
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

The Eve of The Decisive Battle

Now the mandrakes are all mature, and after harvesting today and tomorrow, all the victims can be rescued. From the descriptions of these victims, it should not be difficult to know where the basilisk's lair is. By then, the teachers will be assembled. The strength, directly killing the basilisk's lair, should be just around the corner. The campus is about to return to calm again, and everything will be back on track. This is a conspiracy, a dignified and upright technique, and no matter how the person behind the scenes does everything, he will not be able to make any waves.

Lockhart had repeatedly assured them that the danger was over, but he was soon proven wrong. Now he is more determined that there is no need to escort his classmates through the hallway safely. His hair wasn't as smooth as usual, and it looked like he was busy patrolling the fifth floor all night and couldn't get much sleep.

"Mark my words," he said, beckoning them around a corner, "the first thing those poor petrified people would wake up and say would be: 'Hagrid is the murderer.' Frankly, I am surprised that Professor McGonagall thinks so many safety measures are necessary."

"Mr. Lockhart, your hair is curled." Lilian and Augustus passed by Lockhart and couldn't help joking when they heard his words.

"Oh? Really!?" Lockhart hurriedly touched his smooth curly hair, and then said angrily, "Our teachers have enough work. Professor McGonagall is too careful, and I still need me to escort the students."

"Indeed." Malfoy laughed lazily. "You've worked hard enough. Now you're only a corridor away from your destination. You might as well send it here."

"Okay, Draco, that's it," Lockhart said. "I should be getting ready for the next lesson."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

"What prep class," Malfoy sneered at his back. "It's almost as good as curling his hair."

"Speaking of which, according to Mr. Augustus, the monster in the secret room is a basilisk, but who is the heir? If there is no heir, the secret room will not be opened, and only the heir can command the basilisk. This man Most of them are Slytherin students, but unfortunately, they still have no clue." Loki wondered as he walked.

"Yeah, if he is a student of Slytherin, then his mind must be quite terrifying, and he can complete so many attacks alone, especially under the watchful eyes of Dumbledore, which is not something ordinary people can do. ." Lillian folded her hands anxiously, although now it was the last moment, for some reason she was still inexplicably worried, and always felt that the person would not give up. As for Lockhart's claim that Hagrid was the murderer, any normal person would understand that this was a joke.

"No matter what, when the people who were petrified wake-up, everything will be revealed and the truth will come out. Even if the murderer behind the scenes is cruel and clever, he will not be able to escape punishment. From the first attack, he did, everything was doomed. , he must be a loser." Augustus regretted that this person was actually done with all his tricks, but unfortunately, he went down the wrong road, and it was difficult to become a climate after all.

"Mr. Augustus said that although he may be a student within Slytherin, it is a pity that he is against us, and he will eventually die." Malfoy's face was smug as if the murderer was about to be killed subdued. "To use an old Chinese saying, those who obey me will prosper, and those who disobey will perish!"

"Hehe, that's good. Draco, who was ignorant, was so knowledgeable when he was so knowledgeable that he could even use ancient Chinese words." Loki made no secret of his contempt.

"You are jealous, go and learn more. China's ancient culture is vast and profound, how can you criticize it." Malfoy counterattacked strongly.

"I'm sorry, I don't have much time. I've been busy building magic strings recently. I've touched the boundary of a fifth-level magician. It won't be long before I can officially be promoted." Loki smiled and said lightly.

Malfoy opened his mouth wide, his face full of surprise. He looked at Augustus first, then at Loki, and smiled awkwardly. With his current second-level magician, he is about to be promoted to the realm of the third-level magician. Embarrassed to take it out.

"Okay, Loki, you're hiding a lot. Malfoy and I are only second-level magicians, and you're going to be promoted to fifth-level. It's more than human, you're mad, you can't wait for us!" Lily Ann said indignantly, she couldn't imagine why Loki practiced so fast, could this be the advantage of talent, I have to say, Loki is indeed an uncompromising genius in magic practice.

Augustus also smiled with satisfaction and said, "It is indeed a good thing that Loki's progress is so fast, but we must guard against arrogance and dryness. A journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step. No matter when you must keep your feet on the ground. Don't be too high."

"Students must keep this in mind." Loki nodded humbly, without a trace of rebelliousness. The more he practiced, the more he felt the breadth of this magic system. This road may be difficult to reach at the end of his life. , his pride has long been worn away and hidden to the bones.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall's voice echoed in the corridor, magnified many times by magic.

"All students return to their respective college dormitories immediately. All teachers return to the staff lounge. Please act now."

"It seems that something happened again. You go back to the common room first, and I'll be back in a while." Augustus instructed the three people in front of him to let them go back first, and he went to investigate what happened.

"Mr. Augustus, can I join you? With my current strength, I should be able to help you with some things. Please bring me." Loki asked Augustus anxiously. The three of them are very envious, envious of Harry and Ron, the two people who are nothing like them, to be able to go through so much with Augustus, to go through so many dangers, and adventures, Loki practiced so crazy, half of them The reason is also that he wants to help Augustus with some things, not always as a bystander, listening to their stories.

Malfoy and Lillian are not like this, but they have always thought that their strength is low and they can't help Augustus, so they have never put forward any unreasonable ideas. Now, the first idea that Loki put forward so that their hearts were quite shaken. They simply wanted to play a small role in Augustus, and they were satisfied.

A flash of surprise flashed in Augustus' eyes as if he didn't expect Loki to make such a request, an imperceptible smile suddenly appeared on his face, and nodded, "Okay, Loki, come with me. "Loki didn't expect Augustus to agree, and in surprise, he quickly followed Augustus.

Watching the two gradually walk away, there was something inexplicable in Malfoy's eyes, who had always been carefree. Lillian bit her lip, grabbed Malfoy's back collar, and drew an awkward angle at the corner of her mouth, "Go back, it's time to go back. Practice!"