
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

Deep In The Forbidden Forest

At night, Augustus passed through the Slytherin common room, passed several escalators floating in the air, and came to the entrance of the auditorium hall. Under the action of the eye of inquiry, Harry and Ron were wearing invisible clothes in a corner. Looking around. "Are you ready?" A voice sounded in Harry's ears, Harry looked around, and Augustus' figure gradually emerged from the air, Harry also took off his invisibility cloak, and Ron appeared in the open space.

"Everything is almost done, let's go now." Augustus motioned to Harry, and several people disappeared into the air again and walked outside the school.

The journey through the castle is also very difficult, and you have to do everything possible to avoid the teacher. At last, they reached the foyer, slipped behind the locks of the two oak gates, squeezed through the cracks, trying not to squeak, and came to the moonlit field.

"How," said Ron suddenly, as they strode through the dark grass, "we may be in the woods and I won't have anything to follow at all. The spiders probably never got there. You know, they seemed to be moving in that direction at the time, but..."

"Since Hagrid said to follow the spiders, let's find the spiders according to the literal meaning, and then follow them to see if the clue is hidden in the spider's lair." Augustus didn't hesitate and directly proposed.

Harry and Ron nodded, and the three continued to look for the spider's footprint.

Harry took out his wand and murmured, "Flickering!" and there was a thin beam of light from the head of the wand, just enough for them to see if there were any spiders on the road.

"Good idea," said Ron, "I want my wand to light up too, but you know, if you don't get it right it will explode.."

Harry tapped Ron on the shoulder and pointed to the grass. Two solitary spiders were hurriedly fleeing the light of the wand into the dark shadow of a tree.

"Okay," Ron sighed, as if facing the worst, "I'm ready. Let's go."

The three of Augustus followed the spider closely and began to enter the Forbidden Forest.

By the light of Harry's wand, they followed the spiders that kept crawling down the path. After walking for about 20 minutes, no one said a word, only listening carefully to see if there were any other sounds other than the sound of branches breaking and leaves rustling. Then the trees grew thicker, and the stars above were no longer visible. Harry's wand shimmered alone in the endless darkness when they found the spider guides veering off the path.

Augustus stopped, and now the director of the spider's movement is outside the range illuminated by the little light, and everything else is a darkness that can't reach his fingers. The last time they went into the Forbidden Forest was when they met Voldemort, and they had never gone so deep into the middle of the woods before. Hagrid had warned them not to stray from the wood's path. But Hagrid was thousands of miles away, probably sitting in Azkaban's cell, and he had said he would follow the spider.

Harry asked in a sullen voice in the Invisibility Cloak, "What should I do? Are you still chasing? If you chase again, you will deviate from the path of the Forbidden Forest, and you don't know what you will encounter in that direction."

Augustus pondered for a moment, and then said to the two of Harry, "Going deeper into the Forbidden Forest will indeed encounter unpredictable dangers, I decided to go further, whether you are still coming, you must know that I am not necessarily the danger in it. I can keep you both safe."

"Since we're here, we can't give up halfway, let's go on," Ron said directly without any hesitation.

Augustus nodded, and they followed the shadow of the spider into the bushes. They couldn't go very fast now, and there were roots and stumps everywhere, blocking the way and barely visible in the near-black light. They were forced to stop more than once, and Harry crouched down and searched for the spider with the light of his wand.

It seemed that they had been walking for at least half an hour, and their clothes were often caught by low branches and thorny vines. After a while, they noticed that the ground seemed to be sloping down, even though the trees were still as thick as before.

Augustus stopped suddenly, emerged from the air, and raised his hand to signal Ron and Harry to stop. Harry came out of the invisibility cloak and followed Augustus' slightly dignified eyes to look not far away, there was an endless darkness, and nothing could be found.

"What?" Ron exclaimed, peering into the darkness, and grabbing Harry's elbow.

"Something is moving in there," Harry gasped. "Look... like a big guy."

They listened carefully. Some distance to their right, the big thing was cutting its way through the bushes, breaking countless branches.

At this moment, on their right, a dazzling light suddenly lit up, dazzling in the darkness, and both raised their hands to block their eyes. Fang Ya roared and tried to escape, but was caught by a thorn and screamed louder.

"Harry!" Ron called, his voice choked with relief. "Harry, it's our car!"

''What?'' 'Come on!'

"So it's been here all along!" said Ron delightedly, walking around the car. "Look at it, the woods have made it wild..." The car's wings were scraped and covered in mud. It had developed a habit of moving around the woods alone. Fang didn't seem interested in it at all; Follow Harry closely. Harry could feel it shaking. Harry's breathing slowly calmed down again, and he retracted his wand into his robe.

"We thought it was going to attack us!" said Ron, leaning back on the car and patting it. "I never knew where it went!"

Augustus patted his forehead helplessly. It was not just a car that made him act so cautiously. He raised his wand, and a dazzling ball of light rose into the sky, illuminating most of the glade. , so Harry and Ron finally saw another thing hidden in the darkness.

Ron didn't speak or move. His eyes were fixed on Harry's back, ten feet above the ground. His face was ashen, and fear was written vividly.

Harry turned and stared in horror at what was in front of him, and saw the guy who had grabbed him had six bizarrely long, hairy legs, and two more tightly clamped in front of him, with A pair of large, shiny black stingers.

Before Augustus could raise his wand, he heard a loud crack, and suddenly Harry felt a long, furry thing pick him up by the waist, and make him hang facedown in the air. He struggled, terrified when he heard the clicking again, and he saw Ron's legs leave the ground too.

Then the monster did the same and was about to grab Augustus. To Harry and Ron, it was strange that Augustus didn't do anything and let the giant spider grab him directly. The spider that grabbed the three of them began to quickly crawl deeper into the Forbidden Forest. The dark forbidden forest, the unknown in the depths, is like a hospitable host, welcoming the reckless visit of the three.