
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

CMan367 · Films
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1789 Chs

v2 Chapter 841: Leaving Egypt

Soon, no one cares how Ai Wen persuaded the left game to be "conscience".

Everyone's attention is concentrated on this shocking case itself. In addition to those murder cases, this also involves the largest stolen and ancient magic items reselling cases in the Egyptian magic world in the past century. The amount involved is astronomy. Numbers, the value of those artifacts is immeasurable...

Gringinger tried to save, and the left game denied everything after waking up, but it had little effect.

First of all, the evidence in this case is conclusive, and the left game cannot explain the origin of the huge gold.

He couldn't even understand what was born. After being modified by Ai Wen, he could only remember that he was talking to the human boy, and then he was moved by the persuasion of the other party, decided to change the former, and voluntarily confessed, everything and Ai Wen. Said exactly the same, he felt that he was absolutely crazy at the time...

undefinedSecond, and the most crucial point, no one is willing to believe what the fairy said.

The sorcerer's distrust and control of the goblin is at the same time. If the left game is a wizard, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic may be scrupulous, but they have no hesitation in the goblin.

Soon, the Aurors applied to pass the smuggling agent on the left game and let him say everything.

As Bill expected, the completion of the left match meant that the Gulin Pavilion was damaged in Egypt, and many pure-blooded wizard families and black wizards were also involved. The Egyptian Ministry of Magic even applied for help from the International Wizarding Federation. The ancient magic items that went out were recovered.

I don't know if Lucius Malfoy will be summoned, which will add some trouble to Voldemort.

Ivan even thought that it would be best to have Lucius and the Death Eaters associated with the left game in the wizarding prison in Egypt. Voldemort probably would not run to rescue them, but this idea is obviously not realistic. .

The Egyptian Ministry of Magic does not intend to expand this matter, nor has it the ability to expand.

Compared with the Muggle world, they are much weaker than the British magic world. There is no room for speaking at the International Wizarding Federation.

Therefore, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic finally targeted the targets on the Gringotts and the goblins, and they were compensated. There would be no objection.

Now, the entire Egyptian ancient ruins exploration operation has been stopped.

The Ministry of Magic will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the excavation projects originally undertaken by the goblins, including the newly-remained sun ruins, which will be terminated indefinitely.

Ivan heard from Bill that the Egyptian Ministry of Magic did not want to believe in fairy spirits.

They are considering inviting experts from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany to come and form a joint excavation team with their own curators to investigate the remains.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Ai Wen. Although he is very interested in the "Black Undead," he understands that this is probably the only magic that brings the dead back to life. It is very valuable, but he does not want to go to the ruins full of crises. Adventure.

Ai Wen didn't think that things had gone around and finally fell on him, but that was a year later.

When he returned to Egypt again, everything changed dramatically. He had to stop the mummies thousands of years ago from returning to the world, even going back to the past and meeting with Ramses II to fight against the mortal. Understanding the evil...

In the next month or so, accompanied by Bill and Lavier, Avon and Hermione, Furong, and Gabriel played the whole of Egypt.

They took a flying carpet and visited the pyramids, temples and various ruins.

Unfortunately, it is now during the summer vacation, otherwise they can go to the Egyptian Magic School to have a look.

Lavier has been with them for a few times, and everyone has been very close to each other during this time.

Because of the end of the excavation, she has nothing to do now, and she can accompany the four of them to visit the whole of Egypt.

She knows a lot of the history of ancient Egypt, is the best guide, but also tells Ai Wen a lot of things related to witchcraft.

Ai Wen took the owl pendant on her wrist and showed it to her. She said that this is a very rare magic prop. It uses the power of the shaman to communicate with the ancestors and animals in nature. This is very much in witchcraft. A branch of the unpopular.

"This should be a sacred object left by an ancient tribe in Africa. I seem to have seen it in a book..."

She is going to go back to the school's library to check the relevant information after the school starts. If there is any, I will write a letter to tell Ai Wen.

Evan hopes she can find information about the tribe. He promised Shuklia that she would send her late apology back to her tribe and tell her ancestors, but he didn't know where her tribe was.

Another point has to be said, because the exploration of the remains is completely terminated, the empty rooms of the hotel have become more and more.

They changed the new room, but Gabri still didn't dare to sleep alone at night, and finally didn't know how they discussed it. Anyway, she and Hermione both lived in Avon's room, and the three of them lived. Together, Furong slept in a single room.

There is a guy in Gabriel who is in the middle, and Avon can't do anything about Hermione.

It's a pity that I'm close to it, but I have to endure it.

For a few nights, Hermione took the initiative to climb to Avon's bed and wake him up, let him accompany her to the outside to see the night view of the pyramid.

She seems to be fascinated by the beautiful picture, and the romantic atmosphere to the extreme under the stars.

In any case, Ai Wen and He Sen are really leaps and bounds, and they are more familiar with each other.

A month later, the case of the left match finally came to an end and they were allowed to leave Egypt.

The Egyptian Ministry of Magic finally gave Ai Wen a large Jin Jialong as a reward, rewarding him for persuading the left game, the bonus is full of five thousand Jin Jialong.

If they know that he has screened the treasury of the left game and took away valuable things, it will certainly not be so generous.

They also told Ai Wen that he was helping him to apply for the first-class Merlin Jazz Medal. If successful, he would mail the medal to Ai Wen.

In this way, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is really weak, and the British Ministry of Magic has autonomously determined places.

Ai Wen originally planned to stay in Egypt for a while. He had been very leisurely during this time. Egypt had a lot of ancient magic and witchcraft, which gave him a considerable start. There are many things that have just learned the fur.

But they received a letter from Lu Ping and had to advance the time to go back.

Lupin told them in the letter that Harry was caught in a big trouble. He was sued by the Ministry of Magic for the illegal International Secrecy Act. In the face of Muggles, he used the patron saint. Fudge seemed to seize this opportunity to take him away. Hogwarts was fired.

"I don't understand why Harry did this?" said Hermione. "The guardian curse is a pretty rare magic, only..."

"It's still used to say that he must have encountered the dementors." Avon said, the guy finally couldn't help but start.

"But why are there dementors, they are all in Azkaban." Hermione looked at Avon and suddenly thought of something. "God, you mean, someone ordered the dementors to attack Harry... "