
Chapter 77: 'The Lair' and 'The Nest'

The moment I was waiting for finally arrived, today I gathered all my close friends and took them to the fifth floor. There was even Pansy among them, who even though she didn't want to come with me was dragged away by Tracey and Millicent. Daphne also came just out of courtesy, even though we get along, you couldn't call us real friends.

"What did you bring us here for?" Parvati asked.

"Yeah, you should be resting" Lavender chided me. As I still had my mask on, her brain was telling her that I was sick and she should 'take care of me'.

"It must be something impressive if she called all of us" Penelope said.

"Stop putting us on hold, show us already," Tracey snapped.

The crowd and the noises made by the girls caught the attention of several here, but when they saw me they knew it was normal. They didn't get too close, since after my 'change of look' the rumors started again that either 'I practiced black magic' or 'I am persecuted by dark wizards'.

Filch, even though he saw us, didn't complain much either, he just asked us for silence. Mrs. Norris used to get scared when she saw me, so we rarely met and I have helped him a lot in his work on some occasions, so he considers me the 'most decent' of the Weasleys. Peeves, even though he liked to joke with everyone, he didn't do it with me because my [predator aura] made him feel that I was like the bloody Baron, who he feared

"Well, I won't delay it any longer… this is a job I've been doing for a long time, I guess you girls know there was always a 'me' on the fifth floor…" I spoke to the group of girls.

"Yeah.../uh.../we know.../..." I got answers and nods from everyone.

"Well, it's just that I was preparing something big and that everyone will probably enjoy..." I said so that, after throwing 'Revelio' at the wall where it was, a large double-leaf door with a curved frame, finely carved and decorated, would appear. I opened both leaves of the doors and made a kind of reverence "Welcome to 'the lair'"

At that moment, the light began to come out of the door as if it were the paradise that opened its doors, a detail that I thought was necessary. When the girls saw it, they entered a group and were amazed by the interior.

The first thing they found was this large room, very large and high, where there were large windows on the ceiling that covered almost 50%, from which beautiful sunlight entered. The floor was made of large polished stone bricks, a bright pale grayish color, or so it appeared.

There were several things on the sides, in addition to some doors. On one side, there was like a small patio where there was a fountain, portions of the floor covered with grass, and some benches as if it were a park. Beyond that, you could find something similar to a small court that could change from tennis to basketball, to volleyball, among others. There was an area with sofas and tea tables next to a fireplace, and next to it there were some small tables to play board games.

On the other side was an area with several sections divided into large cubicles where each one had the necessary items to practice the various subjects and trades, but for several of them, you had to enter through a door to another room divided with more protections. A potions room, a transmutation room, a transformation room, an enchantment room, and so on, plus there were simpler things like a small tailoring or pottery room. Nearby there was also a small library and a reading area.

Finally, there were things like a dance floor and a kind of greenhouse. There were other minor things, but this was enough to shock the girls, even Pansy and Daphne.

"...I-Is this all real?" Hannah asked in surprise.

"Red...? How did you do all this?" Hermione followed her.

"With sweat and tears... and a little help. Now, do you see why I didn't spend as much time with everyone as before? It was because of this. What are you waiting for? Investigate and find out" I said so that the group of girls instantly dispersed to the different places.

I'm not going to lie, this site was very demanding, I almost always had a Red working here 24/7. Though I wasn't alone, I asked the house-elves for some help and gave them some gifts in return.

I also got help from a few teachers, except for Snape. With my gifts and a good attitude, I convinced them to help me, as well, by telling them that this place would stay for Hogwarts in the future and that they could come and relax here whenever they want. Even Binns helped out a bit, recounting and describing some history that I carved into the walls for decoration. And I'm not going to lie, it fits great, even though it emptied my pockets throughout this time.

It wasn't just the cost of the materials, some things here I took out of the room of all the requirements, they just needed some repairs, what it cost me were some artifacts. Going to many magical supply shops, I filled the merchant's repertoire and with the opportunity offered by orders, I took the opportunity to create a substitute for Muggle objects. In this place, I have a kind of almost three-dimensional Mario Bros.

After the girls saw the place, they ended up coming to me, who was drinking a can of soda that I got from the snack machine next to me.

"This is impressive" Penelope was the first to say it, she was one of those who knew what all this implied.

"Yeah... I can't believe you made it"

"This place is yours?" Someone asked, and the others were intrigued.

"Yes, it's mine, I made a deal with Dumbledore for this place and now we can do whatever we want in it. From now on all of you can come in and enjoy this place"

"Seriously! It's Great!", Tracey jumped, who was also trying to get something out of the snack machine.

"Can we bring other people?" Padma asked.

"Yes and no... I built this place so I could spend enough time with all of you and I don't want it to become just anyone's playground, it took me a lot of effort to do it. Can you bring other people? Yes, but only women..."

