
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

Hagrid Cottage

The members of the Slytherin team were all stunned with laughter. Flint can't stand laughing, propped up on his new broom. Malfoy was on all fours, two fists pounding the ground. The Gryffindor team gathered around Ron, who kept spitting out big, shiny slugs. No one seemed willing to touch him. "We'd better take him to Hagrid's, it's the closest," Harry said to Hermione, who nodded bravely. The two of them pulled Ron up by the arms.

"I'll go with you. I'm also responsible for the damage to Ron's wand. When I get to Hagrid's cabin, I'll see if I can make him vomit completely." Augustus said to Harry. Harry nodded, and the four walked towards Hagrid's hut.

"What's the matter, Harry? What's wrong? Is he sick? But you can cure him, can't you?" Colin ran over and followed them out of the field, jumping up and down. Ron heaved violently. Suddenly, more slugs landed on his chest. "Oh—" Colin held up the camera with interest, "Can you hold him still, Harry?" "Go away, Cole. Lin!" Harry said angrily. The four quickly came to the edge of the forest. . "It's almost there, Ron," said Hermione, as the gamekeeper's hut appeared in front of the limit, "you'll be fine in a moment.. almost there.."

They were only twenty paces away from Hagrid's hut, and the door suddenly opened, but it was not Hagrid, but Gilderoy Lockhart, who was wearing the lightest lavender robe today. "Hide," Harry whispered, pulling Augustus behind the nearest bush. Hermione and Ron followed, but reluctantly. "It's easy to do if you know it!" said Lockhart in a loud voice to Hagrid. "If you need any help, just come to me, you know where I am! I'll give you a copy Books I wrote - I'm surprised you don't have one. I'll sign it and send it over tonight. Well, bye!'' He strode toward the castle.

Augustus frowned, what is Lockhart doing here, is it to develop his followers? It is indeed possible that Hagrid's honesty may be developed into an admirer of Lockhart. This Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher doesn't look like a peaceful master.

They waited until Lockhart was out of sight, and the four came out from behind the bushes to Hagrid's door, knocking urgently. Hagrid came out immediately, looking angry, but when he saw that it was them outside the door, he immediately smiled. "I've been talking about when you'll come to see me—come in, come in—I thought it was Professor Lockhart back. Augustus is here too, welcome, welcome."

Augustus nodded, and the four entered the hut, with a king-sized bed in one corner, and the fire crackling cheerfully on the other. Harry moved Ron into a chair.

"Hagrid, please bring out a bigger pot." Augustus glanced at the room and said to Hagrid that Hagrid found a large copper pot and placed it in front of Ron. Augustus took out his wand and cast a "vomiting technique" on Ron. Ron held the copper basin and started to spit up slugs. After all the slugs were sprayed out, the next "repair as ever" was released on Ron. On him, Ron let out a long breath and stopped vomiting.

"Thank you, Mr. Augustus, you saved me again." Ron touched his nose and thanked Augustus.

"It's okay, speaking of your wand being damaged by the beating willow, I also have a certain responsibility. If you could have made the corresponding action at that time, your wand would not have been damaged." Augustus remembered this matter. With heart.

Hagrid was busy making tea for them. His big hound, Fang, dripped drool on Harry.

"Why is Lockhart here, Hagrid?" Harry asked, scratching Fang's ear.

"Teach me how to keep the nymph from getting into the well," said Hagrid indignantly, taking a half-plucked rooster from the clean table and placing it on the teapot, "as if I didn't know. Bragging about how he exorcised female ghosts. If one of them was true, I ate the teapot."

Commenting on the teachers at Hogwarts, this was nothing like Hagrid, and Harry looked at him in surprise. Hermione said in a slightly higher voice than usual, "I think you're being a little unfair, and Professor Dumbledore thinks he's the most suitable person--"

"The only one," Hagrid offered them a plate of fudge, "I mean the only one. It's hard to find a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher right now, people don't want to do it, they think it's a job Bad luck. None of them did a long job. Tell me," Hagrid said, turning to look at Ron, "who was he trying to curse?"

Malfoy scolded Hermione, it must be a very vicious word because everyone was angry. "Very vicious," said Ron hoarsely, poking his head at the edge of the table. "Malfoy called her 'Mudblood,' and Hagrid—"

"I don't understand what this Mudblood means." Augustus glanced at Hagrid.

"Mudbloods are a slanderous term for Muggle-born people - people whose parents don't know magic. Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always feel they're superior to others because they're so-called purebreds. "Hagrid pondered a little and said.

"The rest of us know it doesn't matter at all. Look at Neville Longbottom—he's a purebred, but he doesn't even put the cauldron correctly." Ron joked slightly maliciously.

"They haven't invented a spell that Hermione can't use!" Hagrid said proudly, Hermione blushing with shame.

"So, this is indeed a very unfriendly word. As far as I know, Voldemort is not a purebred wizard, but how many purebred wizards can he match in strength, so it turns out that a wizard's strength and whether it is Purebred has nothing to do, Hermione doesn't care too much." Augustus said lightly.

Ron and Hagrid shuddered as soon as the words Voldemort came out. To lighten the atmosphere, "Harry," said Hagrid, as if suddenly thinking of something, "I'm going to settle the bill with you. I heard you sent an autographed photo, why didn't I get it?" mouth. "I didn't post the autograph," he protested fiercely, "if Lockhart was still spreading the rumor—" But he saw Hagrid smile. "I'm kidding," he patted Harry's back affectionately, knocking Harry's face against the table.

The weather began to cool, and a gust of wind blew against the door of Hagrid's house, making a crisp sound, Augustus looked out the window, and the sky and cloud shadows became more and more distant and magnificent against the background of the forbidden forest.