
Harry Potter: Heir to Ancient Magic

[A Harry Potter fanfiction] Adam is someone who has the memories of his other life, now he is in the world of Harry Potter, and he is the heir of an ancient and wealthy family. His quest for power and affinity for magic will intertwine with the plot of the main story. Will he go against Dumbledore? Will you discover the deepest secrets of ancient magic? What do he and Merlin have in common? Follow Adam as he chases his own dreams and creates his legend across the Wizarding world. LEGAL NOTICE: I don't own any characters other than my OCs. The cover photo is not mine either.

Guryon · Livres et littérature
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43 Chs

Questioning and lies

The silence was broken when the rather unbearable voice of Janitor Filch sounded in the bathroom. ''You guys are in trouble.'' A clear smile on his face.

McGonagall, her eyes sweeping across the room.

She had never, in her many years of teaching, seen such an unbelievable scene as this.

When she heard of the Troll loose in the castle, she feared the worst, that some unsuspecting student might have an accident.

When she heard sounds coming from the girls' room, she quickened her pace, all she thought about was making it in time. But from the moment she entered the bathroom until now, her still didn't understand what she was seeing, there were five first year students in the same room as a four meter Troll.

But they didn't seem to be in danger as expected. Four of them seemed to watch as the fifth fought the Troll, if she could call it a fight.

She glanced at the student who now had his wand tucked under his sleeve and turned to look at them.

She knew that student, of course she did, he was, after all, the best first-year student.

The student who always seemed to do every assignment with ease, the same student who asked her strange questions that made her wonder where those ideas came from.

She knew he was talented, but what she saw him do now made her doubt if just talented was enough to describe him.

In the eyes of that student who had just faced the troll there was only calm, and she thought she saw a faint trace of disappointment.

She looked down at the Troll on the ground and saw the ropes and water ball disappear. But she was a transfiguration teacher after all, and she could tell when she saw one.

It hadn't disappeared, it had just been turned into air.

Adam put his wand away and faced the three newcomers. He wasn't surprised by its arrival, although it was quicker than he expected.

'Or maybe I took too long' He sighed, disappointed.

He wanted to have more time to practice against the Troll, but with the arrival of the teachers he knew he couldn't wait any longer and ended the 'confrontation'.

''I hope they have a good explanation for why they're not in the dorms,'' said McGonagall after she had recovered from her shock, her expression though cold, contained curiosity.

Harry and Ron, who still couldn't believe what they saw just happened, began to stutter.

''We-'' ''He–''

Hermione and Isabella also tried to speak, looking for an excuse.

Adam chuckled as he saw the four of them thinking about what excuse they should use, he didn't know why they couldn't tell the truth, after all, whether now or in Canon, if no one had come to help, Hermione and Isabella would be nothing more than meat paste right now.

''There isn't much of a mystery really, Professor,'' said Adam, looking directly at McGonagall. ''During the feast I heard some girls mention that there was a girl crying in the bathroom, at first I didn't mind.'' Then he looked at the two girls.

''It was only when I missed Hermione and Isabella's presence at the feast that I sensed something was wrong.'' Then he shifted his gaze to Harry and Ron.'' Then when I saw these two idiots running out of the rows of students, understood what was happening, and ran to help them''

McGonagall waited for him to continue, but he didn't seem to, so she asked, "I understand Potter and Weasley, not thinking to warn a teacher and running into danger unprepared."

Harry and Ron both chose when she said that.

She looked at Adam and continued.'' But you and Mr. Davies? from what I understand you seemed to have understood the whole situation the moment you saw the two of them leaving the hall, why didn't you warn one of the teachers and instead committed the same stupid act of running into danger?''

Adam chuckled with a bright smile as he said. ''Doesn't the teacher know that the best way to win a maiden's heart is to save her from harm? ''

Once again the room was silent.

McGonagall felt like slapping the student in front of her, who even then was back to cracking jokes.

''This is a time for jokes, Mr. Davies? '' snorted McGonagall, ''how do you think I should deal with you, Mr. Davies?''

''Throw them out,'' suggested Filch. ''All of them.''

But he regretted opening his mouth the moment he finished speaking.

He saw that student who had dealt with the troll stare at him, he didn't break eye contact, he wasn't afraid of the students.

But the moment he held his gaze, he felt his mind shake, his body shiver and he unconsciously took a step back, he had felt fear.

''Expel us? '' repeated Adam, his voice laced with sharp sarcasm.

He snorted and continued.'' Forgive my words, teacher. But if it weren't for us, you would be shoveling their bodies together to send them to their families''

''I think we should be rewarded. Maybe fifty points each? '' He seemed to think of something and shook his head.

''Forget the points, wouldn't Gryffindor be getting two hundred points that way? No, no. No points.''

''Maybe a Trophy for special services, wouldn't mind an order of Merlin too, First class maybe? ''

''That's enough Mr. Davies.'' McGonagall said, raising her voice. ''Do you think this situation is a joke? ''

Adam was irritated for the first time, the teacher was already insisting on this subject more than he thought was fair.