"Why is that?" Susan asked, but she was really just curious, she wasn't planning on bringing anyone if I didn't want to.

"Because he's a pervert." Hermione snorted that she certainly expected something like this.

"A bloody degenerate" That was Pansy, who was still upset with me.

The murmur began again and the discussions too, they stopped listening to me and I had to silence the room to continue.

"If it's absolutely necessary, you can bring someone else…for a short time, and then they're gone. But the rule doesn't change, and yes, I'm a pervert like the two girls over there said." Although they did not get along, they agreed on that "So every girl you bring will have to wear the clothes that are in that closet over there or put on makeup to look pretty"

"..." Some of them glared at me, and others didn't expect me to actually say that.

"This cost me a lot, and it's not that I charge membership to recover what I lost. By the way, not even if they pay them I'm going to allow someone I don't want to enter. All I ask is that at least when they enter this place I can delight myself with my eyes, to compensate for all my effort" I put on a tired and martyred face "You are already the most beautiful of Hogwarts and my friends, but the others have to pass with a quota of beauty"

The girls saw me and started judging me, I was a pervert, but this place must have cost a lot, so they thought they wouldn't bring their other friends so they wouldn't have to force them to wear whatever weird outfit there is.

"THERE IS A PRINCESS OUTFIT!" Lavender exclaimed as she checked the closet I had pointed to "Can we use them too?!" She looked at me anxiously and longingly.

"Yes, strangers are obliged, but you can too if you want" I affirmed and Lavander took out a beautiful pastel-colored dress.

The girls were interested in seeing it after what Lavender found, and their attitude changed a little... not all. In that closet, there were many feminine outfits, from dresses to office clothes, but also others like a bikini, latex suits, or a sexy bunny suits, so they gave me glances again. Those suits weren't very special, they just looked cute but they weren't really expensive and the only spell they had on them was the best adjustment spell I could cast.

They ended up accepting my demands seeing that there were more normal outfits, that some were even eager to try on since there were many styles. Then they asked me again.

"What are those doors?"

"Well, those over there are the bathrooms, showers, changing rooms and jacuzzis" I answered surprising them.

"I was just going to ask where we could change, I didn't think you'd get to the point of making us change here" Tracey said holding up a nurse outfit.

"Left for women, right for mine"

"Of course, as if you're not going to get into ours" Pansy complained.

"Not without your permission, even if I want to, or only in an emergency."

"Will you enter with our permission?" Cho asked somewhat shy about that.

"If you let me, yes"

Some girls went into the bathrooms to check on them, and I waited outside until Tracey came out.

"Girls, there are pajamas in there, look at this bunny one" She said with an appearance of a giant white rabbit.

Then they went back in and found several more clothes like these pajamas, some hems, and costumes. Those pajamas and costumes were mostly made by Luna, who at one point saw me and wanted to help me make different animals. I get a new one every once in a while to add to the collection, she hopes to come next year and have quite a large collection.

"And that door over there with a red cross on it?" Millicent pointed out after putting on a somewhat sexy outfit. She was the only one who did it, secretly hoping that I would appreciate that she did it.


"Do we have an infirmary?" Tracey said, already taking this place as her own.

"In case there are any minor injuries, for the major ones I recommend Madam Pomfrey"

"Is that one over there with a cauldron, another potions room?"

"That's a pot, not a cauldron, and it's the kitchen"

"Can we cook here?" Susan asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yes, I'll sometimes be cooking, and you can help me if you want" I nodded and she smiled "Everyone can"

So I continued clarifying some details of the place and rules. I took my time and then let them go and enjoy as they wished. Meanwhile, I would go check the protections I put up, I made sure this place had the best I could get. I used some of Flitwick's help, a little of the trader's stuff, my own effort... I studied quite a bit about these wards as well as other things and I can be sure that any student from grade 4 onwards would take a while to get past unless uses force... but I keep getting better.

The girls enjoyed it very much, some played board games, and others, although shy, took a bath and then put on their robes to end up going to the vibrating chairs. I went a little with each one to see if they needed anything, I think I'm a good spa manager.

I went with Hannah to the greenhouse, which didn't have many plants but you could do various things, I cooked with Susan a little, I talked to the girls, I made a clone to give Penelope a [ecstasy] massage and those who requested it later and finally I took my time to talk to Cho about tomorrow.


The next day I had another group of girls on the fifth floor, just in a different area. This group was not as harmonious as the first, they were girls from different houses and of different years. They were all called by Cho and the other girls I asked.

"I know you're wondering why I've called all of you here."

"Yes" A Slytherin Girl answered, not very happy.

"A lot" It was Angelina Johnson who after that slap on her butt still gave me a dirty look.

"Did you make another spot as cool as yesterday?" Cho asked, intrigued, drawing the attention of the other women.

