
Chapter 76: Consequences?

I woke up and it was night, dizzy and confused. From what I see, I am in a bed in the infirmary and I have something on my face, it was some kind of big mask.

'What happened?' I thought after remembering that I was enchanted in the archmage's tower and everything else was darkness.

It was a silent night where I was trapped in my thoughts until a flare appeared and out of it came Dumbledore and Fawkes. When the old man looked at me, I could tell that he was angry.

"It looks like you're back in the world of the living," he said with sarcasm and annoyance.

"What's up, Doc?...? How long was I asleep?"

"A whole day, Miss Davis found you last night lying on the floor of your room... but I think I should correct you on something" He said in a mocking, but not pleasant tone "You were not unconscious, it was better to say that you were dead" he emphasized.

"Dead?" I said something surprised as I touched my body and took my pulse.

"Yes... I wonder what Mr. Weasley did this time...!!!" He yelled at me furiously.

"Hey, it wasn't exactly my fault"

"Oh...sorry, so I mean which wizard did you piss off this time?! Is that a better question?!" He brought his face close to mine.

"Look, not everything went as I wanted, but I'm fine, right? Also, there will be no repercussions for you or the school, so turn it down or you'll have a heart attack" I told him to calm down, I know he wasn't quite right, but I'm alive... luckily.

"Is everything okay? You were dead for 24 hours, with no heartbeat, no vitality in your body! The only reason we didn't bury you is that the magic in you continued to circulate, or we would have told your family by now. What kind of wicked magic did he try to use!?" He said forcefully removing the mask from my face and with a mirror reflecting my face.

"..." I looked at the look on my face "...that...is worse..." was what I managed to say as I touched my exposed teeth with my hand.

"I thought you were annoying, but at least you wouldn't fall to the dark arts" The headmaster yelled at me as he paced side to side on my bed. He had put amulets around it so that he could talk to me in private, even in the infirmary.

"...Calm down, I didn't use dark magic"

"How am I to believe you?"

"I swear on my sister's life" I stared at him.

We stared at each other until Dumbledore seemed to sigh after a while.

"So who did he piss off this time? I already have enough problems solving the assassination attempt with Tenebrius for you to tell me you're also provoking dark wizards with your 11-year-old self" Although in a better mood when he found out I didn't use dark magic, he was still very angry.

"That wasn't it either, I was conducting an experiment with a magic item..."

"Do you take into account how old you are?!" He interrupted me.

"No, and you know it... also, I used a clone to do it, don't expect this to happen, I thought I had everything under control" I said somewhat embarrassed.

I considered that everything would be fine because of the clone, but the blood of the blood magic in my reserves is connected to all the bodies, or rather it is a single ability that everyone shares, it is not divided. I had to learn it the hard way.

"You don't know what I did for you, your 'friends' asked about you all day, your partner came to me to find out what happened, I had to dodge her questions all day..."

"Thanks for that"

"You can't keep doing that, this has to end. Your 'Tenebrius' thing, your dangerous experiments... I don't want to have to bury a student or lock them in a tower, I'm too old for this" The director sat down on the bed and rested his elbows on his knees.

"The Tenebrius thing will end, I'll get him out of the ministry once Tonks is sure, he hardly has anything to do there anymore... the experiments' thing too, I won't do it again unless I'm sure" I said the latter, but the director still looked at me as if to say 'Aren't you going to give up?' "As a wizard, you must know that research is risky but necessary, so I won't let it, though I'll take my time trying again..."

"Stop causing me trouble, Mr. Weasley... that's enough, and I hope I don't find out you've gone into the dark arts... I have enough trouble with wayward students."

"Don't worry, even with dark magic, my ideals are not black or white... they are red"

The director left me alone, meanwhile, I realized that my clones also 'Revived' and put them to work, while my real self was in charge of transfiguring something to cover my mouth in the Scorpion style of Mortal Kombat u others quite cool, but in red and black.


Tenebrius 'woken up' with Tonks sleeping next to him, squeezing him. Her movement woke her up and she threw herself on top of him, hugging him even tighter.

