When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Harry arrived outside Natasha's apartment after a 'very long' walk from his own apartment, he knocked on the door. He waited a moment and stopped himself from knocking again when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the other side of the door. Harry took a deep breath and did a quick head shake to clear his thoughts.
"Just a regular date Potter," Harry whispered to himself. "just a regular date."
The door opened and Natasha appeared in front of Harry, she was wearing black high heels along with a very attractive black dress that ended at her knees, her hair was straightened out and fell down just past her shoulders, it was clear that she had put some effort into it. Slung over her right shoulder was a thin gold colored chain that connected to a small purple handbag which Harry was pretty sure had a gun or at least some kind of weapon inside. She wore red lipstick and had put a small amount of make up on, it looked to Harry that she had put on the minimal amount needed, going for a more 'natural beauty' look instead of the 'put as much makeup on as possible' that Harry had seen other girls adopt.
"So..." Harry began in an awkward voice. "...nice weather?"
"Really?" She asked, raising a perfect eyebrow, though the effect was ruined by the smile she had.
"No wait, I believe I'm supposed to compliment your looks first, that right?" Harry asked with a teasing smirk.
"That would be how most dates start," Natasha nodded as she put a hand on her hip. "so how do I look?" She asked.
"Beautiful as always Romanoff, beautiful as always." Harry said as her offered her an arm. She stepped out of her apartment and locked the door before putting the key in her handbag and taking his arm with her left hand.
"Thank you." She smiled as they began walking. "You clean up pretty nice too." She complimented. "How much of it is magic?"
"I don't disguise myself with magic if that's what you mean," Harry replied. "I took a shower and then used a towel to dry myself, I only used magic to create my suit plus a charm to make me smell nice and that's about it."
"Hmm," Natasha gave him a small sniff. "you do smell quite nice." She admitted. "You know most girls would have liked their dates to have put more effort into preparing for a date." She idly commented.
"Are you most girls?" Harry countered with a raised hand.
"I suppose not," She snorted. "and for the record it's not really something that bothers me. I'm merely pointing out that it might bother other women."
"I suppose but in that case I would reply with 'don't tell me that you wouldn't do the same if you could'." Harry shrugged.
"Fair enough."
A short while later Natasha and Harry were sat at a table in a local restaurant. Harry, who was the first to admit that he was no expert when it came to dating, thought that it was a nice and safe option for a first date. The restaurant itself was pretty expensive but highly recommended online, and thanks to a few charms by Harry the couple looked just like any other regular couple to everyone apart from each other. Plus Harry had also cast a few spells to make it sound like they were just having regular conversations, that particular act was done because he knew they were very unlikely to have regular conversations.
"So," Natasha said as they began eating. "I have a question I was hoping to ask."
"You have my attention." Harry replied.
"Do you go on many dates?" She asked.
"Not really," Harry admitted. "in this life I've never really gone beyond a one night stand."
"And in your previous life?
"Well I had been on a few but never any serious ones." Harry answered. "Just didn't have time for that, couldn't find the right woman either."
"High standards?"
"I suppose you could say that," Harry nodded. "you have to remember that there was a war going on. Voldemort was leading the enemy side, the blood purists and 'dark side' depending on who you ask. Dumbledore was leading the 'light side', which were basically the 'good guys', except they fought to maintain the status quo, and they were just as narrow minded as the blood purists in certain ways. As for me? Well I was the celebrity wonder child who was leading the third option, those who wanted change in the wizarding world but not because of blood status. We wanted a world where blood status didn't matter."
"Did it work?" Natasha hesitantly asked, hoping it wouldn't upset him to ask.
"Well...nobody cared for blood status and the world did change." Harry said with a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes. "Anyway that's enough about me, what about you? Have you been on many dates?"
"I've been on a few, not counting those that I've gone on for missions." Natasha answered. "None of them ever really reached past the second date." She admitted.
"Big ones," She nodded. "I can't really date a civilian and those I date from Shield are hoping to 'bag' the famous Black Widow."
"I here you," Harry said in a sympathetic voice. "I have had more than a fair share of people trying to get with me because I was famous. You ever get any really old people?" Harry asked.
"I beg your pardon?" She blinked.
"Did you ever get any old guys trying to have a feel or something?"
"Once or twice." Natasha nodded, they both knew that meant a lot. "what about you?" She asked as she brought her glass to her lips and began sipping on her drink.
"One old lady offered to take her false teeth out and show me just how good a toothless woman is." Harry commented, causing Natasha to nearly choke on her drink. After some small coughing she recovered.
"You've got to work on your timing," She said before letting out a laugh. "admittedly I've never had an old man offer to remove his teeth."
"You're missing out." Harry said in a jokey voice.
"I'm sure," She said in a dry voice. "how are you liking your new apartment?" She asked.
"Well it's better than my old one," Harry replied. "though I can't help but wonder what was exactly going through Fury's head when he decided to place me opposite you, my guess is that it's his attempt to be funny."
"Director Fury with a sense of humor?" Natasha said with mock fright.
"We're doomed." Harry said dryly. "By the way Padfoot has asked me to ask you if he can come on our next date?"
"He wants to come on our next date?" Natasha said slowly, as if she couldn't understand the words.
"Hey, I just promised to ask, neither of us have to agree to it."
"Fine but we're blaming you for it."
"Wait...why are we blaming me?"
"Because I don't want Padfoot to get upset with me." Natasha said as if it was obvious.
"By the way, I'm sorry to bring a bit of business into the date but Fury and me are working on something that you might find interesting."
"Oh?" She asked, waiting for him to continue.
"Me and Fury were secretly working on a project called 'RS-3'." Harry continued.
"I've never heard of that one."
"You wouldn't have," Harry replied. "RS-3 stands for Runespoor 3."
"Runespoor?" Natasha asked.
"I chose the name, it's sort of a bad joke, where I come from there is a three headed species of snake called Runespoor. Now...can you name me another creature with multiple heads? Hint...I'm thinking of a specific one." Natasha racked her brain for several seconds before she was able to come up with an answer.
"Are you talking about 'Hydra'?" She asked, hoping he wasn't. Hydra was an organization that was originally founded by Johann Schmidt AKA 'Red Skull' as an advanced weapons division of the Nazi Schutzstaffel, HYDRA became an independent terror group bent on global domination during World War II.
"Yes that's preciously what I mean," Harry sighed. "we named the project RS-3 as we didn't even want to mention Hydra and risk tipping someone off."
"Because they are in every level of Shield." Harry answered calmly, shocking Natasha.
"What...what do you mean?"
"They're in Shield, I'm a mind reader remember." Harry said as he tapped the side of his head. "When I first joined Shield I didn't really trust anyone there so I used it much more than I usually would. I came across a few members of Hydra, I told Fury about it once I was sure that he didn't know. Me and him then made plans to go after them."
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