
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs


For this absurd test, Augustus had to raise the white flag. Even if he had read this person's writings, how could Augustus, who only wanted to construct a comprehensive magic system in this world, spend his energy remembering these things? So, almost logically, Augustus handed in nothing.

"Tsk tsk - almost no one remembers my favorite lilac color. I mentioned it in "Year with the Yeti". A few students need to read it carefully - I am tenth in the book Chapter 2 made it clear that my ideal birthday gift is that all magicians and non-magic people live in harmony - Wan Lun, a port city in southwestern Thailand.

I wouldn't say no to a big bottle of Ogden Aged Heat Whiskey though!"

He winked mischievously at them again. Unexpectedly, this ridiculous teacher's birthday ideal is to see Muggles and wizards living in harmony. This coincides with Dumbledore's view. Is this why Dumbledore chose him? Contribute to building a harmonious society of Muggle wizards and wizards? Augustus pondered maliciously.

Now, let's get down to business.." He bent down and took out a large cage covered with a cloth from behind the podium and placed it on the table.

"Now - beware! My job is to teach you to defend against the worst things the wizarding world has ever known! You face the most horrific things in this classroom. But remember, as long as I'm here, you won't be any harm will be done. I just ask you to remain calm."

Malfoy involuntarily stuck his head out from behind a pile of books to get a good look at the cage. Lockhart put a hand on the hood, and the smile on Lillian's face stopped, and Antonio shrank back.

"I must ask you not to scream," said Lockhart in a low voice, "that would irritate them!"

The class held their breaths, and Lockhart lifted the hood.

"Yes," he said playfully. "The Cornish elf just caught."

Antonio couldn't help but let out a sneer, and even Lockhart couldn't have thought it was a scream of horror.

"What?" He smiled and sniffed Antonio.

"Well, they're not—they're not very—dangerous, are they?" Antonio burst out laughing.

"Don't be so sure!" said Lockhart, shaking his finger at him angrily. "They could be as cunning little saboteurs as the card devil!"

These pixies were livid, about eight inches tall, with small pointed faces and very sharp, piercing voices, like many budgerigars arguing. As soon as the hood was removed, they started chattering, jumping up and down, shaking the cages, and making all kinds of weird faces at the people nearby.

"Okay," said Lockhart loudly, "see what you do with them!" He opened the cage door.

This is messed up. Pixies fly around like rockets. Two of them grabbed Pansy by the ears and lifted him. A few others rushed out the window and smashed glass in the back row of the classroom. The rest wreak havoc in the classroom more than a rhino on a rampage. They grabbed ink bottles and splashed them at the class, ripping books and papers to shreds, ripping off pictures from the walls, flipping waste bins upside down, and throwing school bags and textbooks out of broken windows. A few minutes later, half of the class was hiding under the desk, Neville swinging on the chandelier. "Come on, get 'em, get 'em, they're just little fairies..." Lockhart called. He rolled up his sleeves, waved his wand, and shouted, "Pesch Pixie Pestnomie!"

To no avail, an elf grabbed Lockhart's wand and threw it out the window, too. Lockhart gasped and slipped under the podium table, nearly being smashed by Neville because the chandelier fell out of force in almost the same second.

"Don't panic." Augustus' calm voice came from the back of the classroom. This voice seemed to have magic power. The Slytherin students instantly calmed down in this voice, and everyone looked at them with expectant eyes. Augustus, even Lockhart, whose hair was messed up by the elf, stuck his head out from under the podium table and looked over.

Augustus stretched out his silver magic wand and pointed it in the air. From the magic wand, countless light-transforming eagles were transformed. The whole body of the eagles radiated pure white light and spread their wings in the sky. The elf flew away like a predator, the keen light eagle flew quickly in the sky, and its sharp claws tightly grasped the struggling elf. After a while, the elf in the entire classroom was caught in the cage. Inside, as the last elf was locked in, the entire classroom finally returned to calm.

Lockhart also let out a sigh of relief. At this time, his hair stood up like a chicken coop, and two cuts on his face were scratched by the elf, but it was amazing that his expression was still as arrogant as ever, as if just now. Everything is his achievement, he cleared his throat "Uh, very good, Augustus did a good job, giving others a chance to behave is always what a gentleman does, if I intervened just now, this farce can be solved in an instant. , but I still gave Augustus students a chance to perform, and this is the spirit you will learn in the future. Cough," Seemingly feeling the strange expressions of the students below, he paused, "Okay, today's class is all about Here, you go back and write me a paper on the habits and attack patterns of the terrifying elves you encountered today, if you encounter these terrifying creatures next time, you won't be as busy as you are today." Finished, Lockhart glanced at everyone and left the classroom with his head held high.

"Can you imagine that there are such scumbags in our wizarding world?" Walking in the corridor, Lilian had an angry look on her face, and her lips turned into a contemptuous arc.

"Come on, I must write a letter to my father when I look back. Now Hogwarts dares to let anyone go. If he can be a teacher, I don't think it is impossible to be the headmaster at my level. Matter." Malfoy sighed lazily, and the few Slytherin students next to him who heard him walked away with strange expressions.

"The level of this teacher is indeed questionable. If he did not have some poor magic reserves, I would doubt whether he is a squib. These little elves are not difficult for a most ordinary adult wizard. He is today. His performance is remarkable, the encounters in the autobiography he wrote are impossible based on his performance today." Augustus came to a conclusion about this absurd teacher, and Malfoy Lilian all With a look of approval.

That person is still plotting a comeback, the notebook that Lucius threw to Ginny, which Augustus has not yet figured out, that evil legendary atmosphere. In this troubled time, what did Dumbledore mean by choosing this person to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher? The sky outside the corridor window has turned a little yellow, and the setting sun has dyed the horizon red.