2 inches, flexible]

I felt good, I then began to transport everything to the grand hall. I made a special section where all of the founder's items are. And then I took the elder wand and left.

I stood in my room with all three hollows, suddenly I could feel the world around me freeze and a girl appeared before me. It was death from marvel.

"I see you have found all three hollows," she said her voice sounded so empty

"I have, what does that mean now?" I asked

"It means you will become the true bearer of these creations of mine. You will be granted the powers of the hollows," she said blandly

"What do you get out of it?" I asked skeptically

"Hehe~ smart one. I will get nothing for now but when you die I will get everything," she said cryptically then disappeared

The hollows glowed then I saw energy leaving them and pouring into my body. A tattoo appeared on my palm of the deathly hollows. I felt more powerful than ever. But, I still didn't like the answer she gave me. I don't plan to die, so I might have to pull a sun wukong and erase my name from the book of death.

The hollows then fell to the floor. I could tell they were not magical anymore. The elder wand was now a stick, the invisibility cloak is now a normal cloak, and the resurrection stone is now a cool-looking stone and nothing more.

I could feel it, I can now turn invisible, I can now perform wandless magic like I could with my wand, and now I can call souls from the dead. I was strong.

I feel bad for my wand but, it has served its purpose and will stay in my inventory in case I ever need it. The gauntlet will go into the grand hall though.

I checked my status once more,


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Race: Vampire/basilisk hybrid (Magical)

Hp: 100%

Mp:50,000/50,000 (a/n:albus has around 40k, Gellert around 45k, and Voldemort is like 43k)

Strength: peak superhuman

Speed: peak superhuman

Dexterity: peak superhuman

Stamina: peak superhuman

Animagus: basilisk

Wand: thestral hair core, yew wood, silver linings, basilisk venom binding agent, 12 1/2 inches, flexible]

I then took the Diadem and put it on, it lets me have full access to my memories and increases comprehension. I need to study up for the second task to be perfect.

[Time skip: day of the second task]

People started to file into the stands, I could see them sending confused looks at the stadium floor. It looked transparent but also like a liquid.

For the last two weeks up to this task, I was tirelessly working on my illusion magic and my business I knockturn alley. I have bought one more shop in a different area in Knockturn and it is modeled like a bar. It's called the red lotus, it's a great place really and I sell mostly blood and other drinks for supernatural creatures. I have released one for werewolves and they love it.

For this task, I told the contestants they will be battling dragons but in reality, it will be their fears. I have designed the stadium to cast an illusion on the contestants when they enter. And the audience can see what's happening inside the illusion because I made several enchantments and artifacts around the stadium that can show them. I couldn't have done it without the Diadem, it helped me comprehend the knowledge of illusion magic and the other magic I got from the system better. I can't figure out why Tom used it for a Horcrux it's a lot more useful as the Diadem.

Seeing it was time I began my announcement, "Welcome everyone to the second task! The contestants cannot hear what I am saying right now so I will break down this task for you all, the contestants will enter the stadium and think they are going to be facing a dragon. They will 'die' but not really. They will be put into an illusion where they think they died and are in the afterlife. The afterlife will be their biggest fear or something they miss dearly. The faster one breaks out the better they did. So score based on that knowledge. Everyone will be able to see what they see so don't worry about that."

"Now let's welcome our first contestant Albus Dumbledore!" I announced

-Albus Dumbledore pov-

Dragons? He wants us to face dragons! That's ludicrous! Maybe stealing a dragon egg would be a good challenge but, fighting one? That kid wants to kill us.

But I won't let him, I am Albus Dumbledore the second coming of Merlin after all.

As I stepped into the stadium I saw a gigantic dragon. It wasn't like any I have ever seen before.

Before I could even react its tail was already rapidly heading in my direction I tried to fire a spell but it was too late. *bam!* my vision began to darken I heard the crowd cheering for my death. How could they? I am Albus Dumbledore.

My eyes began to open and I saw my old family house, I walked out of my room and saw my sister again. She was so real, is this the afterlife.

She turned to look at me and a sneer spread across her face, "so you finally died."

"So this is the afterlife?" I asked in disbelief

"Yes, I came here after YOU killed me!" she yelled at me furiously

I could see the sadness and pain in her eyes.

