
Ch. 35 Worry and Joy

With a new friend joining my two, it was a bit of an adjustment since although she didn't leave a negative opinion of herself with the guys, she still didn't give off much in the positive feelings department.

This resulted in a little ice breaking during the train ride back to London. But honestly, as soon as we all started to talk to each other about things we particularly enjoyed it was going great. Victoria had a passion for improving herself in pretty much all aspects, not wanting to lack glaringly in any way. She was the most well rounded student after me and would had been offered a time-turner this year if her grades hadn't dropped. She could talk to Christian about Herbology, but struggled to match him in CoMC. She could talk up a storm on Charms and Transfiguration with James, but he had true fire in his eyes when it came to enchanting, leaving her helpless in that field. I was able to match everyone and then some in every field we discussed.

This gave something to Victoria she had never really experienced before, true peers and possibly friends. People she could turn to to discuss her ideas and new things she'd learned, who would then offer feedback, advice, or praise for her efforts. Not the so called friends who were either followers or only after her families wealth and power. Although it was too soon to be real friends, she was happy to find herself surrounded by passionate youths her age.

It lit a fire in her eyes again. But most importantly, It let her smile for the first time in a long time.

-Meanwhile, In some old mans office.

"And so our first term comes to close again and the students enjoy their vacations. So let us begin our little meeting once again. Anyone care for a lemon drop?" Said the Headmaster and offering his candy as was the usual for everyone present. Something which everyone just ignored.

With the standard report and a few minutes of on going exchanges, it finally come down to the changes happening.

"The NEWT and OWL students are behaving as usual. Stressed and worried, but it seems that there have been less, for the lack of better word, harassment of teachers for assistance this year." Began the deputy headmistress.

"Hmph, I've seen nothing indicating actual improvements in my classes. Except for the rare case, most of these children should never be behind a cauldron." Disagrees the ever sneering Allen Rickman.

"Oh don't be so uptight. I think there has been a rather good amount of talented students rising up lately." Lightly admonished the kindly head badger.

"Ooh, it has simply been a delight seeing so many of the younger students improving in their practical work lately." Squeak the ever-joyful mini Professor.

"Speaking of which, does this have anything to do with the founding of Mr. Bones 'exchange room' as I believe he calls it?" Asked the most wizard looking old man in Britain.

"Yes indeed! I've been paying close attention to my brightest house members project. Not only are the students participating showing improvements in their practical skills, the homework submitted has also shown qualitative jumps as some of the older ones began to participate, which seems to help them strengthen their basics." Excitedly said the head raven.

"I've also noticed a decrease in inter-house conflicts between the three participating ones. It warms my heart to see the students helping each other." Added the kind-hearted Herbology master.

"Except for Slytherin house. After that debacle with Mr. Flint, I seems they refuse to participate and are openly hostile anytime Mr. Bones wishes to help them." Finished the feline transfiguration teacher.

"My house members don't need to participate in that foolish waste of time." Sneered the original greaser. (Cause he's a greasy git~)

"Hmm, so it seems the majority believe this has had a positive influence on the students. Then I believe there is no harm in letting it stay open until further notice." Proclaimed the supreme Mugwump. (Ridiculous title)

"Then I believe everyone can be dismissed. Severus, Minerva, please do stay behind." Concluded the second coming of Merlin. (I got so far before I had to use names T-T)

After the others had left, it was time for the less appropriate questions.

"So how has Mr. Bones been? He seems to have become a lot more active this year." Asked Dumbledore.

"As always, he shows beyond excellence during class and tries to help those struggling while I overlook the class. In all honesty it feels like having a second Professor when I hear him helping other students and a fellow master when I grade his homework." Sighed McGonagall at the fact that such a student wasn't in her house.

"Ha. The boy is an annoyance I wish I could get rid off. He seems to take pleasure in giving ridiculous amounts of homework to spite me when he feels like it." Responded Snape.

"And it appears it has only happened to you again Severus." Said the headmaster with a chuckle.

"But how has he acted outside of class?" He then asked to hear what he truly wanted.

"Impeccably would be the word for it. Since the beginning of the Exchange as it now known to students, he shows no exclusion to anyone who doesn't dislike him. He aids anyone who needs it. Studies seriously. Spends time with his friends as they improve one another. Or simply learns from and helps Poppy during the weekends or during Quidditch games." Explained McGonagall.

"Aside from from the incident with Mr. Flint and my personal feelings on the pest, he is rather unbiased. The incident with Ms. Travers demonstrated that. He was willing to stop bullies from other houses and his own to help one from a house which is openly hostile to himself. No smart, but fair at least." Partially agreed Snape.

"Thank you both for your opinions. You may go back to begin your break as well." Said the Headmaster, dismissing them.

As they left him alone he was lost in his thoughts.

