
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs


Christmas was just around the corner, and one morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke up from a dream to find that there were several feet of snow all around, and the lake was frozen solid. Pure white Costin flew in from the window of the Augustus dormitory, and stood on the window sill, shaking off the crystal snowflakes covered with it, against the white snow of the vast world outside, with a delicate scene. Augustus got up and put on a black robe and walked to the window sill. Costin fluttered his wings excitedly. Outside the window, the Weasley twins seemed to be casting magic on a few snowballs, and they chased Quirrell everywhere. , smashed behind his turban.

In the Slytherin common room, the fireplace, which Malfoy had thought was a display, was burning with a roaring green flame. Most of the students can't wait for the holiday, because in addition to the warm lounge, the hallway with the wind blowing through the hall has become bitingly cold, and the windows of the classroom are also clicked by the cold wind. Worst of all, Professor Snape's classes were all in the basement, and a cloud of white mist formed in front of them as soon as they breathed, so they had to get as close to their hot cauldron as possible.

In addition to class, Malfoy has been hooked on duels since he beat Harry last time, and whenever Augustus has time, Malfoy can't wait to ask Augustus for dueling skills, it seems that he is Always ready to fight against Harry and Ron alone. Once there is a conflict between Harry and Ron, Crabbe and Goyle can only be a meat shield at best. For the wizards, it didn't take a few seconds to deal with someone as nearly a Squib as Crabgall. So Goal Crabbe, who used to be able to intimidate Harry with his strong physique, is no longer helpful to Malfoy.

After the potions class, Augustus returned to the completely new auditorium that had been set up. The auditorium was already full of people. Hagrid was holding a huge fir tree and moved to the center of the auditorium with difficulty. Professor Greg and Professor Flitwick were on the other side, busy setting up Christmas decorations. The auditorium looks magnificent. The walls were covered with festoons of holly and mistletoe, and there were a dozen towering Christmas trees all over the room, some with tiny icicles, some with hundreds of candles.

Malfoy showed off how he taunted Harry in front of a crowd of Slytherins "I told him some people had to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because the family didn't want them."

Some of the Slytherin students laughed in sympathy. "Malfoy, as a boy, what else can you do besides being good at your mouth? It's childish!" Lilian, who had been silent for a long time, said suddenly with disdain, Malfoy did not expect the Slytherin students There was also someone who spoke for Harry, who was stunned at first, and then blushed instantly. Lillian didn't mean to defend Harry, but as a Slytherin girl who worshiped power, she had long been disgusted with Malfoy's talk.

At the entrance of the auditorium, the three of Harry, Ron, and Hermione appeared at the door. Seeing Augustus sitting in the center of the auditorium, Harry's eyes lit up, and the three walked directly to the Slytherin long table. "Mr. Augustus, we have something very important to trouble you again." Harry walked up to Augustus with a shy look if not this matter is very important, he will not come to trouble Augustus, after all, Augustus has saved them many times in a way.

"Oh? What's the matter, let's hear it." Augustus asked lightly with a smile. This smile seemed to carry a kind of magic, which instantly relieved the anxiety of the three of Harry.

"We're looking at a guy named Nicole Lemay, and the trouble is, it's hard for us to know where to start and what Lemay has accomplished that could be written into the book. The Great Wizard of the Tenth Century", nor in "The List of Famous Contemporary Magicians". In addition, his name cannot be found in "The Great Discovery of Modern Magic" and "Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft." Hermione sorted out For a moment, describe the problems the three of them encountered to Augustus.

"Nicole Lemay? This person is indeed very famous, but generally, books about wizards do not record his deeds. He is a famous alchemist, and his most famous contribution is that he is said to have created an alchemist. Of course, he is still Dumbledore's friend." Augustus thought for a moment and then told the three Harry about Nicole LeMay.

Seeing that the three of them seemed to grasp some keywords in an instant, Augustus asked with a little interest, "Why do you inquire about his deeds, as far as I know, he is already six hundred years old. , you shouldn't have any intersection with him."

"Have you forgotten the three-headed giant dog we encountered on the third floor? Afterward, the three of us speculated that it must be guarding something, and Snape that day..." Harry was about to continue. Ron kicked him suddenly, and following Ron's hinted eyes, Harry found that Malfoy was listening intently to their conversation, Harry stopped his mouth, and then said embarrassedly to Augustus "Next time we'll make it clear to you separately, thank you very much for your help this time, sorry." After that, he hurriedly left the auditorium with Hermione Ron.

"I dare say that they must be plotting something very important and that what was in the trapdoor at the feet of the three-headed dog that night might be their target, and since Professor Snape is involved in this matter, if I was fully aware of their purpose, and finally told the teacher that they must all get out of this school. Haha!" Malfoy suddenly felt that his life had a purpose, and after saying goodbye to Augustus, he was born under his feet. He left the auditorium as quickly as the wind.

Even if Harry didn't go into details, Augustus had already guessed a few things based on their words. The thing that the three-headed giant dog was guarding should be the Sage's Stone, and Snape was in Harry and the others. In his guess, it should be the person who coveted the Sage's Stone. As for why Nicole gave the Sage Stone to Dumbledore, and why Dumbledore hid the Sage Stone in the school, this is not something that Augustus can guess. In fact, according to Augustus' observation of Snape, Snape should not be a person who would have sex with the Sage's Stone, but the prejudice against Snape by the three of Harry will always keep them away The truth is getting farther and farther away. On the contrary, why Professor Quirrell, who has been stammering and cowardly, hides so deeply, and what his real purpose is, is a matter worthy of scrutiny.

The atmosphere in the auditorium is still quiet and peaceful, and the calm school life cannot hide the turbulent undercurrents. At this time, there was a gust of wind blowing outside the castle, and a blizzard seemed to be coming, and things were always getting more and more interesting, didn't they, Augustus had a smile on his lips.