
Ch. 34 Supporting a lonely girl

As I was thinking about how to help Victoria, Madam Pomfrey arrived with James behind her and Snape soon after.

"How is the girl Aedan?" Asked Madam Pomfrey as she entered.

"This incident itself didn't leave much to worry about. We got her out of the lake quickly, dried her and got her indoors with no time wasted, so the worst would be a few days of potions if she gets sick." I answered the relieved healer.

"You said this incident isn't much to worry about. So what is Bones?" Asked Snape, catching the hint in my words.

"There's a few. The biggest is that I think she might be physically and verbally abused in her home." I stated seriously.

"Dear Merlin, you can't be serious Aedan!" Exclaimed Poppy.

"Do not lie to me boy." Was Snape's sneering answer.

"Her injuries and mental state are consistent with everything you've taught and I've researched on the subject Madam Pomfrey, please run your own diagnostic tests on her and see." I simply answered.

Doing just that, to confirm her students diagnosis of Victoria, she runs her own spells.

"By Merlins beard." She whispered to herself as her eyes widened.

"Well, what is it Madam Pomfrey? Is the boy lying or just incompetent?" Asked Snape, snapping at her.

'I'm giving the git twice as much homework this week. He thinks what I'm giving him now is bad, he has no idea.' I thought to myself because of Snape's insult of my skills.

"Nothing of the sort Severus. Aedan is

perfectly correct. Ms. Travers shows clear signs of abuse and improperly healed injuries to conceal it." She responded seriously.

"Bones. You, Calaway and Wards will speak to no one about this. I will discuss this with the Headmaster." He ordered us and declared as he left.

"Is it alright if I stay and help Madam Pomfrey? I feel like she could really use some support right now." I asked my healing instructor. It's not like I've never spent the night in the infirmary to watch over a patient.

"That'll be fine Aedan. Thank you for offering." She answered with a smile on her lips.

With that I spent my evening waiting for her to wake up. James and Christian came to check up on the situation, but after understanding they wouldn't be able to do anything for now, they left and got ready to head home in the morning.

When the sky was about to fully become night, Victoria finally woke up.

"It's good to see the damsel has awoken." I say with a bright voice. "How are you feeling?" I then asked carefully.

"What are you doing here? Here to mock me? To prove you're better than me?" She asked aggressively, almost like her last defenses were being attacked.

"No Victoria. I'm here to take care of you. Me and my friends are the ones who got you out of the lake. We also got those girls punished for their actions. I'm also the one who's going to try and help you feel better. So please don't think I'm here to hurt you, but if you want to let anything out please do. I'll be right here to listen." I answer gently to the very hurt girl, who is like an injured beast at the moment, clawing at anything getting close to her.

"Ha! Like I'd believe the perfect little Silver Star would take his time to talk to me! The foolish girl trying to beat him! The slimy snake trying to look better than everyone else! The pureblood bigot! The bully!" She yelled at me, as she screamed her emotions at me.

I simply smile warmly and hope to encourage her to let off more steam. That smile makes her pause, she wasn't expecting a smile.

"Why are you smiling!? You think it's funny that I'm yelling at you?!" She then snapped at me. "You think I'm so far beneath you that you can just brush off anything I say!?

I could finally see tears forming in her eyes and decided it was time to speak.

"I've never thought that Victoria." I simply reply with a calm voice.

"I actually believe you are a very talented witch." I added.

"Don't you dare mock me! You think I'll accept your pity! I am member of the Ancient and Noble house of Travers!" She yelled back. It was as if she was desperate to appear strong in front of me.

"I'm not mocking you at all Victoria. You are the only student in our year I've never had to help in any subject. Your grades are fantastic and you've earned every single one of them. You are determined, strong, courageous, as well as fiercely intelligent. You should be considered a true example of what a witch should be." I say honestly to the girl.

"I am so very sorry that people have harmed you so much because of me. I've tried to make it clear how much I hate such acts like bullying, but it looks like I've failed you. So

I am sorry." I added sincerely to the poor girl.

"Stop apologizing to me! You think you're so perfect! Best grades! Most popular! Most attractive! Skilled! Knowledgeable! Outgoing! Kind! You think you're better than everyone else and you disgust me! You don't even look human! More like some elf and Veela hybrid!" She yelled back at me.

"Hahaha. Now that's a new one! None of my friends ever thought of that one. Veela-elf hybrid indeed." I exclaimed with a laugh.

Seeing my reaction confused her greatly. She doesn't understand how I can laugh at being insulted.

"But you know... I've never thought of myself as being remotely perfect. Intelligent yes. Creative, strong and outgoing certainly. But never perfect." I say to the girl.

"Ha, like I believe you. I know you think you're better than everyone else. That's why you 'help' them. Why you opened your stupid room. Why you even learn how to heal on top of class work. It's because it makes you feel better than everyone else." She then said with barbs in her voice.

"No. I try to help others in class because I'm all honesty I've already completed everything required in every class at Hogwarts and wish to help my classmates to improve and enjoy magic like I do." I replied to her barb.

"Bullshit! You expect me to believe you've studied to NEWT levels!" Denied Victoria.

