
Chapter 13: POVs

-Hermione Pov-

I was very nervous at first, when I realized that my new friend ended up in a different house than mine I got a little sad, we would be further away from each other. I could hear how his supposed brother rejoiced with that, I don't understand how he can be such an idiot.

I jumped to defend my friend because I couldn't keep listening to him.

"...ten of you don't compare to one of him..." I said.

"... Then why aren't you going to be in the same house as him..."

"... If I could I would do it..."

It was true, maybe it would have been nice to be in his house, at least to have someone to talk to, I don't want to be alone like before. Luckily it seems that not all his brothers are idiots, one of his older brothers with whom I was able to talk about Hogwarts studies went to stop Ron. He also understands that Red is not like the others.

But my face turned pale when I heard what is going on in Slytherin House. Is Red really surrounded by dark wizards? It can't be, they're just his children, but they still give me mistrust, much more after learning that Red's Family is hated by the others who are in Slytherin, he will be in trouble. I should help him, maybe see if there is a way to change houses, maybe then we could also be together and not have to worry about each other.

For now, I could only look at him and eat, I don't even care much about the ghosts that appeared at our table, or that the ghost at our table is now talking about music with another. I just want to be able to do something so that he is not in danger.

Bedtime came, and I went with the others to the common room, Peeves stopped us on the way, but we were able to pass without problems. When I got to my bedroom, I realized that my roommates were Parvati Patil, one of the twins who came with us on the boat, and Lavender Brown, a girl I didn't know.

We were all changing, getting ready to go to sleep, but my mind still couldn't relax.

"What's wrong, Hermione? Why are you walking around so much?" Lavender asked as she put on her pajamas.

"I'm just worried about a friend" I answered while sighed, I knew that now I couldn't do anything and I could only wait for tomorrow.

"The scary boy on the boat?" asked Parvati.

"What scary boy?" Lavender asked.

"Red Weasley, the one with the red hair, and yes, that's him," Hermione replied.

"How did you manage to make friends with that boy? The first time I saw him my legs did not stop shaking, he is very scary" Lavender said as if she remembered a tragic event.

"He's not as scary as he seems, tell him Parvati, you met him"

"Yes it is very scary" Parvati answered me.

"It's because they don't know him, in the future they will be able to see that he is a good person"

"I don't think I want to meet him, he's a Slytherin, and we all know that our houses don't get along. I don't want to think about what he can do to us if we get close" Lavender complained.

"I think you better stay away from him too, Hermione," Parvati said.

"He's not like you think, he looks serious, and it seems that no one likes him, but it's because of something he was born with" I tried to explain again.

"It's okay never mind that now, let's go to sleep I'm tired" Lavender finished the discussion.

That night I had trouble sleeping. The night passed, it was time to get up, and I felt tired, but I had to get up to see if Red was okay. I changed as well as my companions, and we went out to the common room, there were already several people up, Red's brothers included, the pair of twins that do look alike.

My companions and I went out to the large dining room to have breakfast. I think I'm still half asleep because I can't quite remember how I got to the table. I started eating when I remembered why I was so tired and tried to look for Red's figure on the Slytherin table, but it wasn't necessary, since he was coming towards me.

I got up from the table and went over to him quickly to check on him.

-Red! How are you? I stayed up late thinking about you-I said worried. I knew he was good at magic, but he had just entered Hogwarts, there are many older students who can do something to him and there is also that possible black magic.

"Wow Hermione, I didn't know you were such a pervert…"

How the hell could he say something like that in front of everyone! I'm worried about him, this is not the time for jokes, the worst of all is that now I can't get the image of him undressing in the compartment out of my head. Concentrate, that's not important now, then you'll get back at him.

"Shut up, this is serious" I finished quickly with his game, I'm sure I'm completely red at this moment and everyone can see it, but I can only act as if nothing happened 'You pay me for this Red!'.

"Okay, what's up?" he asks.

