
Chapter 14: No particular title

It was Wednesday. As the day before I was selling things from the room of all requirements during the night, I got up early again, but now I would start doing some other things besides reading, and then I would go out to the patio to train.

When I left my room I passed Bulstrode and Davis, who, unlike the previous days, greeted me cordially when they saw me. It seems like they're not that upset with me anymore after yesterday, well Tracey never really was, but now she doesn't feel the social pressure to do it anymore, so she stopped feigning upset and talks to me like a normal person.

I finished my training session and went to eat breakfast. I didn't go to the Slytherin table, yesterday may have made several people hate me even more, rather I made Draco hate me more and the others go along with it. Except for a few who aren't interested in the subject, everyone else gives off bad vibes, so I'm not going there this morning.

When I got to the Gryffindor table, I noticed that Hermione wasn't there, but I didn't worry, I had already made arrangements. I sat down with Fred and George to talk a bit, or rather listen to them talk about their plans, it seems that they really intend to rob a toilet, I don't know why, and I think they don't either.

Parvati and Lavender looked at me for a while, maybe they noticed what I did, I had a quick breakfast to go do my things.

Twenty minutes before it was time to go to class, I saw Hermione running towards me. She approached with her books in her hands, she was silent for a while without saying anything, just looking at me.

"Thanks for breakfast…" she said was a little shy, I don't understand why, she seemed to come with total security a moment ago.

"Did you like it?"


"I knew you wouldn't stop, you're so stubborn, to make sure you don't kill yourself I plan to keep doing it"


"I'm not a little girl that you have to take care of, you know? You don't have to."

"But you don't mind if I do?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Let's just go to our classes" she turned around, neither affirming nor denying.

I laughed a little inside to see that she was sincerely happy, although I try to hide it. I followed her for a while until we went to our classes.

The rest of the week went that way. At night, I sold to the merchant, in the morning I prepared a breakfast for Hermione, trained, went to classes except defense against the dark arts, at that time I practiced magic. With my clone, I spent time in the library reading or working with Hermione. During the afternoon off I was looking for something to do, talk to the elves, practice magic, do homework, talk to some people, or do some secret research on my blood magic.

There were some somewhat remarkable events.

-Wednesday evening-

I was eating something in the great hall when Percy approaches me with a depressed face to give me a letter, I was confused, it didn't seem like anyone had died nor do I think anything bad could have happened. When I read the letter I understood, mum had found out that I'm in Slytherin.

She wasn't happy at all and Percy, as the older brother and prefect, earned most of the complaints. Mom hoped that as a prefect, he would at least try something to get me to move house. He couldn't do anything and I didn't want him to either, now that I was in Slytherin I had ideas that little by little became plans for the future, I'm not going to waste this opportunity.

I was writing a letter to my mother telling her that I was fine, that I had no problems in Slytherin and not to worry. I also texted Ginny to try to convince her that everything was okay.

Hermione saw what I was doing, and she thought it would be best if I let my mother try to change me into Gryffindor.

"Why don't you let them transfer you to Gryffindor? You don't have to put up with bullying, and we can be in the same house together" Hermione complained "I don't understand why the hat was put there. Even I got the choice to go to Ravenclaw or Gryffindor and you are more braver and smarter than me"

"If it gave me a choice" I said as I took a bite of pumpkin pie, "It gave me the choice to be in any of the four houses"

"Then, why did you choose Slytherin if you knew what it would bring you?" She said her eyes wide at hearing.

"Because I had no place to go if it wasn't this one. In Gryffindor there was Ron and I wanted to be away from him for a while. The Hufflepuff personality didn't suit me, although now it seems that I'm sociable actually, I do everything for my own reasons. In Ravenclaw and Slytherin there was no problem, but there was no reason to go either, if you had chosen Ravenclaw I would have gone there to be with you, but since you chose Gryffindor, if I went with you, it meant going with my brother. I chose Slytherin because I would also manage to find a way to annoy Ron with that, he has always said that it would end there and now that it is true I can take advantage of it"She listened to me then angrily ate, she could be seen frowning as she stabbed the food off her plate with a fork.

"What's the matter? You're mad at me for not choosing Gryffindor? Sorry, but I could be in the same room as Ron for another seven years, one of them wouldn't have survived."