"I was already at OWL levels in Potions, Herbology, History, Runes, Arithmancy and Astronomy by the time I was in Hogwarts due to pushing myself and having my aunt hire tutors. I had covered every book of spells until OWL's from a theoretical perspective and was able to master 1st-3rd year spells from that. I was putting myself through 6 years of intensive learning before I even came to Hogwarts because I wanted to learn everything I could. I wanted to know. I wanted to learn magic. To master it. Change it. Create it. I wanted to understand every aspect I could from it and then make it my own. And I want to try and help others feel a similar passion if only for a single subject. That's actually why I'm such good friends with Christian and James." I explain to the almost broken girl.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. It's not like many wizard families don't want to get tutors for their children, but children don't want to do so. They don't care for magic or see it as special, to them it's something they live with and will learn later so there's no rush. It's hard to make kids even learn the family exclusive skills and knowledge, much less do what I have been doing since the age of 5.

"That's who i am Victoria. That's what drives me to learn and improve. I'm not competing for grades because those aren't truly my goal, it's only a way to demonstrate the steps I've taken. As for being perfect, well have you ever wondered why the so-called perfect guy where's glasses?" I then ask the girl.

She opens her mouth a few times, wanting to say the obvious reason of eyesight issues, but from the way I asked, it made her think that might not be the case.

"It's simple really, because if I don't and lose control, I might fry the brain of anyone who looks into my eyes." I stated directly.

Her mouth hangs open at my answer, with eyes wide open.

"I don't see myself as a perfect person, not even close. I see myself as a monster, one who needs to be careful not to harm others accidentally or he might be collared. It still have my goals and dreams, but I'm different and I know it, so I do what I can." I said with a self-depreciating smile.

Victoria couldn't really understand everything that I've said because it throws her views in the air and she wanted to find something to latch onto.

"Then what about the times you smirk at me when I finish in class assignments after you?" She started off with.

"I was smiling at the fact someone else was skilled and determined to learn."

"What about all those girls?"

"I had no idea they were doing things like that and hate the idea of bullying."

"What about you learning healing from Madam Pomfrey?"

"Healing is something i believe more should learn and should be offered at Hogwarts itself. I didn't do it to be better than others, I did it so I could help others."

"Then your room?"

"I want to encourage people to seek improvement and for people to help each other. Without anyone worrying about house, age, or status."

She was asking question after question, realizing that from my answers she had held a flawed understanding of my actions. And that realization led her to breaking down and crying, wondering if everything she had done had been for nothing.

I didn't know how to comfort a crying girl. I mean does any guy really know? But I manned up and did the only thing I could think of.

I hugged the poor girl.

It startled her, froze her for a bit, but then she felt my hug tighten a bit and she started crying even more. Letting her feelings of frustration, stress, anger, sadness, depression and helplessness flow out of her.

So I stayed there and was trying to comfort the hurt girl. It took maybe 15-20 minutes before she was able to calm down again. My shirt was fairly wet, but it's worth it.

"I'm sorry about that." She said still sniffling a bit and wiping her eyes.

"It's alright Victoria. Hope it helped." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks." Was all she could say in a quiet voice with redness on her face due to some embrassement.

"So what are you going to do for the break? Are staying here or going back?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Why are you asking?" She then asked in return as she became a bit scared.

"Because me and Madam Pomfrey know Victoria, Snape as well and I won't leave you alone after this. So I want to help." I answered looking straight into her eyes with determination.

"I don't know. If I don't go my father will get worse in the summer." She answered with fear and sadness.

"What about your mom?" I asked carefully.

"She's in St. Mungo's, a curse went wrong and dad took up gambling and drinking." She mumbled sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that Victoria." I say apologetically.

"Not your fault." She answers.

"Mmmm. How about if I invite the young Heiress of House Travers to make connections for the winter break at the home of Noble house Bones?" I ask the girl.

"Wait. You're inviting me to spend the break at your house?" She asked in surprise.

"If your dad is anything like I think he is, then he'll jump at the chance of making a connection with my aunt and it'll let you not be near him whilst also going back and making you appear 'useful' to the man. I think it's the perfect trick." I say explaining my reasoning.

The girl is smart, she understands immediately how solid the suggestion is, but then her face turns towards me in doubt.

"But you live with your aunt no? Will she even allow it?" She asked feeling both fear and hope.

"I'll ask her now. I'll have to explain some of your situation, but my aunt is a very good person and I've no doubt she'll agree." A replied trying to reassure the girl with a smile.

"But how? We leave tomorrow and I can't just show up!" She exclaimed.

"Let me introduce to my little creation, the vanishing box. Lets me send letters to a box my aunt has in her possession instantaneously. Made it during the summer." I say in an infomercial voice and with a proud smile.

I write a quick letter to my aunt and few minutes later her agreement came in.

"And voila. Victoria Travers is now officially invited to visit house Bones for the holidays." I give her the letter with a smile.

She takes the letter and reads it over and over, like she thinks it'll vanish or be a fake. But when she finally convinces herself this is actually happening, new tears slowly fall unto the letter.

"Why are you helping me? We barely know each other." She asked desperately.

"Because I'm no longer looking away from you suffering." I answer with determination. "From now on you are my friend." I declare.

She starts crying even more, but this time it's different. Those tears held relief and happiness.

"Thank you." Was all she could whisper in response.

Bam. Feel her pain and weep you bastards. Victoria is a good girl and I wanted her to have a legitimate reason for her to be friends with the MC.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts