
Harry Potter: Kain’s View

Kain Enabel, me, a boy. A boy born in March 19th 1977. Parents, none. Where are they you may ask, I don’t know. I’m just a lost boy, a boy without a home. But, I have a secret, I have super powers. I can change myself to whatever~ I like. Be it man, woman. Tall and short, blonde to brown.anything. One day I get a letter to me, flown in by an owl, I don’t know about you, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride, right? Oceanic standard times. :/

Avalon_EverDistant · Films
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19 Chs

The emrys family.

The emrys family. The family in which the wizard Merlin, or myrddin emrys was said to come to be.

This family has close ties to the slytherin family due to Merlin being salazar slytherins first apprentices.

This family also has close ties with the goblin nation, where Marshall Emrys sided with the goblins in the goblin wars.

They have peculiar magic, where they can communicate with dragons. This ability coupled with there connections with snakes make them a very reputable/feared family.

Now the girl, Cecilia emrys, I just realised looked similar to a doll. Blonde hair, pale white skin high cheek bones, and cold dull emerald green eyes.

She seemed like a robot with her closed off movements, and dull responses.

"Pardon?" I said because she asked me a question.

"I asked if you would like to spend an undetermined amount of time in the library to study the subjects we have done today." She said in a dull, monotone tone. She's like a robot, I tell ya!

"I'm sure... wanna do that with a friend I made in the train?" I asked her, tonks asked if when I finished the first day of school to meet her in the library, so why not have some company?

"Acceptable." She said and proceeded to walk ahead of me to the library.

We had gotten their and seen tonks.

"Wotcher Kain, and who's this pretty lady? Someone already caught your eye?"

"I'm eleven, not 16. And no she is someone I just met, but we are gonna do our homework in the library." I pointed out. Tonks is a very... playful? Person, always likes to make jokes and lighten the mood.

We head into the library and do our transfiguration and potions network, snakes not really a good teacher, he doesn't explain the dangers of making potions and just tells us to follow a recipe on the board.

Potions really is just a complicated kind of cooking, but with more steps and a limited time frame of putting the ingredients in, it's like scientific magical cooking.

While transfiguration is like a very weird metal/wood working. With less steps but more dangers, ms. Mcgonagall is a good teacher but seems extremely exhausted most of the time. Transfiguration is the temporary change of material to another, and reverts back if not enough magic is introduced into it. Each material has a specific amount of magic that has to be put in before it can change.

"What's the answer to "the dangers of transfiguration" " I asked Cecilia, trying to make light talk with her. She doesn't talk much is what I observe.

"Don't transfigure solid objects into gases or liquids unless you risk the chance of them reverting into your body due to you consuming them." She stated.

"So tonks, what are you doing?" I asked. I've nearly finished my homework, due to simply making more hands and trying splitting my mind into different parts, I don't like doing this because this will give me a killer head ache but well I'm bored to I'm experimenting.

"The effects different environments has on dittany, kind of hard but manageable."

She said. Imma search up what dittany is later probably tomorrow.

"What can you do with magic? I know we can transfigure, make potions but what else can we do?" I asked. I want to know everything.

"My family were a group of enchanters, and I'm hoping I can follow in their footsteps... and...l"

She trailed off sounding sad, but looked determined on something. I hope we can be friends.

"Well you can do many things like yes enchanting, transfiguration, and potions, but you can also be a healer, a auror, or a teacher. There's many mores like and alchemist, and even

A magizoologist. There could be many more in different countries but that's all I know here."

Tonks said. Huh lot of option choices, maybe I could introduce the magical world to television, seeing owls take ages to get from one place to another when you could just make a telephone work here. That's a good idea maybe I should do it.

We started packing up when we were finished

I stretched, they stretched, I said

"Mmm ah~ imma go to bed see you gals later!" They simply nodded and left heading to their dorms.

I came across mcgonagall looking over to us, and she saw me heading back to the dorms. She stopped to tell me with a sad look in her eye

"Please take care of grand niece, she hasn't had many friends since the tragedy happened..."

Sorry about the wait, I couldn’t write the interactions of tonks and Cecilia right so I took a little break to look at it in a different perspective. Again, sorry for the wait.

Avalon_EverDistantcreators' thoughts