
Night Out and Unwanted Attention

"One more please." Harry said to the barkeeper.

"Sure thing." The barkeeper nodded before going off to get another drink. Harry was calmly leaning on the bar with his arms crossed, he was wearing black trainers, blue jeans, a grey shirt under a black leather jacket. He looked around the bar, he didn't really get much of a reaction from the people beyond a few odd looks. At first he wondered why but then when he saw a couple of people with white hair he understood, ever since his identity had been reveled there had actually been an increase in the number of people with white hair. Harry knew he could have just drank at home but it had been a long time since he had gone out on his own.

"Hey look," A voice behind him said, Harry looked over his shoulder to see a forty something year old man with a woman hanging off his arm. "another Grim wannabe." He laughed as he gestured to Harry, the girl on his arm laughed as if he had just told an unbelievably hilarious joke. Harry tried the 'ignore him' option and turned his head back around, though apparently the guy wasn't having that. "Oh look, now he's trying to be mysterious and cool." He chuckled.

"Listen asswipe," Harry said in a tired voice. "go enjoy your yourself, have fun with your girl and have a few drinks, just leave me alone."

"Did you just call me asswipe?" The man said, no humor left in his tone.

"At least your ears are working." Harry muttered.

"Don't think that you're a big man just because you can dye your hair and act like Grim!" The man growled.

"Hey, that's enough of that." The barkeeper said as he walked back in while holding Harry's glass.

"Agreed," Harry said as he raised his hand, he wandlessly levitated the cup out of the barkeeper's hands and into his own. He drank the whole cup down before placing it on the bar, he withdrew some money and tossed it to the amazed barkeeper before turning around to the man and woman, both were staring at him with wide and disbelieving eyes.

"Nice to know that you're such a fan." Harry smirked before he teleported out of the bar.

"Fucking hell!" The man cursed once Harry was gone, realizing that he had been messing with the actual Grim, everyone else in the bar had appeared to have realized it too. He didn't get too long to think about it as Harry teleported back in.

"By the way," Harry said as he leaned closer to the guy "ASSWIPE!" Harry shouted into his ear before teleporting away. Was it childish and immature? Maybe, did Harry care? No.

Harry sat around in his new apartment, it was an improvement when compared to his old apartment, it basically looked the same but was much bigger and nicer, it also somehow felt 'rich' for lack of a better word. Though the most amusing thing in Harry's opinion was the fact that it was opposite Natasha's place, Harry could literally step out of his apartment, take a couple of steps then be right outside Natasha's door.

Harry highly doubted that was a coincidence, he didn't know if Fury was doing it simply because he wanted two of his top people in the same place, because he knew of the romantic interest between them or if it was just his way of trying to be funny. Either way Padfoot seemed to have approved so that meant that Harry was stuck here.

"Woof." Padfoot barked at Harry.

"Hmm?" Harry frowned before checking the time on his phone. "Yeah, you're right, I have to get ready for my date." Harry said, today he was going to be going on a date with Natasha.

"Woof." Padfoot barked.

"I'll keep that in mind." Harry said before he got up and walked towards the bathroom. After a short while and a nice shower Harry came back out, wearing black shoes, a nice black suit with a white shirt and black tie, Harry hadn't focused too much on his hair as Natasha had told him that she liked it better messy. Plus after so many years Harry knew that trying to tame his hair was futile. "What do you think Padfoot?" Harry asked his faithful four-legged friend. Padfoot fazed at him for several moments before nodding and giving an approving bark. "Thanks." Harry nodded at him. "you look nice too."

"Woof?" Padfoot stood up.

"No," Harry shook his head. "you can't come on this date."

"Woof?" Padfoot whined.

"No," Harry shook his head once more. "you can't get me to change my mind. You are not coming. Hey...don't give me that look."


"Fine," Harry said through gritted teeth. "I will ask Natasha if you can come on the next date."


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