
Harry potter and the vast outer world

Reincarnated into the harry potter world, our mc edward kimsely slowly found out that the world he lives in is far more than meets the eye. "I don't need to bother about dumbledore and voldemort.......actually, i didn't even care about them." "I should marry beautiful girls and need to take them away with me to.........no no no i shouldn't say main story here right author- sama?" [Yes, if you tell all the story here.....i will definitely kill you with simple plot like........by the time you born in harry potter world, i will place Bellatrix beside you or some dementors................hehehehe]---AUTHOR SAMA {shivers}-------MC Find out what's happening in new harry potter world as you also can start journey with edward kimsely.

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'New Rules'

After that fight, all the classes are dismissed for that day. All the perfects of their respective houses took their house members back to their dormitories.

Edward,harry, ron and hermione also went back to their dorms.

"You shouldn't have done that edward!! Even though your family is powerful enough for malfoy's and malfoy's can't do anything to you light. They will definitely try to harm you from darkness."

Ron is the only one among the four, aside from edward knows how powerful malfoy family is.

"We can't always hide ron! What you are telling is to cower us infront of them, even though they attacked hermione in the day light. What now? Hermione doesn't have a background to go against the malfoy's and malfoy's will do anything against her? From what you say, Even if i didn't interrupt and somehow hermione avoided that, they will again attack hermione just for the shame she caused on him right? Actually, to be frank, a minute thought had been hanging on my mind when he attacked hermione. That thought is to kill draco on the spot, but lastly decided to against that, as that didn't cause any damage to her. Still, i have the thought to kill and clear the threat once and for all, you know?"

Hearing this ron sweated buckets of sweat and shivered a little.

"I am sorry hermione, its just i didn't think upto that point and also edward, don't kill draco it will make entire malfoy family to tail on our back."

Ron said this with a bit of thought, he didn't fear malfoy as much as others, as he is also a pureblood magician . But hermione matter is entirely different.

"I won't do it for now, but i will definitely do it. Also ron, you should man up and don't always cower from troubles."

Saying that, he looked at the three people who are listening to him and nodded his head before going to his bed.

Later, The issue became a hot topic in the school. All of them discussed with much interest.

Lucius malfoy, who has been in his house waiting for the duel result, stunned when he heard it.

After that, he came to school to see how malfoy is faring and threatened dumbledore with full of fury in his voice.

He directly informed ministry of magic about this incident, but they didn't take it as that much of a problem.

Two months has passed since the official duel happened between his friends and malfoy. Christmas is coming near and edwards parents urged him to come home for christmas.

He also decided to go home for christmas and also invited ron, hermione and harry to his house.

In these two months, he had reached not only 'Level 4 Indigo core magician' but also a big breakthrough towards a new spell.

Just as they were about to go home for christmas, there was notice placed on all classes and dormitories.

All Students hereby informed to check the new rules placed on the RULE BOARD before going to home for christmas - Professor dumbledore.

Mary Christmas.

Hearing this all the students clamored and discussed what are the new rules and why is school placing new rules now.

Edward just smiled seeing this notice. While ron, hermione and harry dragged him towards the rule board along with them.

New Rules and Notices

1. From now on, school is allowing students to participate in the official dueling. 3 Dueling platforms will be constructed by the time you come from your holidays.

2. Every student in the school will hereby needs to participate in atleast 5 duels in the dueling platform in one week. Whoever participate in the most duels will be ranked accordingly and there will be a ranking board for that. By the end of the month, whoever reaches top 10 will be given with rewards.

3. Anyone meets to fail the attendance 5 duels in one week will be punished by the school. One can duel one individual only once in that week.

4. Every 5 months or to say every mid term, school will conduct magic duel competition and rewards will be given accordingly.

5. A new class has been added, for every year student. This class will be exploration of different sites across the world with professors being your guides. This will only be conducted every three months, even though it is dangerous, it will help you become stronger.

6. A request from the school is that every student is advised to practice magic 3 hours a day.

Seeing this rules, notices and instructions from the school, some students started clamoring. While some students cowered with a bit of fear.

"You have checked that right? Let's go we should prepare all the luggages. And don't worry about your parents, i have already wrote a letter to my father. He will bring them to our house by tomorrow morning."

Edward told both ron and hermione, who looked a bit nervous going to edwards house without going to their's. But after hearing that their parents also coming there, their faces glowed with bright smile.

"Harry!! do you also want to meet with dursleys? Tell me i will inform my father and dursley's will also be very happy about that."

Hearing Edwards sarcastic words, harry face twitched a little, before shaking his head.

"Don't worry about dursley's, i will ask my father to deal with them and also you don't need to go their house. From now on, you can stay in my home and i will arrange a room for you."

Hearing this harry's twitching face turned into a bright smile and nodded his head.

"Looks like dursley's are going to suffer some deep shit, huh?"

Ron just thought that and didn't said it out. While hermione is also thinking something like that.

"You guys go and prepare my luggage also and please feed some fish to egsy. I am going to meet someone and will come back quickly."

Saying that edward quickly went in a different way. The three puzzled for some time and shrugged their shoulders and went on their way.