When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
A few hours later Harry arrived outside Kamar Taj while wearing civilian clothes, he tapped on the door three times before suddenly finding himself inside the building and staring face to face with the Ancient One who was standing alongside Mordo. Both looking at him like they were expecting some sort of surprise on his face due to how he entered.
"Show offs, the lot of you." Harry said to them in a bored voice. "Let's cut the theatrics please, now you wanted to see me?" Harry asked the Ancient One.
"Yes I did," She nodded, just as bald as before, Harry couldn't help but wonder if she was incapable of growing hair or if it was a choice, but then he decided he didn't really care either way and pushed those thoughts out of his head. "I trust you had no troubles in getting here."
"I had to leave a warm bed," Harry scowled briefly, the fact that there was a warm body next to him was also an important factor. "that alone is enough to piss off any British born man, now what do you want?"
"I have discovered some more information about the suit, follow me." She said before turning and walking away, Harry followed after her with Mordo following behind them both. Harry remained vigilant in case either of the two decided to attack him, he didn't think that they would but it never hurt to be prepared. He could tell that while the Ancient One was adopting a Dumbledore like calmness, Mordo was acting like he was ready to jump into battle the second that Harry remotely hinted at being violent. "I do apologies for not being able to call you earlier, but between my own duties, the large amounts of scrolls and books I had to look through, along with other things such as the battle of New York, it had taken me a while to find the information."
"Thanks...I suppose." Harry replied, not sure what else to say.
"You're welcome." The Ancient One smiled at him over her shoulder before continuing to walk. Eventually they found themselves in a room where the Ancient One took a seat as Mordo stood in the corner. "Please, take a seat." She said to him as she gestured to the seat opposite her.
"Is he going to control himself?" Harry asked as he gestured to Mordo.
"Mordo will not attack you," She replied. "do forgive him, he worries, but he won't attack anyone without a reason."
"Fine," Harry shrugged as he sat down. "though if he does attack me then I'm going to rip off his limbs." Harry warned, Mordo bristled at that but the Ancient One smiled as if she expected that response. "Now, I believe that this is the part where you tell me what you know and the part where I let you know if you decide to waste my time then I am just going to go now."
"You have something else to do?" She asked.
"Yes," Harry said, stopping himself from answering with 'Natasha'. "now what do you know?"
"Very well," The Ancient One replied. "I was looking through as many scrolls and books as I could find, there was barely any information. I was able to find out that the suit is hundreds of years old, the earliest I can trace it back to is the eleventh century. Though it's very possible that it could be older, I have also found mentions of a few people who have tried it on."
"And?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.
"One person was killed by the suit," The Ancient One said, previously she spoke with a hint of humor but there was no humor in her voice. "another person had their arms and legs broken. When I first came here I saw one student try to put on the suit despite several warnings from my master who was the Sorcerer Supreme at the time. The student had tried to put it on when he thought that he was alone, the suit tried to kill him and he was only saved because my master was able to arrive at the time and managed to separate the student from the suit."
"It does have a level of intelligence." Harry replied, thinking about his past experiences with the suit.
"That it does," The Ancient One nodded. "I believe that the suit reacted those ways because of how worthy it believed the person to be. The first person was very ill suited to wear it, the injured student was not suited but better than the previous. I was wondering if you had learnt anything from the suit?" She asked.
"Merely what it can do." Harry answered with a small shrug. "It creates weapons, it flies, so far it seems indestructible."
"Hmm," The Ancient One adopted a thoughtful look. "I have something for you." She said as she created a small portal next to her, she reached into the portal and pulled out a small wooden box.
"What is supposed to be in there?" Harry asked, looking at the box.
"In my hands I have something which I believe might be beneficial for you." The Ancient One replied before pulling out a black metallic arm band that was roughly the size of Harry's forearm, in the center of it was a small dome. "I believe that what I have here is connected to your suit, another piece of the puzzle if you will. I would like to try something with this and your armour, if that is alright with you."
"Hmm," Harry looked at the item in her hand for several moments before he answered. "fine." He said as he stood up and his suit appeared around him.
"I should warn you that I have a theory," The Ancient One said as she stood up. "if I'm wrong then you may experience a bit of pain." She added.
"Wait what?" Harry replied but didn't get to say anymore as the arm band had suddenly snapped out of the Ancient One's hands and wrapped itself around Harry's left forearm, it glowed a light green before shifting it's shape from solid into a liquid, the liquid seeped into Harry's armour, after a moment the dome from the band appeared on the forearm of Harry's armour before disappearing. "The hell?" Harry looked at it then back at the Ancient One.
"I want to try something," She said suddenly as she took a step back, without warning she flicked her wrist and sent an orange colored blast at Harry. Harry was about to jump to the side when suddenly the dome on his forearm transformed into a black shield that was about the same size as Cap's shield, the shield took the hit, Harry could feel it vibrate slightly. "over there if you would." The Ancient One said as she pointed to an nearby wall.
Harry was confused but looked in the direction of the wall just as energy appeared to be building around the edges of the shield, Harry aimed the shield at the wall and suddenly a blast shot out from it like a shotgun and hit the wall, damaging it.
"Whoa." Harry said under his breath, Mordo looked surprise while the Ancient One looked pleased. "What the hell is this?" Harry asked the Ancient One.
"Surprise." She said with a small grin as she magically repaired the wall. "This is artefact is known as the 'Shied of Dragons', it's history is just as well known as your suits. But I did find enough information to believe that the two were connected, there may or may not be more pieces, I am looking into it. The shield itself is indestructible and seems to absorb attacks, I don't know if it simply absorbs magical energy or physical energy. But I'm sure in your line of work you will be able to find out eventually. It is possible that the shield may possess more abilities, like I've said before there is not much known about it."
Harry looked down at the shield, he watched as it suddenly retracted into a dome on Harry's forearm before the dome disappeared. After several moments of silence Harry finally spoke.
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