
Harry Potter , Pursuit Of Magic

The story Of the Greatest Wizard ever . One who surpassed all known norms. ========================================================== Arvic , intelligent, talented , born in rich family , loving parents ,good friends ,academics etc . died due to rather unfortunate turn of events at the age of 19 , perhaps luck was the only thing he lacked as the the way he died can only be blamed on some circumstances . yes as you would have guised he had ample knowledge about various movies (harry potter ), anime ,manga etc . well he was not an otaku or a loner .rather he he extravert in various occasions. and his reason for all that knowledge would leaved you quite shocked . besides that he was talented and hew had completed studies of various fields enough to rivel famous professor. now a that very same person who had insane talent and learning capabilities as well as keen interest in magic is reborn in the wizarding world of HARRY POTTER with a system with only basic appraisal and status feature. Follow as he discovers the secrets of the wizarding world , truth about , the reason for his reincarnation and is the system really as simple as he thinks He will make use of his initiate talents and learn magic , surpass the common sense of the people , make impossible possible and lets not forget girls he will discover the secrets of magic and learn the true magic . let us join in his journey in his pursuit of magic and becomes true definition of OP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my first time writing so do not except much . i will try my best the story will not revolve much around harry . as he is NOT THE MC OF THE STORY . i will try to make it as logical as possible , but do not except much as you really cant really on logic when there is magic in the world . I will try to make the mc OP but not that he will suddenly becomes the strongest or gains power ups all of a sudden , i will make him op compared to his peers . and slowly he will he will becomes more op . hopefully a god by the end . HOPE IT END UP WELL ===================================================================

One_For_None · Films
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12 Chs

Ch 5 - Gaining understanding and Time Skip


I am brave when it comes to facing inevitable situation .

My whole life and world view got changed, i became orphaned at young age in this world . Though i didn't recieve much warmth and love , grandfather's death still left behind a lot more sorrow then I imagined.

Faced with unexpected situations, rebirth, wonderful powers which I didn't understand and a magic world , all these fascinated me so and I got lost in them to bury my sorrows of my past life , regrets and ain to never meet my parents again .

But I continued, asi thought by not addressing them I will eventually move on .

And Gramps was of no help either , he didn't hate me , but he just treated me as a obligation of sort and raised me without giving me any love , honestly if I didn't have my memories of my past life, I can't even imagine what I would have become .

I didn't really value or care that much for him , but when he passed away , his death really affected me .

I was alone in a world of which most of the knowledge was from books, honestly I was scared .

But I still moved on eventually , keeping my sorrows and using them to push myself forward and find a goal in this world .

Originally was thinking of enjoying myself, learning magic , sightseeing, but Gramps death was a reality check for me .

I don't want to end up as Harry Potter. I don't hate him , infact I admire him but ,

I see Harry as someone who is struggling to do the right thing,

Someone who is not without faults, who acts impetuously as you would expect someone of his age to act, but who is ultimately a very loyal person, and a very very courageous person.

So, in as much as he has qualities that I admire most I would say he is a good role model. That doesn't mean that he is saintly, but then frankly, who is?

But I think you do see enough of Harry's inner life, the workings of his mind in the books to know that he is ultimately human, struggling to do the right thing, which I think is admirable.

He lived a miserable life, was used in a plot , was congratulated about something which ended in his parents death .

He is not a saint , but he never let the words darkness colour him . So I don't want to end up as a pawn like him .

But I want to be brave , brave enough to face every and anything.

I didn't want to loose my way due to the darkness of the world . I didn't want the world and it's people to change me that easily.

I know that I must change , one needs to adapt to survive , but I do not want to loose my moral values that easily.

You know this world is really cruel and dark , more dark than Jk's books could hope to describe. Especially so for an orphan like me with nothing to his name .


At first I understood why the pure blood hated the muggle and half bloods .

In ancient times , noble families had monopoly over varies fields , it was only after Hogwarts started different courses and muggle born got the chance to learn the knowledge that was originally monopolised by purebloods .

And ministry later started funding for the education of muggle born ( muggles have no tution at Hogwarts) .

The purebloods ( sacred families) lost their source of income as others were able to learn all those things which used to be speciality of purebloods , as a result prices of things become cheap as those things which were originally only sold by purebloods became common things ,

The only source of income left for sacred families was tax and rent due to owning a lot of land and business.

The only reason they are still wealthy is due to fortune ammased by their forefathers.

Yet that too is dwindling due to their unrestrained expenditure , yet they want to remain on their high thrones , doing parties , wearing expensive clothes just to feel superior, as a result their berely reaming fortune is dwindling.

That is why when volde started his blood supremacy shit , they ran to join him as if their tails were on fire , even willing to use all their fortune to his cause.

As it was their only chance to remain superior as with how circumstances were , there was hardly any magical difference between muggle born or pure blood ,

So to preserve what ever honour they considered themselves to posses , they became death eaters,.

Up until this point I understood their reasons for all there actions except volde as ha was a complete lunatic , though I did not support there views but I still tried to justify as I thought not all can be that bad and in reality the line between right and wrong is almost non existent , it is a matter of interests in the end and history is often written by winners.

But what I found next about there actions ripped apart any feeling of understanding towards them leaving behind nothing but extreme hatred got their actions, and that's when I i understood why the death eaters and volde was so feared , they were truly scum of the world .

I don't believe I will be able to control myself from killing them in if we're to meet them especially luscious Malfoy.

For there acts truly showed me how dark the world really is and why the light faction utterly loth them , at first I thought they were prejudicesd to hate the children of death eaters but after knowing their deeds every one will be the same .


I was a lot busy 😔.

I will try to upload regularly

And I want to thank all those who support me and read my work , I was brainstorming and wanted to change the setting a bit , and the skills that I have eroll did not feel quite right , if I allow them , then the story will be broken and nerfing him doesn't sit well with me so I have finally found a way to change his powers without making it seem like I am nerfing him .

And i have actually revised my ideas of the world building, well I want to say I have a lots of ideas about world setting , but I am having difficulty to write ✍️ and dipict characters, so will need some time so I just how that you won't drope my work 😔

I will make him op but not broken as if to be able to do anything without restrain.

I will also give proper response why he is op .

There will be time skip in next chapter.


Hope you like it ,.

I was actually about to go to 💤 sleep but then it just came to me that I should at least write something, no matter how small the chapter might end up in. ,

A lot happened today, I was late for classes so I should really be sleeping now as to not get late tomorrow too .

I will try to have a regular update schedule., i will start with 1 ch a week. As I don't want to mess it up in hurry ,😁😊😊.

Hope you like my work, I am trying to give it a different touch then other fanfictions