"I'm not mad at you" she said as she seemed to sob angrily "I'm mad at myself for not choosing Ravenclaw. I thought because all your brothers were in Gryffindor, you would be too... Why didn't I think you wouldn't want to be with them? I'm a fool"

I just laughed at the girl's complaints and started to finish the letter to my mother

-Wednesday night-

We are in astronomy class, this is one of the classes that all the houses teach at the same time. Professor Sinistra taught us about the stars and constellations, it's something interesting, our classroom is on the top floor of the tallest tower in Hogwarts, this tower had several balconies and the particularity that its roof could be opened at night to have a better view of the stars and carry out the activities of the subject.

Neither in my past life nor in this one did I have much study about space and celestial bodies, just the basics, it seems that Hogwarts will fill that gap. I was working, looking at space through my telescope, and I was making the notes that the teacher asked us to when at one point while I was writing I began to look at the starry sky.

I wasn't using a telescope at the moment, just looking up with my own eyes. I don't know if it was that the height of the tower allowed me to see the stars more closely, although it sounds stupid comparing the distance, but something caught me and I couldn't stop looking at it, it wasn't something in particular but rather the beauty of the whole.

While admiring the stars, a warning appeared.

[Auras and Essences: "Infinite Universe Essence" Obtained]

-Physical, mental and spiritual limits removed-

What? How were the limits removed? What does this mean? All beings have their own limits. The brain, although it has great capacity, cannot function forever, there will come a point where it is saturated with information, and it is no longer possible to learn anything else, although it is more likely that you will die before reaching that point.

That means that now my mind has no end, if I get close to the limit of my brain... Will it grow to have more space? I don't want to walk around and have my head the size of a watermelon or worse.

So too... the physical body has its limits. You can train very hard, but the closer you get to your limits, the more difficult it will be to have results, so... Could I train indefinitely to become invincible? Will I go bald? Bald and with a big head? There is also the issue of old age, if biologically I have no limits, it means that I cannot die... Am I immortal now?

I don't really know how to understand this. Even magic has a limit, it grows over time, but there will come a point in adulthood where it reaches its maximum and the only natural change from there will be downhill. If magic continued to grow over time, then Dumbledore or Nicolas Flamel would be the most powerful wizards in the world and Voldemort would be long dead.

I also don't know what it means that the soul has no limits. The only thing I thought was limitless was my blood magic that has grown with me since I was born, or long before that. I haven't gotten to the point where even my normal mage magic doesn't reach its limit and I already felt that my blood magic wouldn't stop growing or at least the limit was going to be high enough not to reach it before then die.

I don't really know how to interpret this ability, I just hope I don't end up with my head like a pumpkin. Putting my thoughts aside, I continued with the class, but the idea kept haunting my mind.

-Thursday afternoon-

I got back together with the Slytherin girl group to ask for homework again and got a better welcome. Bulstrode and Davis treat me like a peer, Greengrass is still as neutral as ever, and Parkinson... well she's still herself, but every time she wants to use Draco as a comparison or insult towards me, I only have to remind her of the incident of the parchment so that she shuts up or wants to change the subject. She wanted to justify it a few times, but the look of her two companions prevented her from continuing to do so. She may have thought for a moment if she should put friendship aside because of her admiration for Draco, I've seen her throughout the day trying to follow Draco and avoid her friends, but she's still at a crossroads it seems.

As we agreed, it was Millicent who lent me the homework this time, Tracey got a little angry because she couldn't demand more food from me, but I think I can already have a homework provider as long as she has delicious things.

As I walked away I could see Malfoy following me, it didn't take long to see that he wanted to cause trouble, his face practically screaming that he wanted a fight. He followed me out of the common room, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. It seems they don't plan to attack me when I'm around the girls, I guess he learned the lesson last time

By the time I was out in the dungeons, I could hear Malfoy screaming.

"Now yes, Weasley, are you going to..."

Malfoy's face of satisfaction at seeing that he could complete his revenge could be seen turning into a confused and frustrated scowl as the person in front of him turned into a pool of blood that vanished on the floor.

On another side of the castle, I could be seen laughing and making another clone, or rather trying to make more than one clone.


Sorry for the delay and that this chapter is shorter than usual. My mouse died and I have to buy another one, the one I use now is borrowed. Also, I have problems with some teeth and I have to make them see because they are not letting me continue with my life.

If the next chapters are late in appearing it is for these reasons, sorry.