"Are you okay!" She exclaimed, happy and relieved.

"Yes, sorry to worry you, I had some setbacks"

"Yes..." she said a bit distressed "When you didn't wake up I was scared. You didn't have a pulse and I feared the worst for a moment, but then I remembered that if you were really dead, 'Tenebrius' would explode like a balloon and turn into a pool of blood, so I relieved myself a bit. I called the director to see how you were doing and he told me that you had problems, but he didn't say anything specific..."

"Let's just say I didn't do well in an experiment, but don't worry, I'm fine now..."

"Aren't you going to tell me what really happened?" She looked at me reproaching me somewhat annoyed "Doesn't the lover have the right to know about the secrets of her man?"

"It's something...a bit secret. It's not that she doesn't want to tell you, but I don't want to tell anyone, not at the moment..."

"Okay, I'm not going to pressure you... At work, I asked Amelia for the day off for you because you weren't feeling well" She clarified and I felt terrible about missing work for a whole day "But please don't come back to be absent or so will I, the environment there is hell for me. Do you know what it's like for Madam Bones to compare my miserable imperfect jobs with your impeccable mountains of paperwork?" She complained in disgust.

"Did she tell you something?" I asked curiously, I don't think Bones is that direct with Tonks.

"No... but I saw it in her eyes"

"Calm down, and I'm fine"

"That place is quieter than a graveyard... I miss our office, you used to make work fun even if it was work" Tonks's face turned sad and her hair a little blue-gray.

"When it's all over, it will get better"

"Did you do something with Garrick yet?" she asked.

"I couldn't... I found out something from Moody" I told her something I learned recently "It seems that our friend Rotenrot left the country..."

"Escaped" she claimed

"Relaxation trip according to him..." I said sarcastically, but just as angry "But maybe it would be better if I knew where he is now we wouldn't have problems with the British ministry... if something were to happen..." I smiled maliciously at her.

"Will you be okay? I don't want any more scares"

"Yes I will, don't worry" I kissed her on the lips, but it seemed strange to her, the existence of Red and Tenebrius still confused her.


(I spoke to Luna using my [message] from the infirmary.)

[Luna, are you alright?]

[Yes, you?]

[I'm fine, sorry for scaring you]

[It doesn't matter, it was only a little at first, but I asked the old man in the tower and he confirmed that I would see you again and not to worry]

[That's good, I owe him a thank-you. After what happened to me, was there no problem?]

[I was really scared at first, but the cornflower's words calmed me down, he also told me that you won't reply soon, so I went back home to wait. Now that you called everything is fine]

[I apologize again, I'll bring you something later to make up...and please don't tell Ginny, I don't want to worry her]

[No problem, I'll go back to sleep, I'll wait for you]

[Sleep well, bye-bye]


I secretly left the infirmary and went to my room, once there I sat on the bed and wanted to see what happened to my sudden death.

I tried to use my blood magic and everything was normal, blood was floating in front of me. I thought there would be no problem, I even thought that with the skill of [no detection] the [Curse of Death] would also not have an effect like with the cloak.

'What change?'

I didn't see anything different, the blood I controlled was the same as before and didn't look any different. What happened is that the blood I control is part of my blood magic and the blood reserve itself, so I guess the enchantment didn't just affect the portion of blood at that time, but all of it in general and that's why happened what happened.

I tried to test if I could make it invisible, and I was surprised because it worked. The blood that was floating in front of me became completely unnoticeable, I even touched it with my hand feeling it and when I thought about it, my hand that was inside the blood also became invisible.

"This is great!" I exclaimed out loud.

My original idea was the possibility of making a piece of blood invisible and then saving it to use as a secret weapon that others could not see, but this ability is much better.

The only bad thing I discovered is that my blood magic is consumed at a much faster rate than before, making it unusable long-term. I wanted to see if all the blood it produced had that capacity or just the one it already had when I did the enchantment, so I waited for more blood to be generated, and with that new one I tried it and it worked, I was very happy.