"I didn't mean to, my dear sister it was Gellert's fault," I said with sadness and grief

"Gellert didn't start your duel, Gellert didn't fire that spell, and Gellert didn't ignore me dying on the floor!" She bit back

"You obviously aren't right in the head Ariana, maybe you should forget and forgive," I said with my grandfatherly tone

"What! Who are you to say that to me! I have watched from the afterlife you manipulating and twisting people's minds! You are sick Albus and you are no brother of mine!" she screamed at me in a rage

"You don't have the right to talk to me like that Ariana!" I yelled back

She pulled out her wand. And fired a spell at me, I blocked it with a shield spell.

Soon the house was bathed in light as we were casting spells back and forth.

"Is this the only way to talk to you, Albus? Through dueling!" she yelled sending a bone breaker curse at me

I deflected it and transfigured a teacup into a sword and banished it at her.

The sword flew faster than she could react and pierced her stomach. How? Aren't we in the afterlife!

"Y-you killed me again Albus. This is the point between life and death where you can watch your remaining family members. Mom and dad left. And it was only me, now I'm gone, you killed me once more." I saw her slowly fade out of existence my heart felt like it was stabbed

"Nooooo!" I yelled

"Ariana please I just wanted to apologize!"

"Please come back please,"





My voice became raspy as I yelled for her to come back, wait raspy? How is that possible? No how was any of that possible? This has to be fake, but how. The only answer would be mind magic or illusion magic. I can't find anything wrong with my mind so it must be an illusion.

Focusing on my remaining magic I began to make it ripple out of my body. This way it can disrupt the large-scale illusion. Like a pane of glass, the whole illusion broke and I was back in the stadium. The crowd was cheering at my misfortune.

As I looked at the crowd I swear I saw Ariana. She was starting to be everywhere.

-Harry Pov-

As Dumbledore left the people began voting, and they ended up giving him a five with my tampering but without it would have been a seven, if it was the start of this tournament he probably would have got a nine. I gave him a one and he randomly got a two for a total of eight.

"Next up we have Ron Weasley!" I announced

-Ron pov -

I walked into the stadium quivering in fear, I am so dead. There is no way I can pass this, how can I fight a dragon!

Right as I stepped Into the stadium I saw it, it was the biggest most terrifying thing I have ever seen. Before I could even move I was bathed in fire. It hurt so much!


The next thing I knew I was in a forest, was this the forbidden forest? Then spiders thousands of them crawled out from the shadows. Then there was a big one.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Save me!" I screamed

My body was paralyzed in fear, I couldn't move.

"Leave me alone!"


I could feel their bodies crawling all over me, their legs moving up my arms.




"Get off of me!"


I begged and shouted but it didn't make any difference.

Hours passed and they kept crawling all over me, I could feel them nipping at my skin.

"Just kill me," I managed to croak out

The biggest one went over and began to eat my legs. It hurt so bad, but I didn't care.

Eventually, it got to my stomach and I died. Finally died.

Why do I hear claps and some cheers?

Opening my eyes I saw I was in the stadium.

There were no spiders, but I could feel them, I could feel them crawling all over me still.

I got up and just walked out of the stadium, is death too much to ask for?

-Harrys pov --

Eventually, we had to call it quits and break the illusion for him. It was only fifteen minutes but for him, it felt like hours.

The audience gave him four points and I gave him one, and he randomly got one for a grand total of six points.

"The next contestant is Cornelius Fudge!" I announced and the audience went crazy

-Fudge Pov -

Right now I'm seriously second-guessing the conversation I had with Harry, he made it sound like he will make sure I survive and keep my magic NOW IM FACING A BLOODY DRAGON! Was that his plan get me hopeful and then crush my spirits?

I would say it is Bloody brilliant but I am on the receiving end of it.

As I stepped Into the stadium I saw the biggest dragon I have ever seen.

"Bloody hell," was all I was able to say before It stepped on me

The next second I was feeling warm and comfortable, I rolled over and felt someone next to me. Oh~ did I get lucky last night. The dragon thing must have been a drunken dream. I grabbed the bum of the lady in bed with me and kissed her neck. My eyes were still closed enjoying the sensation of darkness and pleasure.

"Oh Cornelius so early~," she said her voice sounded so familiar

she planted a kiss on my lips, her tongue made its way into my mouth and I reciprocated the gesture.

My hands were now kneading her bum, I gently opened my eyes.


"Get away from me you foul women!"

"Fudgy what's wrong?" the toad asked innocently

"Dolores! Did you drug me!" I yelled in rage

"I would never what is wrong with you!" she bit back

"Bloody hell! A lot of things apparently If I got into the sack with you!" I yelled furiously

"You weren't saying that last night! You kept saying 'mommy' in my ear you freak!" she yelled approaching me

"Don't come closer!" I yelled pulling out my wand

"You bastard! You want to shag then curse me!" Umbridge yelled

"Yeah, you crazy bitch Expelliarmus, stupefy!" I cast the two spells in quick succession

She put up a shield and blocked them, we clashed in spell work. All of a sudden she ran forward with a protego shield and hit me with her fat fist.

