
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

Gods and Legends

For several days, the students talked about Mrs. Norris' attack all day long, without talking about anything else. Filch's performance kept everyone from forgetting it all the time. He often paced up and down where Mrs. Norris had been killed as if thinking that the attackers would come again. He scrubbed the writing on the wall with Mrs. Skoll's Magnificent Stain Remover, but in vain; the writing still flickered so brightly on the stone wall. Filch, when he wasn't patrolling the crime scene, stared at two With red eyes, he secretly hid in the corridor, and then suddenly pounced on the unsuspecting students, trying every means to find excuses to confine them, such as their "breathing too much" or "hippy smiling faces".

"Can you imagine that these stupid Gryffindors would think that Harry was the heir to the Chamber of Secrets and that he attacked Mrs. Lorrie? What a hopeless ignorance." Hogwarts Hall, Malfoy shouted.

"Oh? Do you know the rumors about the Chamber of Secrets?" Lilian was very interested in this matter.

"I don't know too much, but the Chamber of Secrets is related to Salazar, the founder of Slytherin, so his heir is not a Gryffindor." Malfoy waved his hand and made an arbitrary conclusion.

"You can't say it so dead, everything is possible, how do you know what his criteria for choosing an heir is, in my opinion, Harry is very likely to be the heir of the Chamber of Secrets." Lilian sighed and angered her. Indisputable look.

Malfoy blushed instantly, and his mouth began to make meaningless mumbles.

"The heir of the Chamber of Secrets should not be Harry. I know a little bit about this history. Malfoy is right. The heir will not choose Gryffindor." Augustus relieved Malfoy.

Malfoy nodded gratefully, "I'll just say, Harry, can't be the heir no matter what, the real heir must be someone else, and it should be a pure Slytherin."

"Oh? Are you talking about me? As a pure-blooded Slytherin for generations, I seem to be very honored." Since Loki studied magic with Augustus, he often went to the second grade without any problems. Dine at the long table.

"If it's purely pure blood, which one is not pure blood, why do you need to show off here." Malfoy curled his lips in disdain, and the tableware in his hand made a crisp knocking sound.

"Oh? Really? According to the family history, your Malfoy family has no chance of winning at all. There is no historical background. A hint of contempt flashed unabashedly in Ki's amber pupils, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Okay, stop arguing about this, a person's family doesn't mean anything, whether it's Voldemort or Dumbledore, there's no prominent family behind them. How many big families can match their achievements now? So, Don't ask where the hero comes from, you'd better forget your surname, don't be fooled by its scenery, time will prove everything, only by abandoning these tedious appearances can you go farther and farther on the avenue representing the truth in the future." Augustus' indifferent words poured cold water on the three of them, and they all fell silent instantly.

In the afternoon, the school bell rang. Several people walked towards the class of the history of the magic class.

History of Magic is the most boring class in their curriculum. Of all their teachers, only Professor Binns, who teaches this class, is a ghost. The most exciting thing about his class is his walking across the blackboard into the classroom. He was very old, and his flesh shrunken so much that many said he did not notice that he was dead. While he was alive, he got up one day to go to class and accidentally left his body in an armchair in front of the fire in the staff lounge. Since then, all his daily activities have remained unchanged.

Augustus is different from others. He is very interested in this boring class. He can deeply understand the history of a magical civilization from germination to development and growth. No matter who it is, it is a very meaningful period. course.

Professor Binns was explaining very dryly the International Conference of Wizards in 2012. He looked up and looked very surprised. "You are—" "I'm Lillian, Professor. I wonder if you can tell us what the secret room is about," she said in a clear voice.

"Okay," said Professor Binns slowly, "yes, I guess, you can say that." He looked at Lillian hard, as if he had never given a student a good look before. "However, the legend you mentioned is a very sensational, even comical story."

Although Augustus had a very clear understanding of the history of the Chamber of Secrets, it did not prevent him from hearing how the professor interprets this history from another angle.

The whole class was now listening intently to every word Professor Binns said. He looked at them dazedly, and every face turned to him. Mr. Binns was so embarrassed by the unusually keen interest shown.

"Oh, well then," he said slowly, "let me think about it.. the Chamber of Secrets.." As you must all know, Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago—the exact date is uncertain ——The founders were the four greatest witches and wizards of the time. Four houses are named after them: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. They built the castle together, away from the prying eyes of Muggles, because, in those days, people were afraid of magic, and witches and wizards were persecuted a lot. "

Professor Binns paused, looked around the classroom with blurred vision, and continued: "In the first few years, several founders worked harmoniously together, looking around for young people who showed signs of magic, and brought them to the castle. Nurture well. But slowly they have differences. The rift between Slytherin and the others is growing. Slytherin wants Hogwarts to be more selective. He thinks magical education Should only be confined to purely magical families. He was reluctant to accept Muggle-born children, believing them to be unreliable. After a few days, Slytherin and Gryffindor had a heated argument over this issue, and then Slater Lin left the school."

Professor Binns paused again and pursed his lips like a wrinkled old turtle.

"Reliable historical sources tell us this," he said, "but the sheer truth is overshadowed by a bizarre legend about the Chamber of Secrets. The story says that Slytherin built a secret room in the castle, and other founders are ignorant of this.

"According to the legend, Slytherin sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that no one could open it until his true heir came to the school. Only that heir could open the Chamber of Secrets, release the horrors inside, and let it purify the school. , remove all those who are not worthy of learning magic."

When the story was over, the class fell silent, but not the drowsy silence of the usual Professor Binns class. Everyone continued to stare at him, hoping that he would continue to speak. The atmosphere was disturbing, and Professor Binns seemed slightly annoyed.

Augustus chuckled lightly. It was completely incompatible with the history of the secret room he knew. No matter who was the successor, it was of no importance to him. A mage with half a foot in the realm of the gods is meaningless at all. One step in the realm of the gods, one step in the world, even if Salazar is resurrected, there is only one more legend in the world. In this life, what he pursues is the illusory realm that no one can reach. Other than that, everything is just a passing glimpse.