' us of points or shots soon'

Adam said irritably.'' We broke some rules, right but so what? My friends were in danger, you didn't want me to stay put right?''

He raised his voice a little more.'' Since the lady arrived, you've been asking questions and more questions.'' Then he glared at the teacher. '' But now I question you teacher, is this what you should be really worried about? I think not. Has anyone figured out how a four meter troll got into the school without being seen? because I bet it wasn't through the front door.''

No one spoke for a moment, and when McGonagall, whose vein seemed to bulge out of her forehead, was about to respond. A calm, aged voice interrupted her.

''I'm afraid Mr Davies couldn't be more right Minerva''

Dumbledore approached with slow steps, next to him was Snape, who seemed to have gone somewhere in a hurry, his hair slightly damp with sweat.

Dumbledore, looked around at the four Gryffindors and said, ''Fifty points to Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, for the courage to face danger even when unprepared to help a fellow man.''

''If the four of them hurry they can make it to the Gryffindor common room in time to eat some pumpkin pie, which I assure you is one of the best Hogwarts has seen in years. Also, if you can keep the events to yourselves, I would appreciate it''

The four understood when they were dismissed and left after glancing at Adam, who smiled at them.

After they were gone, Dumbledore shifted his gaze to The Fallen Troll before focusing on Adam.

The old Wizard's eyes seemed to contain a trace of interest and curiosity.

''To Mr. Davies, one hundred and fifty points must be a fair amount, right? '' He asked.

Adam just nodded in response. Don't care about the points.

''As for who is responsible for tonight's event, I can assure you that all measures to find the culprit are already being taken.''

Adam just nodded once more and asked ''Can I go now? ''

Dumbledore nodded.

''If you'll excuse me'' I said leaving the place.

After exiting the bathroom, Adam returned to the Ravenclaw common room, where he found Terry just inside the entrance.

''Where were you? '' He asked worried. '' You were right behind me in the hall, but in the next instant you disappeared.''

Adam was happy to see his friend worried. ''I got lost on the stairs''

Terry who knew he was lying, after all Adam would never get lost, seemed to know the castle better than some of the older students.

''Still, why did it take so long?''

Adam made a serious face and walked over.

''On the way, I found a lost gift, near the stairs,'' he said in a low voice.

Terry walked over when he saw Adam reaching into his robes.

'Is this bastard really so lucky? ' he thought, but the instant he saw what Adam pulled out he fell backwards, landing on his ass on the floor.

''You bastard!!'' He shouted getting up and running after Adam who had fled after throwing a rubber spider on the floor.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom where it all happened, the five present did nothing but stare at the troll for some time.

''Is he d-dead?'' stammered Quirrell

Dumbledore shook his head. ''No. Just unconscious.'' He glanced at Quirrell. ''I'll have to busy the professor to get the troll to the dungeons.''

''C-certainly,'' replied Quirrell.

''Now, Minerva, I would appreciate a summary of events that, unfortunately, I was unable to witness,'' said Dumbledore, taking the lead to leave the place, leaving with Snape and Minerva who followed.

Flich remained in the bathroom, the look he'd seen still scared him.

The professors followed Dumbledore into his office.

Then Professor McGonagall began to narrate the events she saw in the bathroom.

''I've never seen a first-year student do anything at this target level,'' she said, recalling the time Adam had the troll under his control.

''He had two spells holding the troll at the same time. And it didn't even seem to make an effort for it'' Her voice showed exactly how surprised she was.

Dumbledore just listened in silence. Snape who was to the side shows surprise to hear the method that Adam used to deal with the troll.

'' The water ball was more than efficient in making the troll lose consciousness'' He pointed out, making his own analysis of what he heard. '' Without being able to see, hear and still suffer from drowning, it certainly led him to despair , then imprison him with the ropes and use them to strangle him, very clever I must say''

''And cruel,'' added Minerva.

''Rather cruel, yes,'' said Dumbledore for the first time since he began to listen.

''But Mr. Davies seemed to know that the Troll's skin was quite resistant to spells. So he, cleverly I must say, used his weaknesses to destabilize him, and finished him off with next to no effort.

McGonagall was surprised to hear the opinions of Dumbledore and Snape, both seemed in awe of the boy's magical performance.

''But what about transfiguration spells?'' she asked. ''I can assure you, it was a level of mastery that no eleven-year-old Wizard should have.''

Dumbledore smoothed his long beard for a moment before speaking.'' I understand that Mr. Davies seems to have gone on a world tour, studying magic from a young age, and by the looks of it, has made considerable gains.''

McGonagall wasn't surprised that Dumbledore knew something no other teacher did.

''Perhaps Professor Flitwick was not wrong when he said that Mr Davies was the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen,'' said Dumbledore.

''But I don't think we can forget his words at the end.'' He spoke, this time his voice was more intense. ''We must focus on finding the culprit of tonight's events.''

The two agreed, the bathroom event should be put aside, the important thing is to find the culprit.

That night, Adam didn't go to the room of need, he stayed in his room, replaying the confrontation with the troll.