With that, I took the liberty to do something even better, create a clone of the weakest at my side, and if my guess is not wrong... There it is! The clone became completely invisible, as it is actually composed entirely of blood. Not only was it invisible, but it was actually almost imperceptible.

There were people who detected Harry with the invisibility cloak because although the cloak makes him invisible, what actually becomes imperceptible is the cloak and it only covers him. But my clones are different, they are equivalent to the capes, so they don't have that problem, although my real body does.

I realized that if it weren't for the smell of blood and the fact that I shared senses and consciousness, I wouldn't actually know that he was here with me. Not even my [Linage Connexion] or [Life Sense] could detect it as they did before.

Now, if I could improve my regeneration from my blood magic, I'd have a group of almost perfect stealth assassins... not only that, [Thief Essence] further enhances his power Muahahahahahaha...


The next day I was bombarded by the girls again, who pounced on me. They found out because Tracey told them how she found me and they were all scared.

Hermione asked me furious and anguished if I was poisoned again in front of everyone, and that made the buffalo herd invest once more. They yelled at me and questioned what it was about being poisoned, and I could only give half-truths and half-lies...

I didn't get off so easily this time, especially when I didn't show them what I had under the mandibular mask, since they knew something from what Tracey told them. They took me to the teachers and Madam Pomfrey and while the headmaster helped me cover it up a bit, he also took it upon to retaliate by giving the girls the idea that 'maybe they shouldn't leave me alone because I might put myself in danger'.

And so I am, in every class or in my free time, with at least one of my friends accompanying me to prevent me from getting into trouble. I am guarded at all times, as Dumbledore wanted, who reminded them that he shouldn't even let me allow my clones to go to other places...

His plan wasn't bad, I wouldn't do anything to endanger them, but he didn't know about my new invisible clone ability. I created them without their realizing it and sent them to perform their tasks as I normally did, only with longer periods between each one as I had to wait for the energy to recharge.

'Take that old man, you're no rival for my wits...or luck'

It was relatively normal after that, except that Snape in his class forced me to take off my mask, showing everyone how I looked. They got scared enough and Neville even fainted in class, Snape laughed at this and continued the class that now had a worse atmosphere thanks to my appearance, but he found the children's scary reactions funny.

The most affected was Lavander who, after finally seeing my face in the position class, once we left hugged me crying. She lamented about the curse I had that ruined my beautiful face, and all of that was enhanced because right in the book I gave her, she was reading a part where the male lead was cursed as well.

She behaved very overprotective and even fed me by feeding me with her own fork the lunch food without allowing me to do it myself, as well as other things that she read, imitating the actions of the female lead that she saw in the book. The girls wanted to question it, since 'that was just a story' but after seeing my appearance they hesitated.

Penelope and Susan also joined Lavender with the care, which made me sound like I was terminally ill. The others weren't as extreme, but they did look at me with pity, even if they kept scolding me for whatever I did.

I must say it was pretty scary, and I'm glad they didn't see my back because they would probably lock me in a bed in the infirmary. For what if it worked well, it was for other things, like for example scaring the Slytherin, who complained that the girls from other houses come to help me eat at their table. Their faces of fear and disgust were memorable.

Not that I didn't try to see if I could do something with my looks, but it would take time. I wouldn't let it look like this forever.


Certainly, I also had problems with my brothers, who cared. Percy kept questioning me or anyone who left me like this, he thought I was hiding something, that I had been attacked or that I got into the dark arts. He was the one that took me the longest to convince me not to tell mom and dad, but, with a little manipulation, I got it.

Ron just freaked out a little like Harry, but they felt more sorry for me than anything else, they even thought that maybe Snape did something to me because last time it was poison and he's the only position master...they connected the dots imaginary.

Fred and George... once I said I was fine for the first time, everything was great, they joked around and brought me a little toy of me with skull teeth. They even considered copying the mask I was wearing and selling it, I didn't turn them down and offered my creativity but demanded 50%.

As for Ginny and Luna, I didn't want them to see me like this. I told them I looked different as I didn't want to hide it from them, but not much else besides that I was 'ugly' and didn't want to be made fun of.