"You're in Slytherin... you know... a lot of evil wizards have come from there from what I've heard" I told him in a low voice, since I didn't want the others to hear. I didn't want to cause problems for Red with the Gryffindors, yesterday I understood that it is not normal to get along between houses.

"I understand, you think that because I'm in there I'm a cunning and deceitful person..."

When he said that, something in me felt very bad. It wasn't what I wanted to say, I know he wouldn't be an evil wizard, I just wanted to know if he was alright... I was just worried, but when I saw the disappointment on his face I froze. I didn't want him to think that of me, I wasn't judging him, I just expressed myself badly, I don't want to lose my only friend this way.

He then turned to his brothers and proclaimed that only one side could survive, all had fallen silent at the proclamation he had made. He must not be serious, it must be another one of his jokes, right?

His brothers answered him, but then they started laughing, everyone was puzzled and when I saw that Red's face was his normal look I realized that I was deceived by him. I breathed a deep sigh of relief inside, I was angry, but more relaxed that things weren't bad.

Now I realize that his brothers mentioned something about sending flowers to a certain Luna, who is she? I think Red had told me that she was the friend who helped him with his problem, but is their relationship more than just friendship? Or because they would send her flowers, should I ask him? Because I feel that everything becomes more complicated again.

"Is that better Hermione, or should it be more sinister?"

"No... no... I wasn't trying to say that" I said embarrassed, he may have played with me, but it was true that what I had said could be misunderstood and create unnecessary conflicts just because I didn't explain myself well. It wouldn't be the first time.

Then he made a joke about killing his family, it may have been very bad and in bad taste, but that made me realize that there was not the slightest problem between us. Everything is the same between us, so I wasted no time and asked him about his safety in his new house.

He put his hand on my head and told me everything was fine, I was able to relax a bit when I heard that. Perhaps my fears were unfounded, we are at Hogwarts, the most prestigious school of all, it would be impossible for something like this to happen.

I took his hand off my head, somewhat annoyed, but not too much. I don't like his treating me like a little girl when we're the same age, but I'll forgive him this time.

I sat down to breakfast because I was starving and, like he said, I couldn't let that make me late on the first day. What surprised me and everyone else was that Red sat next to me at the Gryffindor table, isn't supposed to go to his table? Isn't there a rule that says so?

I whispered to him under my breath that if he planned to leave, but he told me that there was no other me at the Slytherin table, so it wasn't worth going there. I was overjoyed to know that it was so important to him, but I still reminded him that everyone they seemed annoyed with him there and that could get him into trouble. Even with my insistence he stayed here and told me not to worry, I did not continue insisting and started eating.

After a while and several murmurs, it seems that the problem is half resolved. When everyone was eating, the Weasley twins they asked him what it was like to be in Slytherin, and I was curious too.

He replied with 'very green'. I guess that's an answer that would be expected from him, I mean, he's someone who changed his name to Red just because of his hair and eye color. Then he asked me how he was doing in Gryffindor

"...okay, I share the bedroom with Lavender and Parvati and you?" I told him as I looked at my roommates at the table, remembering the night before. Why they can't see it like I do? It's just a little weird.

I heard the twins mention that I could be with Malfoy, and it's not like I like listening to other people's conversation, but I heard that he was a pretentious kid who teased everyone else like he was the king of the school. But it made me more curious when I heard that Red is going to sleep in the kitchen, that's weird, he said it's for peace of mind and I suppose that in a house with 7 brothers it must be difficult, maybe on vacation I should invite him to spend time with my House.

Another thing confused me, he has a room for himself. 'Perhaps the different houses are configured in different ways' was what I thought until he clarified that it was only him. When I heard how bad the conditions in which he lived, I felt great indignation. I thought it was impossible for this to happen inside Hogwarts, all our rooms are very beautiful and cozy, as only he can live that way. They were clearly bothering he, but he doesn't say anything.

