
Chapter 237

"Objection!" Dumbledore interrupted, and Harry knew why. Parseltongue was something that Mulciber was trying really hard to push, and letting him do that wasn't a smart move at all. The Headmaster added, "Even if Miss Turpin was a natural Parseltongue, a lot of great wizards were Parseltongues long before Lord Voldemort came along and sullied their kinds' name. It is an ability they are born with, and it is not one's fault for being one."

"He shouldn't have done that," Harry suddenly heard from beside him over the panicky squeaks that rang around the Hall at the mention of Voldemort's name. Much to his surprise, Nicholas's tone was disapproving.

He was about to ask what he meant, but the question answered itself.

"Objection denied!" the Judge barked angrily, "Her Parseltongue abilities are relevant to the case. And please try to keep the sensibilities of the people in mind when you utter that name, Albus. Some of us have lost family to him."

Dumbledore stared Judge Barnes for a second before nodding.

Mulciber gave Dumbledore a dirty look before he cleared his throat, "As I was saying before I got interrupted, we have collected important evidence for the court in the form of a witness. However, the circumstances surrounding this witness are a bit…unusual. To further explain I would like to ask Healer Motwani of St Mungo's Hospital to take the stand."

The judged nodded his agreement, and a rather swell man in white robes made his way over to the witness stand.

"Healer Motwani," Mulciber said politely once the man had taken the stand, "Would you please explain the case of Mr. Borgin in its entirety to the court?"

"Of course. Marasmus Borgin was arrested and found guilty of buying and trading Class-A Non Tradable items back in October, and was sentenced to six months of Azkaban," the man said as Mulciber handed what was presumably the court records of the man's conviction up to the Judge's bench, "Two weeks ago, he was found in a right state in his Azkaban cell, screaming with pain in his sleep as he tried to gouge his eyeballs out."

"And what happened next?" Mulciber asked worriedly, though Harry knew that the concern in his voice was for nothing but dramatic effect.

"Well, of course, good sir," Motwani said, inflating his already bulging chest, "He was knocked out and rushed right to St Mungo's. He almost died from the pain, but our people are the best around, and we managed to save him. He woke up a week ago and kept insisting that he wanted to talk to the Aurors and that a 'little girl' had Obliviated him.

"What did the staff at the Hospital do when he said that?" Mulciber asked, ignoring the hush that fell at the mention of the 'little girl'.

"Nothing at all of course," Motwani replied, "We thought the bloke had gone mad! It wasn't until we found out that Miss Turpin being prosecuted for all this that we thought to contact the authorities. He recognized her face from the paper you see. It was mighty suspicious. So we tested him for Obliviation, and sure enough, he was Obliviated!"

"Was?" Mulciber asked, laying the act on so thick that Harry was left wondering why the man hadn't run away to Hollywood and spared him all the headache. The Wizengamot crowd was eating it up though, and the significance of the word left them leaning in for more.

"Oh yes," the Healer replied with wide eyes, "Was. Turns out, the man had done some right strange stuff to his magic, which reacted badly with the Dementors' effect and put him under so much pain that the Obliviate on his mind just shattered."

The whole courtroom erupted in a loud buzz.

Harry was left shell-shocked before he immediately pulled up the necessary window to confirm what had just happened.

Obliviate/Obliviatus Obscura Revealus

This spell is used to erase the memory of the subject. If the user has a mind arts level of 5 or above, he can rewrite a fake memory above that erased memory. Counter Obliviatus Obscura Revealus can remove the obliviation by causing an extreme amount of pain to the subject.

-80 MP per use

Extreme amount of pain.

That was the key. That was how Borgin's Obliviate broke.

There was no known way to counter the memory charm. The counterspell was something that wasn't known to the Wizarding World at wide. It was something that Harry knew exclusively. But what the Wizengamot had just witnessed was a Healer describing the first public reversal of the Memory Charm. Ever.

And it had happened by accident.

Mulciber swept over to the center of the floor and continued on, "Mr. Borgin made contact with the Prosecution yesterday, and we spent our time working out a deal. A lesser sentence in exchange for him agreeing to take Veritaserum and testify to the court about what happened to his shop and how his partner Caractacus Burke died. His testimony, I assure you honored Wizengamot members, is shocking."

Looking right at the Judge, he said, "The witness has agreed to take Veritaserum, and as such, no vote is necessary. Permission to bring forth the witness for a Veritaserum testimony your Honor?"

"Granted. Aide, call for the Court Administerer. Court Scribe, take note that the following testimony will be said under the willing influence of Veritaserum," Judge Barnes ordered, sending an aide running through the side door.

It was a testament to how tense the entire room was that not a single sound was made in the time when the weak looking bearded middle-aged man was escorted by two burly Aurors into the room and to the witness stand. The hooded figure of the Veritaserum Administerer appeared soon after that, carrying a small vial of truth potion in his hand.

Borgin willingly showed his tongue as the Administerer dropped three drops onto it, before his shoulders slowly slumped. The Administerer peered at the man's face.

For a naive second, Harry dared hope that the serum wasn't going to work.

His hopes, however, were dashed when the hooded man looked up at the Judge and said, "It is done," before gliding swiftly into the sidelines. A victorious smile flashed across Mulciber's face before he quickly strode over to the witness stand and immediately started asking questions.

"What is your name?"





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