
Harry potter: Multiverse story

Let me tell you the story of how i died, met some self proclaimed god, And got a ticket to the multiverse. First world: Harry potter. Second world: Haruhi suzumiya. . . . This is a wish fulfillment story. i am trying to give it regular updates but dont have great expectations on the character. it will have twists and turns like a roller coaster that phineas and ferb would have made. i see many over complicate and give too op golden finger. i want to give a non op bit still op( if you know what i mean) experience

atharva_saraf · Films
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31 Chs

McDonald's has come

Just as i finished the breakfast the door bell rang.

my dad looked at me while i gave a mysterious smirk.

As i opened the door i could see a old thin woman with a pointy hat on her head carrying a scroll.

' clearing throat'," hello, good morning young lady, my name is minerva McGonagall and i am sure you have got the Hogwarts letter"

"Oh, yes mam i have read the acceptance letter and i was just talking to my parents about it, please come in". i gestured her to come inside the house.

"Thank you", she comes inside with a little gentle smile on her mouth.

As i led her to the guest hall, mother and father also came from the dining room.

" Hello, you must be hermione's parents" she asks.

"Yes, she is emma and i am dan watson nice to meet you mam".

"Is the content in the letter the truth, is our hermione a witch? asks mom a little worried".

no need to be worried ms granger,yes she is a witch but every year many witches and wizards appear from non magical family which we refer to as 'Muggles'.

I could see my mother worry subsided a little.

But why don't we know about it then, if every year wizards appear".asked dad.

"Thats because every family of a muggleborn witch or wizard has to sign a contract in which it states that you can't tell anyone non magical about magic" minnie explained patiently.

I am here to answer any of your further questions and to take miss granger to buy the supplies.

(AN: short ch cause why not its my story.

ah no its not that but cause it feels right to give daigon alley a seperate ch.

bye see you soon. 300)