I tried to tell him that he couldn't accept that treatment, but he said to reassure me that he wouldn't worry me. I don't know how he can accept that situation, everyone deserves to have the same conditions. I could only resign myself and try to convince him or find a solution later.

He said that it was fine if he didn't have to be with that Malfoy, how bad he must be to come to that. He also said that if he could be in a dorm with us then it would be fine, I think it would be very good too, we could study together late and do our homework when the library closes... But what am I thinking! It would be impossible for boys and girls to sleep together in the same bedroom, I think I must still be asleep.

"Do you have sleepovers with your sister?" I listened to Lavender and went back to paying attention to the conversation.

"Yes, I have them"

"You're not a little old to sleep with your sister," Lavender sneered, but when Red answered her, she cringed in terror.

They can't understand why they can't seem to get along, sometimes they seem to be looking for a reason to make fun of each other. Is this why Gryffindors and Slytherins are fighting? That he has to sleep with his sister, he told me that she was the only one in his family who treated him normally from the beginning. Just look at his twin, clearly he is an idiotic and unbearable boy, I wouldn't want to be with him either, of course that he will want to be with her. If I had a sister, I would also want to spend all the time with her if it were like that.

It seems as if they have been called, Red's brother and Harry Potter came to the table, it seems that they are not happy with Red here. Ron complained about him being here, but Red made him look like a fool in front of the others, he deserved it. Potter defended his friend even when he started it all, but he's also a fool who doesn't recognize that both his friend and the person he's up against have the same last name. I get why Red wants me to ignore them, they're annoying but too dumb to pay attention.

Red left after that, and many people stared at me. They seem to know that it's my fault that he's here, but you know what, I don't care anymore. Besides, most of Red's brothers are happy with me, they told me that it is new for him to willingly make friends.

I finished eating and got up to leave, Parvati and Lavender following me. I tried to make them see that Red was just a normal boy from what they saw just now, but they still can't seem to let go of him being so gloomy and belonging to Slytherin. I will try to solve this problem later

We just gathered our things and headed to class. We were early, and I could see other Slytherin students, but I didn't see Red. I was curious to see his classmates, but they all seemed so grossed out that I didn't try to start a conversation. I hope they are not like that with him.

Red arrived shortly after, it seems that I explore the castle, I should too. I tried to tell him what he had learned about the castle, but he used it to make fun of me, it was a silly prank between friends, but it annoys me when he does it in front of everyone. That he doesn't know shame exists.

After that, we had our class like any normal class in a school, only our teacher was a ghost, but they don't bother me as much as before. Harry and Ron were late, I just hope they don't end up deducting the points I was able to get in the class.

After history, Red and I split up because we had different classes. The book with his annotations was very useful to me, since it could clear up the doubts I had and helped me earn more points. I think I should make an effort to complete it as well so that he can also get some benefit and not be the only one who taking advantage.

Classes finished in the morning and after lunch I headed to the library, Red didn't have lunch at our table, so I couldn't ask him if he wanted to join me to read something together besides returning his book. I hope I didn't seem too pushy.

It was very good that I met him on the way, but he spoke to me as if he were a child about to be kidnapped. Sometimes I don't understand if he doesn't have some limit, I'm sure many would be offended if he doesn't control himself.

It seems he was going to the library too, so we went together. When we entered, everyone seemed to look at us very strangely, I didn't know what it was, I had something on my face, or I broke some rule that I shouldn't have. I was very nervous because I didn't know what was happening.

Red ended up dragging me and all the eyes followed us, then I found out the reason for those looks, I didn't know if my eyes were deceiving me. In front of me was Red... and next to me was Red... for a moment my brain short-circuited. Are there two Reds? Does Red have a twin?

When I asked, everything became more confusing when both followed each other's sentence like their older brothers did. I didn't understand if they were actually triplets, but then I thought maybe it could be some kind of magic or something. I asked him to stop playing and explain to me why I was already very confused, but he kept playing with me, so I hit them both, since I didn't know which one was the real one. When he hits each one they both screamed, for a moment I almost I laughed but held back.