I crashed into my dresser and my vision blurred. The next thing I knew she was on top of me riding me like a horse.


"Stop you vile woman!"

"You toad-faced bitch!"

I yelled with all of my might and pushed every bit of magic I had to my penis, that's like a wand right?


Her eyes rolled back and she collapsed on me.

All of a sudden my vision blurred again and I was back in the stadium. It was an illusion!

-Harry pov -

What. The. Fuck. Did I just see a man use his penis to cast a spell?

"Wow! Everyone give a big round of applause to Cornelius for showing us that unique method of spell casting!" I announced

"Yeah, good job Fudge!" someone shouted

"CORNELIUS FUDGE THE DICK WIZARD!" someone else shouted




Despite the applause, fudge walked back to the lockers with his shoulders slumped. I guess I really did scar him for life.

The crowd gave him five points I gave him three and he randomly got one. It was actually random that time.

"Next we have Tom Riddle!" I announced

-Tom Riddle pov -

I walked to the stadium, I am ready for this to be a hard victory but I have plans to kill this creature. I doubt that potter brat could have found a strong dragon for this. The statue in the first round caught me off guard but I'm ready for this.

I stepped up onto the stage and saw it. What the actual bloody hell is that thing! It's like a dragon from ancient times. I pulled out my wand but I was too late. The tail crushed me.






I awoke to explosions, my eyes opened and I looked around. I was in my room in the orphanage. I remember today bombs were being dropped where I lived. Have I gone back in time? No that's not possible.

I still have my wand! I can leave this hellhole.

Right as I was about to walk out I heard the distinct whistling of a bomb being dropped.

I looked up and cast the strongest shield charm I could.

Alas, it was all for naught.


My vision turned dark. I couldn't see and I couldn't hear anything. It was empty, is this the afterlife? I have died!








I'm the greatest


This can't be true

Time passed, and I have been here for years. Nothing has changed. I am just drifting in darkness for all of eternity.

How was this possible, wait I had my wand and faced a dragon. It is an illusion!

Hahahahahahahhahahehhehehehehe an illusion! I have been in an illusion all this time!


And the illusion broke, leaving me in the stadium.

-Harry pov -

I saw Tom blankly leave the stage, I thought his biggest fear was death. And he proved I was right. He was so caught up in thinking he was dead that he didn't think about how he got there.

The 'crowd' gave him three points and I gave him one point and the random draw gave him two points. Making a grand total of six points.

"Next up Gellert Grindelwald!" I announced and the crowd cheered

--Gellert Grindelwald pov -

I walked onto the stage only to be imminently stomped on by a dragon. That was quite literally waiting with its foot raised at the entrance.

The next second I am back in my prison.

"So you have finally woken up huh?" one of the guards said

"Woken up?" I questioned

"Yeah, a couple of months ago you just passed out, we got doctors over here and they said you were in a coma," he replied

Was everything just a dream?

"How?" I asked

"Hell if I know mate," he replied

I just sat in silence, something felt wrong about this. Something wasn't right.

I then noticed my wand was still in my hand. Now that is something the guards should have caught.

And it felt like I could cast spells.

Pointing my wand at the guard I cast, "imperio," I could feel him under my control

"Open the cell door," I said to the guard

The guard walked over and opened it.

"Tell me what happened to me?" I asked

"I don't know," he replied


I stunned him before walking out of the castle at least I tried.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get out I tried asking the guard and he said he didn't know. I tried to read his mind and it was blank.

Wait blank! That's not possible I should have sensed shields but his mind was blank!

I must be an illusion and that's why I kept my wand.

I began to pulse my magic disrupting the illusion magic around me. The castle began to waver and soon dissipate.

I was left alone in the stadium.

-Harry pov -

"Gellert just wait there the other contestants will meet you," I said

He nodded, and soon the others came out. Ron was still squirming like spiders were crawling on him.

"Thank you, everyone, for joining us to watch the second task I will now present the points they got, Gellert got nine points! Dumbledore got eight, Ron got six, Cornelius got nine, and Tom got six." I announced and applause broke out for everyone

"Thank you all for coming to and watching the second task, the third and final task will be held in three days!"


3.4k words.... This is the longest chapter I have ever wrote!