
v2 Chapter 1276: Malfoy's box

"It's weird, but there's nothing terrible. It's better to be invited because it's better because their mother is famous." Harry stunned Sabini's head and said, "Or because of their uncle... ..."

He suddenly paused, and an idea flashed in his mind, a thought that was reckless, but might be wonderful.

In just another minute, Sabini will return to the Slytherin sixth grader's carriage, the carriage where Malfoy is.

Half an hour ago, he had heard from Ron complaining that Malfoy and Shabini were together and did not attend the presidency meeting.

At this moment, Malfoy will definitely sit there, he thought that only his Slytherin classmates could hear him.

undefinedIf Harry is behind Shabini, God does not know how to mix in, what will he see and hear?

Yes, the train will soon be on the station. From the desolate scenery flashed outside the window, it is less than half an hour from Hogmund.

However, since no one took Harry's suspicion seriously, he had to go to collect evidence himself.

As long as he can get decisive intelligence, he can prove to Evan and Hermione.

This is a wonderful opportunity, at least more than the idea of ​​Ron's Twilight Malfoy.

"I will come back to you two later." Harry whispered his voice and took out his invisibility cloak and put it on his body.

"But what do you want to do?" Neville asked.

"Harry!" Ginny said in surprise.

"See you later!" Harry whispered, and he quickly chased down to Sabini, trying not to make a sound.

In fact, the train is driving and driving, he does not need to be so cautious.

There is almost no one in the aisle now, and almost everyone goes back to the train to change the school gown and pack their bags.

All the way went smoothly, and Harry tried to get close to him on the premise of not being able to touch Shabini.

But after Shabini pulled the door of the carriage, he slid into it not fast enough.

Shabini looked at the door and Harry closed his foot and blocked it.

"What's wrong with this stuff?" Sabini said angrily, hitting the sliding door again and again on Harry's foot.

Harry endured the pain, grabbed the door hard and pushed it away.

boom! Shabini, still holding the doorknob, was thrown aside and fell on Gregory Gower's thigh.

With the confusion, Harry rushed into the carriage. He jumped over the seat of Shabini's temporarily empty space with an unimaginable speed. A pull-up, climbed up the luggage rack, and the whole set of moves was done in one go. No one noticed at all. To Harry.

Sirius has had an effect on Harry's special training, and his current skills are much better than before.

Not to mention that Gower and Shabini are still snarling each other and attracting everyone's attention.

The only thing that worried Harry was that he was pushing Sabiin, and the strength was too great. It was very unusual.

Think about it, how can the door of the carriage push a person away?

Malfoy reached out and grabbed a hand in the corner of the carriage. Harry's heart mentioned the blind eyes, and of course he didn't touch anything.

In the end, Gore closed the door heavily and took Shabini away from him.

Sabini fell into his seat and looked like an impetuous man.

Vincent Crab continued to read his comic book, and Malfoy chuckled a few times and seemed to have found nothing.

He lay back across the two seats and found a comfortable position with his head resting on Pansy Parkinson's thigh.

Harry curled up uncomfortably in the invisibility cloak to make sure that he was hidden in his body.

He watched Pansy while gently licking the soft blond hair on Malfoy's head and smirking smugly.

That expression, as if everyone wants to get her position like this.

The lanterns on the ceiling swayed from side to side, illuminating everything in the carriage.

Harry could clearly see every word on the Crabna comic book below, very clear.

"How, Sabini?" Malfoy said, "What does Slughorn want to do?"

"The old guy just wants to tie up and show up with the noble characters," Shabini still glared at Gore, not angry. "But he didn't find much, only a dozen people."

This intelligence seems to make Malfoy not happy, he asked, "Who did he invite?"

"There are not a few of us in the college, such as Samuel, Pino..."

He said several names in succession, all of whom were Slytherin students who had received invitations.

"A group of idiots who didn't recognize the situation." Malfoy said disdainfully.

Harry narrowed his eyes and listened to Malfoy's tone, as if the students and they were not a group, did not support Voldemort.

Slughorn has really carefully screened it and has not invited those who are sensitive to the past.

"Who else?"

"Glam Rand of Gryffindor."

"Oh, yes, I know him, his uncle is the official in the department," Malfoy said.

"And there are Ravenclaw's Belby and Hufflepuff..."

"Don't mention them, they are all a bunch of straw bags." Malfoy said lazily, waved impatiently.

"That Bellby, he doesn't match my shoes," Pansy added.

"There are also small teams like Mason and Potter, who go to the most people." Shabini finally said, "Mason, Potter, Granger, Longbottom, the girl of Weasley and the descendant of Slytherin." Little vampire..."

Malfoy sat up and put Pansy's hand aside, and he seemed to be irritated.

"He also invited mud and Longbottom?"

"Yes, I think so, because they also went." Sabini didn't mind to say.

"I can imagine the grade of this party. Even the two muds are counted. I really don't understand. Is there any place in Longbotton that is interested in Slughorn?"

"Who knows." Shabini shrugged. "Mason, Granger and the vampire soon left shortly after the party started."

"Hey, they came back to trouble in the afternoon, let's not bully what's new, they won't be too long," Malfoy said.

Harry concentrated his attention. What does Malfoy mean?

He didn't go on, but Pansy went on. "I know why the girl of Weasley is invited. Many boys like her. Even you think she is pretty, isn't it, Bres, we all know How eye-catching your eyes are."

She said as she used the corner of her eye to look at Malfoy's reaction.

"I won't touch a dirty little scum like her, no matter what she looks like." Shabini said coldly.

Pansyton was happy, and Malfoy fell back on her lap, letting her continue to comb his hair.

"Oh, I am really sorry for the taste of Slughorn. Probably he is a bit confused. Unfortunately, my father always said that he was a very good wizard at the time. My father used to be very fond of him." , Slughorn probably didn't hear that I was in the car, otherwise"