Then he stopped being a fool and explained to me that it is an ability that he can use. I tried to touch the body and face of the copy to see if it was like a real body, but he stopped me by reminding me that he could feel all that. I almost ran out of embarrassment because I touched him a lot in various parts and if he called me a pervert like at lunch right now, I don't think I would have the courage to refute him.

He explained a lot to me and answered several of my questions, but the more I heard, the more depressed I got. It was not something that I could learn, he can be in two places at the same time and do several things at once, he spent the whole morning studying in the library while we had classes. I couldn't help but feel useless, I thought I was doing my best to catch up with everyone else, and even though Red told me that I already had a pretty good level, I still wanted to be able to catch up with him. I didn't want to be treated like a fool just because I didn't know anything of the wizarding world, but I was getting harder and harder to feel progress when I was next to him.

He tried to comfort me, and he partially succeeded, but I still felt depressed. I tried to hide it, so he wouldn't worry, I guess that's what he does when he tells me everything is fine in Slytherin.

When it was time for the next class, we parted ways again. I put much more effort into being able to learn, I don't want to be left behind. Finishing the classes in the afternoon and I went once more to the library and I found him again, I didn't know if he was the real one or the clone, when I asked him he just laughed and didn't say anything to me. I tried several ways to see if it was the real one, but I didn't get any difference, I could only accept that it was the real one for the time being.

We worked on the book that we shared and read separately. It was time for dinner and Red, who was next to me, asked me to go eat, when I asked him if he would not come, he told me that he was already there. He had cheated on me again, and I was angry, but I wouldn't take it out on him here, I wanted to see the real one.

When I got to the large dining room I found him smiling at me like nothing happened, but I knew he was making fun of me, I went over and gave him a good smack and went to my table. I could see how he wasn't going to the Slytherin table, so he had to come here. To show him my disagreement, I planned to use ice-cold law and not talk to him during dinner, so he would learn the lesson.

But it was useless, since he didn't come to me. He went to the Ravenclaw table, I don't know what he does there, but I could only ignore him. It seems like I can never win one around him and that annoys me, I ate furiously at the table and then went to my room with the books I borrowed.

It was bedtime, but I was still reading. He could read twice as much as I could in a day, so the only thing I could think of was to stay up late for now, I would only go to bed when I finished reading this book. My companions tried to stop me and tell me that it was too late, but I ignored them... In the end, I don't know when it happened, but I fell asleep.

When I woke up I had a book on my face, I sat on my bed and felt very tired, if it wasn't for the light through the window hitting my face I wouldn't have woken up. On my night table there was a note, it was from my roommates who told me that they tried to get me up but that they couldn't, that if I didn't come to class and a teacher asked about my absence, they would tell him that I felt bad.

After reading it a couple of times to understand it, I jumped up realizing that I fell asleep. I saw the time and classes are almost starting, I grabbed my clothes and got dressed as fast as I could, gathered my things and ran out.

It may not be able to run in the halls, but that didn't matter to me now, I didn't want to be late on the first days of school and leave a bad impression on the teachers, I actually never wanted to be late for any class, but still ...

Luckily nothing stopped me on the way, I was hungry, but I didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I could just suck it up. I arrived at the transformation room in a flurry. I saw that the teacher hadn't arrived yet, and I tried to find a seat quickly before it was time to start class.

I could see Red in one of the first seats, beckoning me to go with him. I sat next to him and took a deep breath, I couldn't believe I almost didn't make it. Red asked me what happened to me, but I didn't want to tell him the truth, so I changed the subject asking about the teacher, he told me that she was already here, but he couldn't see her anywhere. When I asked him for an explanation, he told me about his intimidating aura, he told me that it affects animals more and that there was a cat in front of us that didn't even unfazed, for a moment I thought about what he said, and I realized that he wanted to tell me.

