
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · Films
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85 Chs

Dark Prelude

Time flies and the exam that everyone thought would come for a long time came quietly before everyone could catch it. The weather was very sultry, and it was even more uncomfortably hot in the large classroom where everyone answered questions. The teacher gave everyone new quill pens, especially for exams, all with anti-cheating spells. As for the part of the written test, Augustus had no suspense and answered easily and happily. The theoretical knowledge of each subject was like a memory palace imprinted in his mind for Augustus. The huge palace included almost Hogwarts. All the theoretical content of most of the subjects, for a person who wants to explore the entire magic system of this world, all kinds of complicated theoretical knowledge are undoubtedly indispensable.

There are also practical exams. Professor Flitwick told them to walk into the classroom one by one to see if they could tap a pineapple across a desk. Professor McGonagall watched them turn a rat into a snuff box - the more elaborate the box, the higher the score; if the box still had a rat's whiskers on it, points were deducted. Whether directing a pineapple to dance, or turning a cute mouse into a small snuff box, Augustus sees no difficulty in handling it. I believe that any first-year student who has studied hard for two months can do it perfectly. a little. As for the potion test for preparing forgetting potions in Potions, it is too simple. The whole procedure only needs to be done one by one in a monotonous and repetitive manner, and then the potion production process can be completed.

This world is still too peaceful and peaceful, and most wizards have peace of mind in their bones. If it is in the original world of Augustus, even a first-year freshman who has just entered the Magic Academy will need to form a team at the end of the term. Or enter the dangerous wild jungle alone to hunt low-level monsters. The fundamental composition system and values ​​of the two worlds have caused such a big difference. It does not mean which world is more dominant, whether it is based on the law of the jungle. The world where strength is paramount, or the world of humanities and technology with strict rules, both have their unique advantages.

The final exam is the history of magic. Just stick with it for another hour and figure out which eccentric old wizard invented the self-stirring cauldron, and they'll be free to play for a whole week without any hassle until the exam results are announced. Malfoy couldn't help cheering along with the rest of the class when Professor Binns' ghost told them to put down their quills and roll up the parchment for the answering questions.

"It's easier than I thought," Malfoy said in a high-pitched voice as they joined the crowd to the sunny field outside: "Just watch silly Neville scratching his head in the exam room. , my answer speed can be improved a lot in an instant, what a pleasant test, Neville's existence is like an oasis in the desert, he may not realize how much help he is to us."

"Malfoy, you have a soft spot for Neville. His weak and pitiful figure must make you full of protection for no reason. Let me guess when it started. That encounter that originated from the memory ball? You Desperately protecting that memory ball in front of Harry, is everything already planned?" Lillian said something that made Malfoy blush with a smile in her eyes.

"Lillian, stop laughing at Draco. No one has the right to question the person involved for such a wonderful thing as love." Augustus added lazily, and Malfoy suddenly felt that the world collapsed in an instant.

"This exam is really easy." Not far away, the three of Harry were passing by them, Hermione had a slightly proud look on her face, "I don't need to memorize the '1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct. , and what happened to the Pixie Rebellion."

Malfoy looked at the three of them who didn't notice them, a hint of joy flashed in his gray-blue pupils, it was time to move the target, and it was not his style to just let this opportunity go.

"Weasley, after the exams are over, are you going to go back to your pigsty-like home? In my opinion, you might as well drop out of school early and join Hagrid to be a Hogwarts key keeper and earn a little more money. Paying for your family with a meager salary would at least be better than a house elf, wouldn't it?" Malfoy said casually to Ron in front of him in a long tone.

The three of Harry stopped, and Ron's face flushed red, looking at the arrogant Malfoy, clenching his fists tightly.

"What? I want to do it. Isn't the lesson I taught you at midnight last time enough? Do you want to continue to experience my superb magic skills?" The rookies like Leigh and Ron can't solve it yet, which is insulting to his hard work during this period.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Harry's face, "Malfoy, you don't understand, after so many things, after seeing Mr. Augustus and Voldemort fighting, you still haven't found your place. Is it so naive and ridiculous? If that man made a comeback and led his Death Eaters to come back, do you think you could still laugh at your classmates and other people's families as unscrupulously as you are now? To be honest, you are just an A canary that never grows up in a cage."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Harry to say such a thing, reflecting the angry and cold look on Malfoy's face "It's ridiculous, savior, a boy who survived, do you think Can you stop that person from coming back with your power? Why do you think I'm just a flower living in a greenhouse, you can't see all the efforts I've made, just a simple duel, you can't beat me, how are you qualified to face that person? In the face of absolute power, all the little tricks you secretly do are jokes."

Harry pushed his glasses calmly: "No matter what, we will try our best to do what we can, no matter the result, as long as we have paid for it and fought hard, we will not regret it. For you, Slytherins are probably Incomprehensible. Goodbye."

The sun crossed the treetops, and the three of Harry gradually walked away. The blue sky was refracted on the calm green lawn. Malfoy still had a proud expression on his face, turned silently, and left in the other direction.

Augustus narrowed his eyes slightly, with a warm smile on the corners of his mouth. The growth of a young man is indeed a joyous thing. No matter what awaits them ahead, fearless teenagers always bring surprises.