'So different, but so similar. Extraordinarily gifted, popular with students and professors, lost family and strong. He has also experienced what dark magic can offer a person. Very dangerous variable, especially with Harry joining the school next year. What to do?'

-Back to someone people actually care about.

"Have a good break guys, we'll see you on the trip back." I said to my two friends as they left with their families.

I then noticed my aunt and Susan waiting for us.

"Hey aunt Amelia good to see you again, you too Suz." I say with a hug to each.

"It is good to see you happy and healthy as always Aedan. Now properly introduce the pretty young lady behind." She said with a small smile.

"Yes ma'am. Victoria, as I'm sure you guessed, this is my aunt, head of house Bones and of the DMLE, Amelia Bones. The little cutie beside her is my cousins Susan. Aunt Amelia, Susan, this is my friend Victoria Travers." I introduced everyone properly as requested.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Madam Bones." She said with a light curtsy. "Thank you so much for allowing me to stay with you for the Hollidays, you have no idea how helpful this is." She then thanked her sincerely.

"You're welcome dear. If it's anything as Aedan summarized then you are more than welcome in our home." She replied with a smile.

"Hi!" Jumped in an excited Susan." So you're spending Christmas with us?"

"Um. Yes I am. It's nice to meet you Susan." Replies Victoria awkwardly.

'Seems like she doesn't really know how to act with younger kids.' I thought to myself in amusement.

"Are you dating big brother?" Was then heard, making her freeze and me cough.

"Cough, cough. No Suz, I'm not dating Victoria. She's a friend and needed a place to stay for the holidays, so be nice. Treat her like an older sister." I replied to little sister.

That made her have stars in her eyes.

'Looks like she's excited at the thought of having a big sister. Why does that make me sad?' I thought to myself getting a chuckle then sadness.

"Alright, I think that a good enough introduction. If anything else needs to be said you can do it at home. Tilly is excited to have someone new to look after. She says you are too easy Aedan." Interrupted aunty still smiling at the kids acting like kids.

"Why does that feel like an insult and a compliment?" I said to myself after hearing that.

"All you have to do is make a big mess and she'll be happy." Said Susan.

"Yeah, but then aunty will kill me. Not worth it." I answer.

While me and Susan chat with one another Victoria is confused at what to do until I turn around.

"What are you waiting for? Can't leaving without our guest." I say to her.

She finally snaps out of it and follows along.

We got to my place and got a tackle hug from Tilly.

"Hey Tilly, missed you too." I say with a laugh.

"Tilly is happy the young master is back. The young master always makes the house happier." Exclaimed our little elf with her ears twitching in happiness.

"Thanks Tilly, glad to be back too." I said with a smile.

She lets me go and grabs mine and Victoria's luggage to put in our respective rooms.

I then guide her through the house and tell her how everything works in the Bones family.

"Basically you can go pretty much anywhere. Individual rooms just need permission from the owner, obviously avoid aunty's. The home office is where I will spend some of my time everyday to do my duties as heir. The library is free to use, but don't mind the notes I some of them, I wrote corrections when I was younger until Aunty got me notebooks. We have our magical garden in the back, just wear the gloves and be careful, I know you can handle yourself with plants. If you have any questions about them you can ask me, Susan or Tilly. Everyone has breakfast and supper together with aunty, with lunch being a bit looser but generally together. And if you want to go out we just need to get permission. Oh you can use your owl to order anything you want or need and feel free to ask Tilly if you need something." I narrated.

"You're helping your aunt manage the house!?" Exclaimed Victoria in surprise.

"Yeah. She's been taking care of me and Susan on top of her job and lordship, so I wanted to help her out. I did a great job and she's been letting me handle a lot more as time goes on. Plus with my little box she can even send some documents over to Hogwarts." A say with a smile.

"And you said Susan the 10 year old can help me if I want to go see your garden?" She then asked curiously.

"Who do you think takes care of it while I'm away?" I reply. "I started the thing because I love the subject and wanted to grow my own ingredients, Susan got curious so I taught her, but since I'm away most of the year it basically became Susan's. She got really good at it too." I add acting like a proud big brother.

"You really care for your family don't you Aedan?" Then asked Victoria with a sad smile.

"Yeah, i do. I owe a lot to them for taking me in. But no need for that face. You might not have the best dad, but you can find your own happiness later if you find the guy who makes you smile instead of the guy who gives you money. Hell maybe he ends up being both." I say with a grin, getting a small smile in response.

"Just don't give up on yourself and find what makes you happy. Not for anyone, but for you. And when you find someone who accepts that, you'll be fine." I add to encourage the girl.

"I will try." Was her answer.

"Good. Now let's try and have some fun!" I proclaimed as I took her outside.

I want to make Victoria see what a real family feels like and feel a bit of warmth. Good girls deserve warmth.

Anyway, looks like people are leaning more Towards Tonks and Victoria for romance. Still some time away, but keep the feedback coming.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts