
Harry Potter and the ultimate change

as the war came to an end, As harry faces his ultimate betrayal and has an duty to deal with the problems leading to him being master of death Cover art credit goes to reddit user u/Swordbender

Sid_Nite · Films
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Chapter 02: Changes

it is an start a bit mellow but let's continue with the story

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| a lot of things happened in two days due to dark lord's demise a whole of Britain celebrated . whereas the muggles got confused about the eccentric behaviours and clothing of people as they it was lot of time for Halloween yet and the ICW heaved a sigh of relief . lot of people got enraged by harry potter's decision and their inability to find and question him and the two lovers in golden trio finally getting time from their own were enraged by the lack of the third person gone without informing them and acting on his own .

but major changes happened was harry potter himself as in middle of the night the wand and cloak in his pouch flew where the cloak became an triangle and an black obsidian stone appeared out of thin air and became a circle in triangle and the wand became a straight line forming an mysterious symbol of myth or terror for those who lived in the midst of world war 2 [ The Deathly Hallows] and seeped into Harry's body and formed it's symbol on the back of his right ear

as his body suddenly spasmed and magic burst out from within him coating him with it and vanishing .

in an white place looking like kings cross station appeared an figure sleeping peacefully as his body changed as its height increased to 6'1 inch , his hair became darker and long upto his shoulder and his skin became new as a cloak covered his body as it became more streamlined and lots of scars fading except his iconic lighting bolt scar which faded only slightly , and an round scar on his hand became alive and became a small figurine of an snake looking vaguely familiar to the basilk as a symbol of its defeat

but major change occurred was in none other than his magic as the colour of his magic got a light green tint on it which shone like an RGB lights and it flowed throughout his body like flowing of blood in blood vessels and electric message in neuron network as it mapped his whole body and a protective shield of his magic covered his soul to protect it leading to him getting an impenetrable mind and free from outer influence , his body released a lot of toxins accumulated in his body from his childhood circumstances and from all the potions he is taken due to malnutrition and given to him evaporated like black mist leaving his body and the green magic surrounded him again in an cocoon and disappeared reappearing in the bedroom he slept.

as he reappeared his magic spread all over planet him as it's centre unbeknownst to all but those sensitive to magic as an show of reappearance of new Master of death .

#somwhere in France #

in an countryside in an field with greenery , gardens of flowers of rare to common type spread an old couple sitting and relaxing in garden sensed the magic as it spread over the older man spoke in melancholy" Ah so it seems an cycle has completed its been a lot of time it seems let's hope he doesn't lose himself this time " .

The older women looked concerned but spoke " say dear should we meet him I mean we did know him dearly before but haven't seen him from last ' Vishva Nirvanam'(beginning of new world) "

" sorry to say dear but he should have perished by now after fulfilling his tiring duty you know how tiring it is and the now him won't be able to recognise us it's of no use because he may or may not know us by our current identity and he should be a lot villigant now let's see how it goes as he may need our assistance in future " as they went on to do their own things

[At the same time in unknown places 6 different beings sensed the rebirth and continued on their own ]


As the sun began to rise forming an beautiful orange dome as the air became cool with dew everywhere with squeaks of birds and squawks of owls sunrays trickled on an boy cum man sleeping on sofa with his brows furrowed as he woke up with an startle as his breathing and heart beat fasten and a wand appeared in his hand as he checked his surroundings and put on his glasses slowly got himself to calm down "siiigh" and while stretching which caused pops sound to come from his body which relaxed he went to do his morning routine which he got an chance to do after a long time as he did everything and washed his face infront of an mirror finally looking at himself with same messy black hair with a shade of darkness to it and green glowing eyes which mesmerized him and came a sound which startled him as an wand came in his hand and spell on his lips he saw Ted as he lowered his wand Ted asked with an concerned face" harry are you okay?" meanwhile harry looked down and Ted just gave him an hug patting his back and soothing himself and harry whom he viewed as an his own child and contemplated the things the boy had to go through at an age where he should be enjoying his life then both him and harry went to dining area where Ted prepared breakfast as Andromeda was quite in grief as they silently sat down with toasted bread and omelette the three of them ate in silence . finally Ted broking the silence said "I. I am going out to prepare for funeral harry you should stay here with Andi " harry just gave a nod having lot going through his mind .

As Ted went harry sat on sofa with Andy looking after the child teddy and feeding him with an milk bottle seeing harry looking Andy asked " what's going on your mind harry?"

