

a new soul has found itself in the Harry Potter universe. He is in the body of Draco Malfoy, who died at a young age,after his father's failed attempt at usurping power . The system that began as his greatest enemy soon takes him on the roller coaster in the Harry Potter world, equipped with a magical predator system How will he fair in this world of magic

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"All the newbies, Yer all gathers around. don' do nothing unless I tell yer to"

the giant that I had met earlier in not-so-good circumstances roared to the first years

I was paying him little attention at the moment. I watched as the older students mounted carriages that seemed to be pulling themselves." was there an end to wonders of this world?"

"beautiful right?"

I turned to find Hermione, the girl I had shared a compartment with behind me. she was carrying a lot of luggage most of which I had learned were books.

"beautiful? nuh, I find it unsettling, having to ride on something that is pulling itself. I would rather walk"

"ooh! they aren't pulling themself, thestrals actually pull them"

"of course not, clearly you cannot see that nothing is pulling them, Hermione?."

she patted Crookshank tenderly

"well, it depends on who is looking,thestrals are invisible winged horses. they can only be seen under exceptional circumstances"

"ooh I see" I mused

"you don't believe me I know, you should read Hogwarts a history"

and books were something I couldn't argue with her, Hermione seemed to be too bookish for her age"

"well, if you say so"

"enough yer two, hop into that boat over there"

I hastily turned to see the goliath pointing a gigantic finger at a boat that already had two occupants, all the boats were carrying four students. I noted with dread that they were the boys I had encountered at king cross station.

God save me! someone would probably get thrown overboard and seeing that the odds were against me, well... let's just say I would be lucky to get to the other side.

I stared at the black lake that was stretched ahead surrounding the mammoth towers of the castle. the blackness seemed to amplify the mystery that enshrouded the water

"get in boy, we ain't got forever" the giant urged

Hermione whose luggage had now been taken by the last carriage held the edge of the boat and easily jumped in. I followed suit and found myself next to my nemesis who gave me an icy glare as if seeking the much-awaited chance to toss me overboard.

"all o yer sit tight" the giant shouted


as if on cue, all the small boats surged forward across the lake,

for a moment, I felt like there was something beneath the boat that would probably upturn us. we were gradually closing in on the huge cliff where the castle sat atop, I couldn't help wondering how we would climb that clif, perhaps the boats were enchanted and could fly over the cliff.

"heads down everyone" came the roar,

I watched from the corner of my eyes as the boats split through a curtain of weed and we were carried through a dark tunnel. the blackness reminded me of the dragon cave. after a while, we came to habour of some sort where our guide told us to get out of his boats.

he led us through a huge oak door that opened to a hallway

"thank you, I will take them from here hagrid "

the speaker stood ahead of the group as she addressed the giant. she was a tall witch with black hair that was tied in a bun. she held her glasses in her hand and her right eye twinkled in the dimly lit hallway.

"ok professor, i will leave em to yer"

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