"What cool place?" asked another Ravenclaw girl who knew Cho.


Cho was hesitant to tell, but after I nodded at her, she began to explain how great it was. Many didn't believe her, but I told them that if they could get one of the girls who have permission to let them in they could go see it and this made some of them curious.

"Well, leaving that aside. This place is similar, but not the same... Welcome 'To the Nest'" I said opening the door where a gust of wind effect appeared carrying leaves with it. I put a lot of effort into these places.

The girls were shocked and only a few entered directly. I led the group through this place, which unlike 'the lair' this place was less elegant and cute, more with a sporty and competitive atmosphere.

It was a peculiar place, on the one hand, it seemed to have a runway with brooms floating, on the other some training equipment, in one place there was an obstacle course that reached the ceiling. There were also bathrooms, but nothing like the ones in the lair, where they were simpler and more efficient.

"What is this?" a girl asked.

"This is 'the nest', the place where the Hogwarts Women's Quidditch Association resides, trains and plays," I explained.

"Hogwarts has a women's Quidditch association?"

"Now it has, I just inaugurated it" I extended my arms to the sides in demonstration.

"And... you are the leader of this 'Female' association?" Disdainfully asked an older student questioning my intentions.

"Yeah, I guess you're wondering the reason and why am I doing all this?"

"The only thing that occurs to me is to abuse the players" Alicia Spinet said that she was the same as Angelina in her defensive posture against me.

"No… although I would love to have a good time with you, the main reason was not that"

"So it's a secondary reason?" She threw a Slytherin with her arrogant attitude.

"Can you let me finish explaining?!... I built this place for the women's association, yes, I know, I'm not a woman... but my sister is. She's a fan of Quidditch, and I'm sure she'll want to be a member of the team when I get to Hogwarts. It was shown to me that being a Weasley doesn't secure you Gryffindor, so she can enter any house... I want her to have no problem when she gets here, so I did this, you've seen how they treat me" I looked especially to the few Slytherins "That's the reason"

"So you did all this, so your sister can easily get on the Quidditch team?" asked a Ravenclaw.

"Practically... yes, what do you think?"

"Is it a purely female association?"


"And you?"

"I'll be the only man allowed in. I'm kind of an administrator."

After presenting some points, many doubted, some liked the idea and the place, especially those who liked Quidditch but could not join the team. They were not determined, according to some comments from the three Gryffindor who said that I was only doing this to take advantage of them, that although they did not intentionally attack me, those sporadic comments were harmful to my image.

Some were about to leave, while others wanted to see more, so like all good drug dealers, I decided to let them try the product first to see how good it is.

I showed them around the place and had them taste everything. Many of the brooms here were not fully functional, for example, on the long track the brooms could only move forward and sideways and once they reached the end, they would automatically flip to start the track from the other side. On that track, like the others, the obstacles were modifiable.

There were also a couple of brooms in one area, these can only move a certain distance in all directions. This site is made for throwing objects and training one's dodge with limited movement.

We also have semi-static brooms that are set up with bats for batters to hit bludgers that are thrown by the ball launchers I got. All brooms were mostly arranged in pairs to spark competition.

Many other practice items, as well as muggle exercise equipment and other reaction games, were all laid out in attractive and seductive ways to attract girls. On top of that, I also had a snack table that some Gryffindor girls recognized from the other time I brought it, I also had my masseuse services available for a limited time.

My plan worked because many of them found it interesting and even funny, so even though they didn't decide, they were more open to the idea.

By the end of the day, with a bit of me [Blood control (Ecstasy) and (Confusion)], I got a lot of supporters. The association was not fully formed, but several girls decided to join because of the benefits, and in the future, by word of mouth, it would improve.


My plan ended up working sometime later, the girls became interested in this new association, and more and more wanted to join. Part of this was also thanks to Professor McGonagall who, after seeing my work, publicly praised it and supported my idea.

Some girls from the 'nest' also met the ones from the 'lair' and with her help they went inside to see. They had to put on the costumes, though they didn't pick the kinkiest ones, except maybe a few deviants. When they saw the other place, they were surprised and began to attend as well whenever they could.

The 'nest' became a female training center which meant that, although there is competition, all the Quidditch fangirls at Hogwarts get along quite well, even if they are from different houses.

The boys, somewhat jealous, tried to enter or even apply for a male association once they saw all the equipment available to the women. But they couldn't force me to do it, and according to my deal with Dumbledore, they couldn't force me to transform the association to a mixed one either.

My protections, with those added by some older girls in the association and my brilliant idea of ​​telling Filch that boys who try to enter could be punished since as a female association, it would be like seeing them enter the girls' bathroom and that he was endorsed by Dumbledore, he managed to send them away.

It can be said that both partnerships went well.