"You will not say that the cat..." I tried to confirm it.

"Yes, animagus" he answered me.

He didn't need to tell me anything else, it was one of the things he had learned, magicians who can completely transform into animals, it was amazing. I wanted to know when I could reach such a level.

Class had already started, but the teacher was still a cat, so my partner and I started copying what was on the board. Some time later, Harry and Ron arrived, they haven't been on time to any class since we started. I don't know what's wrong with them, nor do I know how Ron has the nerve to complain to Red when he can't even get to his class on time.

It was a great class. Professor McGonagall knows how to give a class, I like her a lot and I hope in the future to have as many achievements as her in transfiguration. Near the end of the class, she gave us our first practical task, it was to turn a match into a needle. I put a lot of effort and I could see how it was slowly changing, I was very excited to be able to perform magic, it was fascinating.

When I finally felt excited to be able to achieve it, I heard that Red next to me called Professor McGonagall. When she congratulated him on his work, I felt again how the world was collapsing around me. Why can't there be something I can beat him at? Just something so you can feel like we're on the same channel. I could almost feel like I would start crying if this continued, I couldn't stop feeling so inferior, I tried to hurry up trying to prove that I could do it too, but the harder I tried, the fewer results I got.

Only when I felt something touch my leg did I calm down, I saw how Red shook his head and I knew he was right. I couldn't do it like that, I felt frustrated, and I stayed still just thinking.

After Red talked to the teacher, he came towards me and I tried to hide my discomfort. I try to tell myself not to rush me, to be patient, I didn't want to hear that coming from him, but when he reminded me that his work wasn't well done, that comforted me. Nobody is perfect and the fact that I did he fast doesn't mean it was good, 'if I couldn't beat him in speed, I would do it in quality'. I was able to find strength in myself again, and I gave everything to achieve it.

The class ended, and I couldn't finish it, but I was still happy with my progress. When the bell rang, we were about to leave, but red seemed to come over to want to talk to me. Just when he was about to tell me something, my stomach growled, I hadn't eaten anything so far, and I was really hungry.

"Hungry?..." he told me with a bad smile.

I didn't want him to know, so I lied to him, hoping he would leave the subject aside, but it wasn't like that. He pointed out to me how I came running to the classroom and how tired I looked, I couldn't hide it, so I tried to find an excuse so that didn't know the real reason I fell asleep, it's not that I should hide, but I don't know why I felt like I shouldn't tell him.

He told me that he knew why I fell asleep, since Parvati and Lavander had told him, I didn't want to continue with this, but only lies came out of my mouth that I wouldn't even believe. He was still normal making fun of me, but inside I couldn't stand it, since yesterday I've only seen how little I can do compared to him, I just wanted to cry right now to vent, but I didn't want him to see it.

"Hermione, I already told you that you don't need to match me on anything…" when he said it, made it sound like I was doing something wrong. No... it was true, I wanted to match him, it was the first time that I wasn't the smartest among my age and I couldn't help but feel like an idiot by his side. He wasn't doing anything wrong, but I still felt bad ...

When I think about it like this I realize why others distanced themselves from me, he treats me very well and even so I feel bad. The others felt that way about me and I didn't realize it, even so I tried to show them that I could do it, but I only showed the others that I could, and they couldn't. Why I didn't realize? I could never have friends like that. I just wanted to cry harder right now, realizing that all this time it was always my fault that I didn't have any friends.

"... Do you want me to stop reading, so you can beat me?" He asked me with his hands on my shoulders, looking me straight in the eye.

I quickly denied him, and he told me that he would be willing to do it, that he didn't mind if he tried to do more, but that he shouldn't let that hurt me.

With this I could understand him, I couldn't help but feel inferior being next to him, but I couldn't want him to stop doing what he does just to feel good about myself. I would never stop doing something I love just so others can satisfy their need to achieve, but... he is willing to do it for me... Why does he care so much about me? And why does that make me feel so good?

