
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

Prelude To War

Grab the behemoth of the three of Augustus, rampage in the forbidden forest, and move fast in one direction. Many animals that cannot be avoided are smashed away. Obviously, in this position, no species dares to face it. Challenge this giant spider.

I don't know how long it took, the darkness seemed to subside a little, and the ground covered with fallen leaves was now densely packed with spiders. The trees in the hollow were cleared, and the stars illuminated the most terrifying sight he had ever seen in his life.

spider. Not like the little spiders that hurriedly crawled through the fallen leaves below, but each had the size of a horse pulling a cart, eight eyes, eight legs, dark and hairy, like giants. The giant spider holding Augustus and the others descended the steep slope towards a misty, hemispherical web in the center of the depression, surrounded by its companions. When they saw what it was holding, they moved their claws excitedly, making a clicking sound.

The spider released its claws, and Harry and Ron fell to the ground. Augustus also successfully landed in the open space. The situation is obvious now. They have entered the spider's nest. Is this the scene in that Hagrid hopes to appear? Follow those little spiders and finally enter the giant spider lair deep in the forbidden forest. So now they have successfully arrived, but what will happen next? Is it possible to negotiate with these spiders and let them provide clues to the secret room? Augustus let the spider grab the three of them before, and also wanted to see what secrets were hidden in the spider's lair.

"What's the matter?" it said, clack-clack, its claws moving quickly.

"People," said the spider that had just caught Harry.

"Is it Hagrid?" said Aragog, getting closer, his eight milky eyes staring blankly.

"A stranger," clicked the spider that brought Augustus.

"Kill them to death," clicked Aragog irritably. "I'm sleeping..." "We're friends with Hagrid," Harry shouted. His heart seemed to leave his chest and jump out of his throat.

Click-click, click-click, the pits were full of spider claws moving. Aragog hesitated.

"We were indeed inspired by Hagrid. He asked us to follow the spiders into the Forbidden Forest. The obvious purpose was for us to come to you." Augustus looked at the giant spider in front of him with interest. , such species are indeed rare in this world.

"Hagrid never sent anyone to our hollow before," it said slowly.

"Hagrid is in trouble." Augustus explained briefly, "That's why we came here according to the information he provided."

"Trouble?" said the old spider. Harry thought he heard some concern in the clack of claws. "But why did he send you here?"

"Our school has been very unstable recently. Many students have been petrified in a row. The Ministry of Magic believes that Hagrid released something to attack the students, so now he has been taken to Azkaban." Augustus looked around. Taking a look at the situation around him, he said lightly.

Click, click, Aragog moved his claws angrily, and the sound was echoed by the swarm of spiders in the hollow; it was like applause, except that the usual applause didn't make Harry nauseous with fear. "But that was many years ago," Aragon said angrily. "Many, many years ago. I remember it very well. It was because of this that they let him out of school. They believed that I was the monster who lived in what they called the Chamber of Secrets. They thought Hagrid opened the Chamber and let me out."

"Oh? So, the monster in the secret room isn't you?" Augustus said slowly, staring at the giant spider in front of him.

"I!" said Aragog, and Claw clicked angrily, "I was not born in a castle. I come from a far country. When I had not hatched from the egg, a tourist gave me to Hagrid. Hagrid was just a kid at the time, but he looked after me, hid me in a cupboard in the castle, and fed me crumbs from the table. Hagrid was a good friend of mine, he was A good man. He was the one who protected me when people found me and held me responsible for the death of a girl. I've lived in the woods ever since, and Hagrid came to see me a lot. He even Got me a wife, Mosaic. You see how prosperous our family is, thanks to Hagrid.."

"So, the monster in the secret room is someone else? Since Hagrid asked us to come to you, then you must know what is in the secret room." Augustus said with a smile, the old spider was Unlucky enough, he did nothing, but became the scapegoat for the monster in the secret room, and had to hide in the depths of the forbidden forest, living a life of fear and fear every day.

"The guy who lives in the castle," said Aragog, "is an ancient creature that we spiders fear most. I remember well when I felt the beast moving around the school, I pleaded with Hagrid. let me go."

A spider's natural enemy? It should be noted that in the natural chain, there are many natural enemies of spiders. If you can't guess what it is just by guessing, it seems that for today's plan, you must get out of this old spider's mouth.

"What exactly are the ancient creatures you said you are afraid of? Describe in detail." Augustus said in a commanding tone, he didn't want to waste time chatting with a spider.

"We don't say it!" Aragog said vehemently. "We don't say its name! I didn't even tell Hagrid the name of that terrifying creature, though he asked me, many times."

Spiders gathered from all directions, and Aragog seemed to no longer want to speak. It slowly retreated into his hemispherical web, but his spider companions were still moving slowly, inch by inch, toward Harry and Ron.

Harry tugged at Augustus's long sleeves, then called to Aragog, "In that case, let's go first." He heard the rustling of the tree plan behind him. "Go?" Aragog said leisurely, "I don't think..." "But-but-" "My sons and daughters obeyed my orders and didn't hurt Hagrid. But fresh human flesh came automatically, I can't keep them from enjoying themselves. Farewell, Hagrid's friend.."

interesting? With that said, this spider is going to use its numerical advantage to encircle and suppress them. A smile appeared in Augustus' silver pupils, and the corners of his mouth evoked a perfect arc. Haven't tried the feeling of being surrounded for a long time? When was the last time, maybe that funny imperial war?