"I just don't know what to do now until now my only goal was to survive and somehow end voldemort and now that I look up into the past there are lot of differences from what and how I, we reacted to our usual behaviour and I can't find what was real ?, what is truth ? and what is false? and I just don't know how to get over this greif which I thought would be easier when I lost sirius and I didn't really know and fathom Dumbledore but I still grieved a lot and its just getting harder seeing people whom you know dead the next second " his eyes became moist as Andy put hand on his shoulder she felt sad for harry she too lost her family when she decided to run off with Ted she disliked a lot of her family but she loved her both sisters her cousin sirius , regulus ,her grandfather and grandmother and she lost everyone and loosing her child when she was still alive left a huge hole in her heart which she couldn't heal but seeing harry she placed her hand around harry and squeezed his shoulder and said " it's lot hard to get over and it just gets harder but I think my daughter would have loved to help you as much as Remus and would have wanted a better future for her child and I think she believed in you a lot and I too beleive you harry I know it's not easy and I too am controlling myself a lot for the sake of Teddy as he and my husband are only anchors I have left and I think nymph would like you too live an good life "

The day passed as the preparation completed the funeral ceremony happened where harry gave support to the coffins and gave an speech for both nymphadora and Remus he also attended Fred Weasley's funeral where his friends concerned over him and asked a lot of questions about why he didn't meet them , where was he living and he should stay with them as it isn't safe for him but he just gave them excuses and met Arthur and gave his well wishes and went away . As a few days passed harry contemplated on his Past actions and thought what to do in future and the first step was to give justice to those who died as he went to ministry which caused a lot of ruckus but due to Kingsley shacklebolt becoming minister lot of things went smoothly lot of people were caught and the azkaban was reconstructed with giving The centaurs as it's guard with hagrid's brother Grawp with them where forest was created for their living place starting new interspecies relationship most of the main Death eaters like Rookwood and others as well as dementors were sent through death Viel in death chambers where as Malfoy was given an huge fine and his seat as wizengamot member was taken and given to his wife until Draco who was to be under house arrest for an year takes the position . Laws regarding corruption and racism were created and Mudblood became the M word for the wizarding world of Britain an reservation in jobs was given to both halfbloods and muggleborns with an estimate of 50 years , Hogwarts was rebuilt and lots of businesses opened with bringing creative things being invented

meanwhile The life of Harry Potter lot of things changed as his relationship with his friends was never the same while he became good friends with Neville longbottom , some of the Slytherin alumni like Theodore Notts , Daphne Greengrass and unexpectedly Draco malfoy who has matured a lot under his mother's teaching as they met and helped each other at ministry while harry didn't get an official position in ministry he was an member of wizengamot on seat of both Potter and black and he was quite popular more than even Dumbledore as he was the only person to remain alive after to avada's and his young age which led people to believe he was more powerful than Dumbledore and while harry didn't want to be in limelight but he had promised Andy to be an good godfather and build an nice world for him . Harry didn't really want to get into an relationship with someone after the disaster with Ginny and his first crush Cho Chang but he did became good friends with Cho while he didn't get closer with Ginny who became an good quidditch player and her boyfriends as usual as happened in Hogwarts changed like seasons . Harry while he didn't talk with Ron and Hermione a lot he did attend their wedding and gave them his wishes they did became a bit sad and annoyed by his behaviour but they to got busy with life where Ron didn't go back to Hogwarts but helped George with his shop and Hermione who completed her 7th year with Ginny went to work in ministry in department of care for magical creatures which later seperated into interspecies affairs with Hermione being the deputy director of it for obvious reasons as some people hated her for her leinage and others for her attitude and want to on the dominating side .

Harry after settling down in 12 Grimmauld place after renovating it the way sirius would have liked finally started noticing the changes happened to him as he started learning from black family library , the books from Potter family vault , and the books of one Albus Dumbledore which while not mentioned in his will were passed down to harry on approval of Aberfort and as everyone thought he was dumbledore's last protege which he didn't deny and he learnt lot of spells and got to know a lot of life of Dumbledore through his diary and that changed a lot of his views on him while he respected the man but didn't really liked his way of doing things but what could he do so he forgave him and Snape too as he too died and keeping grievances with dead wasn't really right . he got to know more about pevrell family from Dumbledore who was obsessed over deathly hallows along side Greindleward but also from Potter family books . while his relationship with goblins wasn't good they forgive him for reopening the pevrell vault which had too few money but lot of books where he got to know a lot about what master of death is and things he needed to learn as days passed by .

one day in library of 12 Grimmauld place where harry who has finished learning every book from peverell vault, he checked the the last thing remained which was an vial of memory which he wanted to look into it a lot early but couldn't due to restrictive spells on them which caused harry to read from basic books to advanced knowledge and today he was finally going to look into the memories as he poured them in the pensive he received among dumbledore's things he looked into it and was shocked to see who he found " you!!!"


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