And I don't want this anymore. I don't want to let these sensations prevent me from having a good time being by his side, we've only been friends for a couple of days and I don't want to lose him just because I can't stand not being as smart as him. I'm going to do my best to reach him, but if I don't get it I don't want to part from him or him from me, I finally realize my mistakes and how it feels to have a real friend.

"I'm glad... but I'm warning you..."

I had been glad that he was done and that it hadn't become a big deal, until he agreed to do what I felt was right, but he threatened to stop me from entering the library if I got to the point of hurting myself with it.

"You couldn't do that…" I tried to complain, I didn't want him to believe that he could threaten me and I would just agree to do what he says, not that I don't appreciate it, but I have my pride.

"Of course I could..."

At the moment he said those words I could feel real helplessness, not like before... it was very different. It seemed that Red had changed, it sounded as if his word was the supreme law and that he was way above my opinion, like he wanted something, and he would get it no matter what. I felt that I was no longer the owner of my decision, that I had to do everything he asked and I couldn't do anything to avoid it. Even when my parents scolded me or gave me an order, I didn't feel like that, I couldn't oppose he.

He was leaving, I didn't notice when he released me and although that feeling still stayed with me and left me uneasy, I ran to catch up with him.

We went to lunch, he calms me down after eating, but even so I didn't talk much with Red, that dominant look he had is still in my mind, he was so scary and charming at the same time.

We went back to our classes and I felt really comfortable at this point, the loads I had during the morning disappeared, but I was still quite sleepy. It was time for dinner, but Red went back to the Ravenclaw table. I didn't want to cause any trouble, so I kept quiet and finished my dinner, so I could go to my bedroom.

What happened yesterday happened again. I wasn't going to give up, but I wouldn't allow what happened this morning to happen again, I went to bed later than my classmates and stayed up reading, but I set a limit. With the accumulated fatigue of the previous day, I fell to bed ironed and slept very soundly...

It was the next day when I got up, my companions had already left, for a moment I thought I fell asleep again, but when I looked at the clock I realized that I still had time. If I wanted to have breakfast, I would have to run and do it very quickly, and it would still be tight.

When I sat on my bed I could see that on my nightstand I found again a note and a… plate with sandwiches? What's this doing here? could be Lavender or Parvati? When I went to see the note, I understood.

"To my dear Hermione:

Since I suspected you would stay up late again I tried to do something to help you. It may not be very good because it's my first time trying to cook something with magic, but I hope this will buy you some time. I'll see you in class.

With love Red"

I didn't know what to think at this point, I just took one of the sandwiches from the plate and started eating it. They weren't as tasty as the ones we ate in the great hall, but they felt really good inside me, it reminded me of when I was sick and my mother would bring me breakfast in bed, this feeling of being cared for feels so good...

I finished eating and got dressed, now I had more time to get to class and I wouldn't have to run around the castle. I took one last look at the empty plate with the note on it and walked away smiling feeling that this is a good day.

-End Hermione Pov -

-A short Penelope's Pov-

It was strange that a child could cause me such a feeling of anxiety, when I saw him enter the great hall on the first day I easily recognized him as Percy's brother, it was impossible not to distinguish him. I didn't think much of it when he mentioned that he wasn't a kid like the others, but only now do I see what he was talking about.

Just now he just got out of the library, I just talked to that kid and I can't help but say it's weird. He may say that if he is the son of his parents, but I still doubt, his appearance, personality and that ability that causes terror to people who see him preventing them from seeing his true appearance... everything indicates that he is not really a Weasley, but I will not interfere in the affairs of others.

I can only sigh and admit: Hooo Percy, if only you had the look of your little brother I wouldn't have minded even if you really did have some weird fetishes. I could only resign myself and keep walking. Why doesn't Percy have a bit of the charm that he does? That way, I wouldn't have to hesitate so much whether to move forward with our relationship.

-End Penelope Pov-