
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Films
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263 Chs

Chapter 19

The Death Eater was completely thrown off balance, his weapon lost and his mind struggling to comprehend how the events had turned against him so swiftly, but Harry was on the top of his game. Taking advantage of the opening, he swiftly set his fists ablaze again and using his superior Dex, weaved in between his opponent's guard and drove them into his knees. Carrow crumpled to the ground.

His plan had worked after all. Being underestimated was the best weapon out there.

Being faced by someone as helpless without magic as Carrow, Harry was in his element. He had fought playground fights his entire life. This time, he just had a bigger target to hit. Punch. Punch. Punch. Dodge the swinging arm. Punch to the spine. Punch to the groin. Punch to the back of the neck. There was no trick too dirty with his life at stake, and Harry wasn't holding back. His eyes were wide and he was shivering with adrenaline. This was the first time he had ever truly dominated someone in a fistfight, and it felt incredible. He had to force himself to stop when he did...

By the time he was done, Carrow was a motionless, smoking heap lying on the Dursley's curb.

Bloodlust, Harry realized. He'd just felt bloodlust for the first time.

A loud ping broke him out of his reverie.


Due to your survival of a vicious attack you Physical Endurance has leveled up by 2!

Physical Endurance, Lv-3 (80%)

Your Body's durability increased and you take less damage.

9% less damage from physical attacks.


New skill created!

Critical strike! Lv-1 (60%)

A precise strike that can cause 300% damage to the target.

Chance of success- Luc+Dex


Quest Success!

Get rid of Amycus Carrow.


1000 Exp

1 stat point

Stat Upgrades

Skill Upgrades


Skill leveled up!

Sneaking, Lv-4 (1%)

Allows you to sneak up on someone.

25% chance of not getting caught.

25% chance of a critical strike.

Harry waved those away, thankful that he had managed to pull off the surprise attack. He quickly checked his stats. He'd felt his Boosts fall away from exhaustion a few moments ago, so he wasn't surprised by the numbers.


MP- 2/100

Glad that he'd checked his mana before trying to apparate or something, Harry quickly took out the hotcakes from breakfast that he had stored away and ate them up. A couple of hotcakes later, Harry's MP was full and much to his pleasant surprise, the cuts and scrapes he received from the scuffle were fully healed.

Not even a scar remained.

Harry sighed with relief, but he didn't dare rest. He had to clean up this mess before anyone else, especially the Dursleys noticed it.

Dragging the steaming hot Carrow over to where the unconscious Ms. Roemmele lay, Harry placed a hand on both their bodies and with a prayer to the heavens that his Apparition ability could carry more than one person, he visualized the only teacher's office he knew well enough to have memorized and twisted on the spot.

It was just as much, if not more painful than the first time he'd apparated, to carry two extra people, but he did do it, and a brief moment later, the three of them appeared in the dimly lit office of Ms. Roemmele at Harry's school.

"I did it!" Harry said joyously before he turned to look at his passengers and his jaw dropped. As it turned out, that it wasn't the case.

Ms. Roemmele's entire head of hair was missing.

Harry paused for a moment to stare at the sight of his most frightening teacher, knocked out and bald, before bursting out into hysteric laughter. Perhaps it was the adrenaline in his veins or just the sheer absurdity of his situation, but he just couldn't hold it in anymore.

The school grounds echoed with the wild laughter of a small boy that night, that eventually broke down into hiccups and sobs. If anyone heard it, they never spoke of it again.