
Harry Potter and the ultimate change

as the war came to an end, As harry faces his ultimate betrayal and has an duty to deal with the problems leading to him being master of death Cover art credit goes to reddit user u/Swordbender

Sid_Nite · Films
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4 Chs

Chapter :01 Where is harry potter?

so let's start the story and help me bringing out the character from them

writing format :

conversation:". "

talking in mind:'. '

parsletongue:$. $

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|As the sun rose in East. In the rubles of the broken Hogwarts courtyard walked a teenager

between the stones towards the broken castle with numerous thoughts within him as people cheered as he walked by, some cried congratulated him while some carried dead people or helped injured ones . As he continued walking he met another teenager with an sword in his hand with an girl with a bit dreamy expression on her face.

#Harry potter POV#

'i walked towards my broken home with an heavy heart thinking a lot of things as my brain was thinking a lot faster than usual . I don't know what I was feeling bitter , happy to finally kill my nemesis who was after my life from childhood, freedom, glee to finally take revenge for my parents death, sad for all the loss at war or I was just thinking It was my fault .

I knew it wasn't my fault as it all happened due to blasted prophesy and people trying to play with it as they are playing chess or was it game ? I don't know I was just tired and once I did my responsibilities I just wanted to go drown somewhere an soak myself to the eternity . as I walked I met Neville longbottom I always new he was braver and while he was the second person on prophesy I didn't feel anything regarding that as I always knew my life was an bitter one and I have to face it and voldemort marked me as his equal and stuff which Is just fucked up.

I walked upto him and Luna and gave him an weak smile as he dropped his sword and patted me on back and moved aside as Luna to hugged me and patted .

Neville asked me with concern in his voice "harry "

but I couldn't speak to him as I was already overwhelmed so I just gave a nod and walked forward towards the great hall as I saw lot of things in rubble while passing by hospital wing and seeing a lot of people injured and lot of dead bodies as students carried them to great hall . some people looked at me with love while some pity as they gave weak smile .

a lot of people died in this pointless war and two generations suffered through it. as I entered great hall I saw lot of people known and unknown faces . I halted near the body of professor Lupin and tonks it was like a dam broke I just couldn't speak nor cry so I just sat down near their bodies in silence .

Professor Lupin was an engima to me I just didn't know what to think of him . I don't fault him for not meeting me or taking me in but he shared a lot of stories of him and my parents and sirius . he just lost a lot of things like his own pack even though he hates his lycanthropy he behave a bit as wolves as he lost his alpha Dumbledore his pack his friends he was just an self loathing man alive only cause his werewolf won't let him die . but he was getting better after meeting tonks and we had lots of talks with each other after sirius died . I just don't know what to think and how to face my godson and aunt Andi .

as it got like 10 in the morning everybody gathered in great hall which were like 100 people lots of bodies and stuff Ron and Hermione called out to me as it brought me to reality and I stood up and went in front of the people where stood professors and Kingsley and very few aurors and some people from daily prophet and Luna lovegood came forward a bit to get news out their and ask questions .

mcgonagall rounded every one up and as they called out to me for an speech as lot of people were happy and some disheveled but every one gave smiles albeit weak ones I got to the headmistress dias I just looked forward and smiled at them " A lot has happened we finally won its joyous but bittersweet one , I just want to express my gratitude to all of you for fighting in this war against Tom riddle .we lost a lot of loved ones in this war as we survived we should honour them to see our world getting a better place so this won't happen again so we make them proud and give them satisfaction and a reason for their death as the outcome can't be changed I just pray for every soul who sacrificed themselves in the war to get peace and my gratitude to them. thank you "

lot of people came forward to give their words. at the end we all lifted our wands for them and sent our patronus in air to remember every single one of them .

As I was going to meet professor mcgonagall ,Luna lovegood came forward with some people in tow to get an interview of me. as I knew her and wanted to end this and clarify some things I accepted it. we sat on one of the tables .

Luna asked me " congratulations harry we just wanted to ask some questions to you if you are ok with it"

I sighed "sure"

Luna asked"what can you tell us about war effort and people involved with it?"

well here it goes" I don't really know a lot cause it was always kept away from me . most of the time I was in dark and didn't know what was happening as I wasn't allowed to participate in war effort as they thought I was not legally an adult but we did join later. a lot of order members were busy saving people or leading them to safe houses that's all I know whereas after voldemort captured ministry I got to know that professor Snape was trying to keep stability in Hogwarts and it's students safe but carrow twins got out of the way ."

a daily prophet employee asked me with bit of contempt"where were you for the past year? "

"we were searching for ways to defeat voldemort as professor Dumbledore gave us an direction before he passed away"

another one asked "we were told vol.. voldemort was defeated by you in 1981 so why was he back or was it all a farce"

I don't know what the daily prophet have against me but now they are just annoying and accusing me I just sighed "first of all it wasn't me who defeated voldemort it was my parents who set a trap for him as they knew he was coming after me due to prophesy as a last defence , bitch please sorry but I was just an 18 months baby what did you expect me to do , I don't know what he did but he was master of dark arts and he used it to remain alive which we got to know now how he survived but he became a wraith in 1981 not dead "

the reporter just grunted and asked "how did he survive ?"

" I am not allowed to tell you that but let's just end this secret stuff .Tom riddle created phylactries and we just destroyed every one of them "

as they didn't know what a phylactry was they didn't react except Luna who asked" is voldemort truly dead for real now?"

I gave her a small smile "as far as I know he is dead for real "

she again asked "what are your plans now ?"

I sighed " I just want to let it all recover and help rebuilding Hogwarts , pay my homage to dead and prepare funerals "

an daily prophet employee asked "are you standing for the seat of minister of magic ?"

I looked him in the eye making him nervous and said in an firm tone" I don't want to be a minister and I think ministry should stand on its own legs now and make reforms so that it doesn't need dark lords or light lords as an support and nor I want anyone's position as I haven't graduated yet and i want to focus on my graduation and I think this is enough for the interview as I want to go "

They wanted to ask lot of questions but I just got up and went towards professor Lupin and tonks coffin which I transfigured temperory and attached portkey's to it and aparated to tonks house .

with a lot of dread I knocked it as I knew aunt Andi and Ted were looking after teddy as Ted got confirmation from wards of house he opened it with wand in his hands and lowered it when he saw me as Andi to came and I just couldn't hold it in me anymore I just hugged them both and cried from which they got the news as they saw me that their daughter and son-in-law couldn't make it as ted hugged me and his eyes glistened and Andi to was shocked a bit she obviously new the outcome of it but it was hard to face as she to cried we got inside the house as in somber state I slept on sofa as Andi and Ted saw their daughter and sat in living room whereas their grandson was asleep in crib oblivious to what he lost today.

whereas some people searched for harry for 2 days as he wasn't seen anywhere including his best friend ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and his stalker Ginny Weasley|


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