''It was a pity that the teachers arrived so quickly.'' He muttered discontentedly.

He could have finished off the troll quickly, but he wanted to test some moves in real combat. Facing a stationary target was different from facing a four meter beast, weighing half a ton, with a high defense for spells.

Although it didn't take much effort in the end, all the while he was focused on maintaining his spells.

Even if in the end, he didn't have time to test a few more spells, he wouldn't complain.

He still remembered the feeling he felt when he pulled out his wand and came face to face with the troll. A sense of excitement, looking forward to battle.

That night Adam dreamed he was fighting an army of trolls, and he made them cry by throwing spiders at them.

It was a silly dream, but a smile could be seen on his face throughout the night.

Adam woke up happy the next day, for some reason thinking about trolls and spiders.

Like every day, he did his exercises, showered, and dressed in his robes.

When he reached the Ravenclaw common room, a few students were already present.

Everyone looked at him with curious eyes.

'Is there something on my face?' thought without understanding.

Terry entered the common room running, when he saw Adam, he ran towards him.

''Dude, is what they're saying true?'' he asked.

Adam frowned and expressed his doubt.'' What are you talking about? ''

Terry said excitedly. ''Some Gryffindor students are spreading the word that you, Harry and Ron fought the troll yesterday.''

Only after listening did Adam understand. It looked like someone just leaked last night's events.

'Why does a certain redhead see me as the main culprit' Laughed, he could bet which of the four had let it out.

Adam didn't really care.'' I didn't do much.'' He said with a shrug.

But his answer made Terry's eyes light up.'' So it's true? Gosh, I wish I was there to see it.''

Adam laughed and headed towards the cafeteria, he was hungry.

''Hey is it true that Ron was the first to attack the troll? '' asked Terry who was following close behind.

Adam laughed and now he could tell with absolute certainty who had leaked the story.

Everyone Adam met looked at him curiously. On the way there he heard many versions of events, but most were about Ron valiantly fighting the troll and Adam and Harry just helping out.

Adam didn't care much, and he thought some of the versions were funny.

That morning he calmly ate his coffee. He attended classes normally in the morning, and in the afternoon he went to tea with Professor Flitwick, who first chastised him for taking such a risk and told him that he should have sought him out.

But then he laughed and talked about hearing how Adam had handled the troll. He was pleased with Adam's way of thinking, even in a risky situation, and using the target's weaknesses.

''Five points to Ravenclaw'' He would say from time to time during the conversation.

Just before the time for the evening meal, Adam arrived in the great hall, his eyes passed over the Gryffindor table, he saw some acquaintances and he walked in that direction.

As he approached, he could hear the lively conversation that was taking place.

''Can you repeat what that part was like where you took down the troll? '' asked excitedly, a boy Adam recognized as Seamus Finnigan, a first-year Gryffindor.

''That's Ron,'' said Hermione at the side with a sullen face, ''What was the spell you used? ''

Ron glared at Hermione as if criticizing her for disturbing him.

''I'd love to hear the story too'' Just as Ron was about to continue, he heard someone nearby speaking, normally he would have been happy to have someone else interested in listening, but he had recognized this voice, how could he not?

He walked away quickly before turning to see Adam standing next to the Gryffindor table.

Ignoring Ron who was eyeing him warily, Adam glanced at the three Gryffindors staring at him.



Called the two girls, smiles blooming on their faces. They had barely slept last night, they were remembering the scene where Adam fought the troll.

They were looking for a chance to say thank you, but due to a certain piece of information they discovered this morning, they spent most of the day with Harry and Ron, discussing the matter.

Adam smiled and sat next to Isabella.'' How are you two doing? ''

''We're fine,'' said Hermione. ''Thanks to you, thanks. ''

''Don't you mind, the stories they're telling?'' asked Hermione, shooting Ron a death glare.

Adam laughed ''I don't care about the stories, let them say what they will'' He shrugged and gave a generous look.'' It wasn't for glory that I risked my life yesterday. Let little Weasley have it this time''

''No?'' Isabella asked, and remembered the emotions she saw in Adam's eyes when facing the Troll.'' Won't you tell me it was for the troll? ''

Adam flashed a smile and a light sparkled in his eyes.'' Of course facing the troll was one of the reasons, how could I miss a chance like that? '' Then he brought his face closer to the girl's and continued.'' As for the real reason? well maybe it's you, your eyes enchanted me.''

Isabella blushed and looked away. Hermione clapped her hands over her mouth in shock. And Harry, who was just listening to the side, spit out the water he was drinking, almost choking.

Some Gryffindor students who were nearby also looked at him in surprise.

''He's good, Fred''

''Yes he's good, George''

The Weasley twins said this and examined Adam and Isabella.

''Wait, George''

''Did you think the same as me, Fred? ''

They were both smiling and talking as they approached Harry.

''If he is enchanted by her eyes.''

''And she and Harry are twins...''

His words caused silence at the Gryffindor table, but it only lasted a second before everyone burst out laughing.