
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

Midnight Duel

Recently, Augustus has been caught up in unprecedented busyness. In addition to reading books in various libraries in large doses every day, and answering various difficult questions for the Slytherin students who come here, the daily work of the hidden perfect Also started at the same time. The hidden prefect's job is to deal with some disputes among Slytherin students. The workload is not very large, but Christmas is coming, and the minds of the new students are a little fluctuated, so Augustus and Lillian's tasks are also heavy.

Sitting in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, Malfoy was staring at Harry, who was sitting safely at the Gryffindor table, in surprise. He had thought that Harry, who had been taken away by Professor McGonagall yesterday, should have appeared on the train back to the Muggle world at this time.

"This Potter, who is lawless because of his teacher's affection, makes such a big mistake, and if I tell my dad to write a letter to the school board, he will have to get back to him soon. Muggle home." Malfoy said bitterly.

"Draco, you're not too young anymore. You can't rely on your father for everything. Since you have such a problem with Harry, why don't you solve it yourself." Augustus corrected Malfoy a little funny. Knowing where Malfoy hated Harry so much.

"Fix it yourself?" Malfoy muttered to himself in confusion, and then patted the table suddenly, "Yes, I'll go to Harry to duel, a real duel between wizards!" The fierceness of Augustus' duel made Malfoy's blood surge, and before Augustus could speak, he couldn't wait to stand up and walk toward Harry.

Augustus patted his forehead in desperation, but he did not expect that his inadvertent misdirection would make Malfoy think of a duel. It was really difficult to communicate with him.

After a while, Malfoy returned to the table with an excited expression: "Harry promised, just tonight, midnight, in the prize showroom, I will have a real wizard duel with him, can you? Come and be a witness. Trust me, this duel will be over soon!"

Looking at Malfoy with a look of anticipation, Augustus pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed, although he estimated that this duel must be boring, this matter was started by him, to avoid any accident, Better to have a look.

The time soon came tonight. At half past eleven, Augustus looked at the time and walked out of the dormitory early to the Slytherin lounge, and suddenly found two sneaky figures behind the seats. Malfoy and Crabbe stood behind the seats as if they were plotting something, and stopped when they saw that Augustus had arrived.

"Let's go." Augustus urged Malfoy lightly. Malfoy responded, and the three walked out of the dark and cold basement lounge at the bottom of Slytherin Lake and walked up the stairs floating in the air.

The three walked briskly along the corridor, and the moonlight poured in from the high window, one after another across the ground.

Every time he turned, Malfoy thought he was going to run into Filch or Lady Norris, but luckily they were lucky. They hurried up the stairs to the third floor and walked silently towards the prize showroom. The crystal glass case displaying the prizes gleamed in the moonlight. In the darkness, trophies, shields, medals, and statues shone silver and gold. Oncoming people were Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville who were creeping into the prize room from the other side.

"Isn't it agreed that in addition to Augustus as a witness, each person only has one assistant? Why do you have four of them." Malfoy looked at Hermione and Neville with angry expressions on their faces.

"We met them halfway. If they had to come with us, Ron and I couldn't do anything." Harry shrugged helplessly.

"Okay, let's start quickly, it's getting late." Seeing what Malfoy wanted to say, Augustus hurriedly interrupted him. It was already ridiculous enough to come out in the middle of the night to watch two children duel. Listen again. They quarreled and Augustus didn't know if he could still have enough patience.

Under the arrangement of Augustus, Harry and Malfoy stood in an open space in the prize exhibition room. Augustus used a flame jet to draw a fiery red circle on the ground, surrounded them in a circle, and followed With Ron's countdown shout, Harry and Malfoy pulled out their wands at the same time.

"Three, two, one. Go!"

"Tarantella dance." Malfoy took the lead in launching the attack. After experiencing the occasional duel guidance from Augustus, he naturally knew how important it was to take the lead in a duel. Control Harry's legs first, and then use When he can't dodge, another offensive spell that takes longer to prepare, a simple spell chain, often works well. Yes, spell chain, this is a new term that Augustus instilled in Malfoy, and the right combination of various spells can form an effective spell chain.

Harry was dueling for the first time, and he didn't react at all. He was hit by Malfoy's spell in an instant, and his feet began to dance irregularly in place. In a hurry, Harry barely raised his wand and cast a spell on Malfoy: "Flock of birds!" A group of pitch-black crows screamed and flew out of Harry's wand and rushed towards Malfoy.

A large flock of blackbirds interfered with Malfoy's sight, preventing Malfoy from successfully taking the spell chain and firing a second spell on Harry. Malfoy cursed inwardly. It seemed that Harry was still very talented and knew how to take such ways to deal with the current predicament.

"Grim grin!" In the confusion, Malfoy remembered where Harry was and tried to shoot a spell blindly. At this time, the power of the spell chain was revealed, because he couldn't control the movement of his feet. Harry, still dancing in place, was struck by the second spell without a hitch. The corners of Malfoy's mouth, who felt it hit Harry, had already revealed a triumphant smile. This sealing spell played a key role as the second link of the spell chain. Harry's mouth opened and closed, and he could no longer recite the second effective spell.

Malfoy was about to start blindly shooting the third ring of the spell chain to finish the spell, knocking down Harry completely. When the game was over, Augustus suddenly shot, and a silver-white light struck Malfoy and Harry like lightning. Li, the magical effect on them disappeared instantly. Looking at Harry Malfoy with a dazed and confused look. Augustus said calmly: "Felch is coming, and he's on the second floor now." Although they didn't know how Augustus was able to know Filch's location from such a distance, Harry and Malfoy chose unconditionally. Believe in Augustus.

"Malfoy won this duel in the end? He hit Harry with the last spell, and Harry lost." Although she opposed Harry's duel, Hermione was still attracted by the scene of the duel between the two of them just now. , When everyone retreated to the other side of the stairs, Hermione turned her head and asked Augustus. "Well, that's true." Augustus was still somewhat satisfied that Malfoy could learn and use it. Malfoy glanced at Harry triumphantly, Harry's expressionless expression in his eyes.

They had barely walked ten paces when they heard the rattling of the knob of a door, and something jumped out of a classroom in front of them. It's Peeves. As soon as he saw them, he shrieked with delight.

"Students don't sleep!" Peeves yelled, "Students don't sleep, in the hallway of Charms!" Augustus raised his wand, and a pitch-black light hit Peeves as if When something terrifying happened, Peeves screamed and turned and ran away.

But it was clear that Peeves' roar seemed to provide Filch with a light, and the footsteps on the stairs were getting closer. "Go this way." Augustus pointed to the end of the corridor, and everyone rushed away.